What are you going to play on christmas, Sup Forums?

What are you going to play on christmas, Sup Forums?

Hopefully doom or quake.


russian roulette with a 1911 in 10mm

Probably FFXIV or Sleeping Dogs. Maybe Shenmue like I used to.

I'll end up playing something and then switching to Deathsmiles an hour in and just playing that for hours

MH:W beta

I play TF2 every Christmas, Turbine only servers. It's like a sad tradition for me now but the people who are online Christmas day are normally really nice and we all give gifts

Same thing as you, OP.

Is this DLC? I've never seen that place before.

Nothing, it's disrespectful.

>Sleeping Dogs
My nigga


Not on Christmas but I usually play this around the time.

Its still the best "GTA clone" and actually better then almost all GTA games besides maybe Vice City.

It's my 5th favorite game of all time. I've bought it on every platform I could.

>tfw there will never be a sequel

you know i've been sleeping on that game for a while but I just might try it now after reading this. I think I actually bought it on Steam for $5 or something a year ago but never got around to it.

Elite Dangerous

That's the new area in 1.8. They added a sort of horde mode area in which you progress from area to area in between wave fights. West Side Pier is divided into 2 areas, north and south.

what did the update introduce, Ubisoft keeps making it a big deal

I'll be playing spending time with my loving family.

Monster Hunter World Beta on PS4

with my peenus weenus

Medal of Honor: Warfighter is back on the menu boys

doodle jump


Fixed a bunch of bugs, balanced stuff, added a new area for a horde mode, rejigged Dark Zone (you now have a PvP flag button), Underground got a facelift, made gear progression easier with optimization station (credits + division tech = upgrade a gear item's all stats slightly).

worth a reinstall if I absolutely hate pvp content?

Splinter Cell Blacklist is my vidya Die Hard.

Hopefully, BoTW

you have 0 need to do PVP for good gear. It's all voluntary.

Right now there's a world event going on that makes enemies explode on death and on higher difficulties, YOU explode (for damage, not instant fatality) when shot enough. You get special credits for high-end caches that can have "classified" tier gear and other shit.

The thing that has not changed is that everyone is farming LaRae.

It's one of my favourites too. I hate the idea of remasters since i still own my 360 but I still went and rebought it on PS4.
It's just a lovely game. Flawed, but still special. Fond memories of playing it over and over. On the 360 there was a glitch that essentially let you do a NG+, was pretty great.

Bought the gold edition when it was on sale.

Level 28, some frustrating moments where the enemies aim was really bullshit. Like they'd start hitting me before they would peak from cover.

I don't understand shit about the game, honestly. Crafting/performance mods and such. I just remember finding the Dark Zone lack luster all the way back in the open beta times.

I'd say yes, especially if you have friends to drag into it and/or you didn't do much of the end game.


Did they ever make riot shield a legit tank class or is it still DPS trumps all?

I'm like level 13 and these shitty forced "dungeons" with bosses that are just giant bullet sponges are fucking annoying.

Nothing, won't be at home.
Going to probably start playing some winter-themed games this week, though.

It doesn't get much better later on, honestly.

I mean, the base game is still fairly fun.

They buffed stamina. Gives you 30hp per stamina instead of the previous 15. Everyone is tankier. Shield guys can go stamina, electronics or both for tanking. The classified shield set rewards stamina builds though. I actually think the game has never been so build diverse as it is now. Tank/ stamina builds are viable in PvP as of now.

Max Payne 1 and 2 OP

You won't regret it.

Game has amazing setting, great characters, flawed but super fun gameplay, great story, and even feels You were gone too soon friend ;_;

I liked the game enough that I've bought it on every platform it released on in hopes to get a sequel.

That was obviously in vain but you know whatever. I've finished it on every platform as well so I got my monies worth.

Yeah it was shitty when I read the news United Front closed down. I was itching for a sequel too, even after they made that MMO that no one asked for I still had hope that after that, we'll get a proper sequel. Never came though.

>Duke saves Christmas by murdering feminists
Truly, this is /ourgame/ for the holidays.

That's nice user, i feel happy for you

Hello Darkness my old friend...

This game was pretty much a Mission Impossible movie.
>we're breaking into Iran
>everything goes to hell
>okay now we're breaking into GITMO HOLY SHIT

Loved it.


My Switch, gonna group up and play MK8D with all my friends on a comfy Christmas morning


I played on release and that's why I dropped it. Between the sponges, lack of progression, no real building and PVP being a wreck it was a sad season for the release. Ended up playing OW the game was so bad. I thought they were supposed to rebalance the PVE but I guess they didn't take it in the right direction which is unfortunate.

>the other guy starts throwing up

The amount of discussion in here about The Division is suspicious.

It's nearly 2018 and people still care about Ubisoft games? How many times do you people need to get your assholes torn to shreds by their massive prosthetic solid gold cock? Literal subhumans.

>don’t talk about that game I don’t like

You don't find it suspicious? Where does Ubisoft find you people, how much are they paying you to say this?

nothing, im going to be spending time with my family as you should

there was a free we last week and it's been on sales quite a lot these days
also people play video games you know

which doom?

my nigger

Probably Dark Souls III.

The game of hiding from my family until I can get back home again.

Probably beat the rest of Watch Dogs 2. Bought it last feb i think and never finished it. Recently got back into it but less intrigued by its story though.

>christmas themed weapon skin and clothes
How does one obtain these? Haven't played this game since launch.

>there was a free we last week and it's been on sales quite a lot these days
Ah, the penniless south americans and russians have been getting their filthy paws on that catastrophe of a game. That explains it.

I was gonna buy it and missed it fuck me it was only 18 dollars for complete edition. I played like 4 free weekends and had tons of fun

oh man, too bad you missed out on that ebin opportunity :^)

I guess you could always just throw your money directly into the toilet, flush it, and see if anything better floats back up.

Replaying FTL, gonna unlock all ships and achievements.
Also got SW:Battlefront 2 for nostalgia and space battles
Also I play a different ASSCREED each Christmas and this year its black flag

Since this is now a Division thread, I got to 250ish gear score, now what do? Also is the Survival DLC worth it? Looks fun.

good reddit filename
t. normalfags that dont have depression

Hopefully gundam versus if I get it for Christmas
Or kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 reMix

Arx Fatalis is my go to Xmas game

My brother.