27 hours in and i won my first game v. Solo only, how'd i do?
27 hours in and i won my first game v. Solo only, how'd i do?
First you lost by buying an unfinished game.
Secondly, you just hid for 25m and got lucky.
You could have done something fun during that time.
>Playing awful games
>playing games
Better than me
Start cheating
>tfw i like the doc
Im actually getting triggered over all these pre-teens "i would never cheat! REEE fuck him, i hope he dies, he needs to die!". cheating is not as black and white as all these people want it to be
Fucking awful, even DSP won his 2nd game of PUBG
t. cheater
Sometimes it's hard for me to believe the DSP is a real human who makes real currency for playing videogames.
Do people pay just to watch this human trashfire burn? Or are there people who genuinely think his work has value outside of humor?
It's funny that he of all people is trying to do the "Positive Streamer" thing now.
My dad is the result of cheating, same is my mom. My dad cheated on my mom when i was younger, both my brothers have been cheated on, and cheated themselfs, same with me.
Comming from a family thats infested with this cancer i know for a fact that its not as easy as people want it to be. I feel sorry for the doc, hes a good dude it seems and the emotions he was showing in the clip where he explains why hes taking some time off was real, and i know that feeling, and it fucking sucks
He's doing the best he can.
He made a mistake and he obviously is paying for it, absolutely crazy that he would tell his whole fanbase though.
>brainlet forgot to censor bottom
Hello lewster2 :^)
For something as common as infidelity, I don't why he's getting so much shit heaped on him. He committed a crime worth a few lashings and yet he got a solid month of people calling for his head.
Do people have no mercy? Do they not understand that people make mistakes? Punish him sure, but to try and bury the guy as hard as everyone is; it's excessive. Mountains out of mole hills.
Yeah. That was a mistake, he could just have made a twitter post with "There is some shit right now and i need to spend some time with my family and close once. Thanks for understanding". Would have been much better, his kid is gonna grow up and finding this clip, and people on twitch will never let this go, its gonna take years until he will be nominated for awards and shit again too
ur a gay german. also stop playing csgo.
duh people cheat. Dont hang around em and you wont get hurt
I have no clue why people who watch him cares, they dont know him peronaly nor his wife.
He did a bad thing, fine, he didnt kill anyone or rape a kid. He cheated on his wife, its shit but let it go.
Nah, the twitch community would have had a witch hunt for why he was taking time off and it would have looked worse for him when they found out.
A guy livestreamed him cheating, so the internet would find out eventually.
Really think people blew the situation out of proportion though.
Holy shit, is he a giant or she just small?
you guys are right, im a brainlet
add me and maybe we can play duos
>is he a giant
Sorry I don't follow eceleb shit but did this dude cheat in a video game or in real life because I don't give a shit about either but it seems to me the latter is far less important for his image.
yeah, at the end of the day it is his private life. The only reason anyone knows or should know is because he is taking a break from streaming to deal with it but at the end of the day he is just an entertainer and his private life should stay private
Pretty bad considering you A) bought the game and B) didn't immediately realize you should refund it.
he cheated on his wife and told everybody on stream that he did
>cheating is not as black and white as all these people want it to be
it is. you either cheat or you don't cheat you retard
real life, I dont follow this type of shit either and honestly people are making a huge deal out of something that is none of their fucking business
>A guy livestreamed him cheating
Got the clip?
Also livestreamed it, as in, did he just make out with her? Or did they actually fuck? If they only made out and nothing more then there is literally no reason for any of this
stop being a cuck
well I actually bought it with the intent of refunding it until I couldn't stop playing and realized that I would definitely get my moneys worth based on playtime by hour. Also take into account the type of play this is, no other game I've ever played has made me feel like I do in this game, it really gets your blood pumping
It's a clip of doc talking to a girl at twitchcon, and the average twitch viewer is an autistic virgin who thinks that they were flirting.
You have never been in a relationship, thats for sure.
>dr disrespect my wife
he got a giant dick and he's been pipin' down all kinds of hoes
>Figuring out how to change it to ADS on hold RMB
I've gotten so many more kills by doing this shit it's insane
lmao you serious?
>Do they not understand that people make mistakes?
How in the FUCK is infidelity a mistake? "Whoops my dick fell in to you random twitch whore I found at TwitchCon hope my wife and children don't find out lol"
>Mom i said the word again
I too say unrelating stuff in conversations to seem awkward and socially inept
Your family is just fucked up and their kids learned by example.
hows the 11th grade treatin ya?
>Game is a buggy and laggy mess
>All it takes to die is being seen by someone before you see them, which can be at any point once you hit ground because 99% of the map is open fields with no cover
Congrats on the win, but the game is almost entirely random. It still takes some effort to make it to the top 10, but no amount of skill will save you from that one guy already camping the house in the last circle who's sniping everyone running to the last safezone. Just one of a dozen scenarios that the game has no way to balance out, so feel good you won the coin toss this time, might not happen again for a while.
t. triggered cheating roasties
Your autism is flaring up
The rebuttal of champions.
>get a girlfriend
>have a female name in your phone
>receive and send a text to said female in front of your girlfriend
Watch what fucking happens. I'm sure this guy did something far worse but the world is not so black and white.
>0 kills
what the fuck? did the last guy kill himself?
I agree but it's still fun as fuck, I play games to have fun, not to get better. If I get better while having fun or as a result of trying to get more fun out of the game then that's great but being good at a video game is a pretty useless skill in real life so if I'm not having fun it doesn't matter
>hasn't killed anyone
>hasn't even shot anyone
This has to be shopped, right?
Okay so what's cheating?
Just fucking someone else?
Getting your dick sucked by someone else?
Going down on someone else?
Getting jerked off by someone else?
Getting someone else off with your hand?
Masturbating in front of someone else consensually?
Watching someone else masturbate in front of you?
Consensual groping of someone else?
Allowing yourself to be groped by someone else?
Making out with someone else?
Cuddling with someone else?
Holding hands with someone else?
Flirting with someone else?
Making sexual implications and innuendo with someone else?
Making sexual jokes with someone else?
Talking with someone else?
Smiling at someone else?
Looking at someone else?
Thinking of sexual contact with someone else?
Thinking of hanging out with someone else?
Thinking of someone else?
Where are we drawing your line today, sir?
>Where are we drawing your line today, sir?
Actually laughed, as most people just move the bar to fit their experiance to make it seem worse then it is
He has a wife and daughter and fucked someone else.
I honestly don't know why I keep playing it. It makes me mad every single time. I played CS at a high level and some deaths there just made me go "well that's absolute bullshit". But PUBG must be the only fucking game that can keep people playing it where 99% of deaths isn't caused by the skill of the other player or a mistake from you but by pure fucking bullshit.
And that fucking kill cam hasn't helped at all. Now when you go "HOW THE FUCK DID HE DO THAT" or "HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN" and you look at the kill cam it just poses more questions on how the guy that is looking 105 degrees to your right and is shooting in to a wall is killing you.
Everything above making jokes is cheating.
It's not a fuzzy line at all.
>i'm bad so i declare skill useless
lol retarded shitter
>tfw didn't fall for the PUBG meme
feels good
by playing cs at a high level i hope you don't mean pugging on esea/open or some shit
So thinking about spending what should be the ultimately intimate thing between yourself and your partner instead with someone else isn't cheating?
Wow, you're going to make a great husband, user.
Do you think most drug addicts started with the intent to fuck up their lives? Or to escape something for awhile?
Thats what cheating is to alot of people. No one knows what was going on between him and his wife, and after afew drinks maybe he just wanted to escape his real life and lead the life his persona would lead, just for afew hours?
You are fucking retarded.
>fell for the 'lurking threads of games i dont like and virtue signaling' meme instead
does it?
Is porn cheating?
you have to have a girlfriend first before you can even think about cheating you virgin faggots
Lmao what? How are video games a useful skill if you aren't pro.
And to follow that, how many people actually go fucking pro out of how many people just play the game for fun? How many people even want to go pro?
He was probably hiding all game and at the end shot in the direction of some guy who probably freaked out and stayed out of zone to long.
>pubg thread is also a e-celeb thread
Shit attracts flies.
The reason why people care so much is because he has a fucking kid. Even a degenerate like me thinks that's disgusting behavior
It's not cheating because you haven't acted on it, retard.
Its no different to thinking about stealing something or killing someone vs actually doing it.
Impulse control kid.
>The reason why people care so much is because
because hes some video game playing guy. a million people cheat every minute you dont care.
there's so much dumb fuckery in this thread its not a surprise only children and autists play this game
I watched the stream that goes around to people about to win. most the PC players were getting shot by hackers getting 3 head shots in a row from long distances. Then it goes to Xbox where everyone is trying to run each other over and spraying bullets everywhere but not hitting anything. Most of them choke when they see they're being watched by hundreds of people all of the sudden. All of it is comedy gold.
DSP, widely considered the worst gamer of all time, won the second game he played, he also didn't get a single kill. You're a fucking casual.
Absolutely, and it's something every couple should discuss.
>Its no different to thinking about stealing something or killing someone vs actually doing it.
These aren't healthy things either what the fuck user
>Just fucking someone else?
>Getting your dick sucked by someone else?
>Going down on someone else?
>Getting jerked off by someone else?
>Getting someone else off with your hand?
>Masturbating in front of someone else consensually?
>Watching someone else masturbate in front of you?
>Consensual groping of someone else?
>Allowing yourself to be groped by someone else?
>Making out with someone else?
>Cuddling with someone else?
>Holding hands with someone else?
>Flirting with someone else?
>Making sexual implications and innuendo with someone else?
>Making sexual jokes with someone else?
>Talking with someone else?
>Smiling at someone else?
>Looking at someone else?
>Thinking of sexual contact with someone else?
>Thinking of hanging out with someone else?
>Thinking of someone else?
You aren't an animal operating on instinct. You should have some fucking self-control.
>, widely considered the worst gamer of all time
it's an act, you stupid fucking idiot.
the guy got to high level tournaments in fighting games the mechanically hardest genre and you think he takes like 50 tries to do anything in games?
its a fucking character and stupid people like you fall for it hook line and sinker and give those views.
yh just like when he masterbated on stream, it's not that he's an actual fucking idiot
I think you're confusing the word "mistake" with the word "accident", Achmed
>Being such a weakling that you have to fuck other people to "escape" the person you took an oath to stay faithful to
Lmao give me a fucking break
Being this narrowminded
Better his fanbase finds out from him then from someone else later.
If it's an act, he is probably the smartest man of all time, nobody can fake this kind of complete idiocy for this long.
being good is rather fun, i'm sorry you can't experience that but some people are competitive. if you only do what is "useful" in life you must be one extremely boring motherfucker
>believing an obvious lie that even a child could rationalize is a lie
im not so sure who the real idiot is here user
being forgetful/absentminded is something completely different from video game skill btw
he got to high level of fighting game tournaments he isnt bad at games lol its a fucking act that stupid ass children fell for
Alright so obviously you didn't read my original post because I stated exactly what you just said using different words
Kissless virgin here. Who don't people in couple just talk it out when they feel the need to cheat? Wouldn't it fix most problems or you faggots just prefer to live a lie to save face?
>defending dsp
jesus christ, you're an even bigger retard than he is
i don't think you follow
And I feel the same way, so I guess we're just going to have to stop arguing then
Its not always that easy to talk to your significant other about everything. And if there are problems in the realtionship there can sometimes take way longer then it should before any of you actually start talking about it so you can start fixing it. And its at that point its very easy to just chat some random girl or guy up at a bar or whatever, after awhile you push the limit just abit at the time, eventually you somehow manage to justify the act in the moment, but regret it as soon as its over.
tl:dr Relationships are hard, its not as black and white as people want it to be
Because most of the time it doesn't actually fix anything in the long-term.
Let's hypothetically just say I have a girlfriend who I've told multiple times I'm frustrated with the number of times we have sex (1-3 times a month). Every time I bring it up, I'm told a multitude of reasons why I'm a bad person for making her feel bad for bringing up our increasingly sexless relationship.
Let's continue the hypothetical by assuming that things do get better and sex increases; this is usually temporary. Most of the time it will once again tamper off back to 1-3 a month until I - hypothetically - bring it back up again, only to get into another argument and made to feel guilty - however, ultimately, getting desired results after her realizing she's being an unreasonable bitch.
That gets hypothetically exhausting, so why fucking bother with something that she doesn't hypothetically want to fix when I can just hypothetically go get some hypothetically somewhere else that's not going to hypothetically make me get into an argument every other hypothetical month.
Of course, this is all hypothetical.
Adding onto this if you have such trust issues with your gf that she panics whenever you text someone with a female name then you need to set some serious boundaries
Seems hypothetically exhausting. I hypothetically hope she's hypothetically worth the trouble, user.
>Omg are you cheating on me?
>You are cheating, fucking hell
>fucking cheater
>Why dont you want me to check your phone?
>If your not cheating let me see your phone
Trust issues cant be fixed, ditch or accept that you cant have opposite gender friends
Oh played your hand a little early
>not a female so Sup Forums is defending him even though he has a wife and child
definitely not misogynist hypocrites, nope