This is the worst year in the history of video games

This is the worst year in the history of video games.

you mean 2017

unironically not a single game i liked and dont even bother listing ur anime jap garbage

2013-2015 were all worse

>Not a single game I liked
Sounds like a (you) problem

name some good non-jap games that came out this year

>implying we haven't had a decade of rapid decline with few nuggets of gold spread out here and there


name some good non-jap games that came out this gen



Why do you hate japanese games so much user, are you jealous they know how to make better ganes than the west?

rainbow six
dying light

ok i guess that counts but i didnt like it

You mean 2013?

>Xbox brand gets pretty tarnished
>Sony falls for the paid online meme
>MOBAs begin influencing everything
>SJWs start gaining more prominence
>Sup Forums posters started to become paranoid of memes

Divinity: Original Sin 2, Cuphead.. Crash Bandicoot? yeah good non-jap games are very rare

>generic hacknslay with shit anime graphics
>turn based garbage
>fapbait vns

yeah jap games suck

>reddit games
opinion discarded

2014 was the worst, the best games were GTAV and TLoU for ps4.

>shadow of mordor and dishonored winnging GOTY

That was an awful year. At least we got bloodborne in 2015

Cuphead, Horizon Zero Dawn, PUBG

>le reddit xD
The fact that you rely on what reddit dislikes as a reason to like games makes you and your worthless opinion completely irrelevant. You have to go back.

Then fuck you, user, stop being so jaded. There were good games, no matter what country they come from.

You sound like a fun person

Is there a list of major video game releases per year? Looking through wikipedia lists is pain because it lists all sorts of stupid shit like literally pony games and such.

2014 was objectively FAR worse in almost every way possible. It was the year mobile shit was everywhere with ignorant normies and free to play MOBA shit took over the internet whilst consoles starved for releases and had to sustain themselves on HD re-releases upon mass.

i have 1000 hours in r6 just because there are no other good games are coming out.

>Horizon Zero Dawn, PUBG


You are the cancer killing Sup Forums. Critique the games instead of resorting to a logical fallacy.