Check catalog

>check catalog
>no santa hat thread
Time for a santa hat thread.
Post steam avatars you want santa hats on. I have a quota to meet.

Other urls found in this thread:





Post more avatars, if I don't meet my quota Santa will beat me.

How many santa hats do you have? I need to expand my collection. I only have a few.

Here's my collection

Hat me, boys.


>check catalog
You mean you don't always use catalog?


Merry Christmas anons




He's a real elf now.

This really activated my almonds

>check my steam profile
>it's the same santa hat profile pic I've had two years straight

Only if I'm looking for something specific



thanks user

you too user


thank you


no problem anons











Please you magnificent man



thanks a bunch

Forgot to mention it but thank you so much for doing this OP! I love you!






Fucking beautiful. Thank you friend.


Hey, that's pretty good.





Much appreciated


Thanks dude

Didn't think you'd be able to do the triangle head. Well done OP! Thanks!



thanks bro




Please & danke


Thanks! You're the best!

thanks man




You're pretty good OP





thanks, my dood!




Here's a challenge.

too many heads user




thanks senpai

You're a sweetheart.


made this the other night





I don't understand the point of this but make sure you pass your genes OP


Thank you user. Could you do this one as well?

What now?

thanks, santa hat man
