The Japanese fanbase fucking loves Forces

The Japanese fanbase fucking loves Forces.

What's the Western fanbase's excuse? You're all a bunch of fucking niggers.

they also love suicide and getting cucked by the white man

sometimes I forget that japs even play sonic games
i've come to associate sonic with american kids and autists only

The Japanese love fermented soybeans, I couldn’t care less about what they think.

Japan has shit taste. This isn't anything new.

Forces is just another meh 3d sonic game. I don't think there's much to love or hate about it. It's just a meh game.


They also love Metroid Other M, I'm glad Nintendo even stopped listening to them in terms of the direction of mainline Metroid games. Japan has shit taste.

>japanese fanbase
you mean the 2 or 3 autists?

there were like 7 players who did the time attack in that video

>sometimes I forget that japs even play sonic games
They don't.

>Good taste
uh lmao?

they refuse to play mania because its made by filthy gajins

>shit taste central fucking loves Sonic Forces
Am I supposed to surprised here? Thank God Japs are the minority when it comes to Sonic fans.

Good, Mania is ass.

and Forces is shit

so forces came from mania?

Explain why, or you're a low IQ nigger

Mania ties into Forces so I guess that kinda makes sense.


I guess we have taste.

I asked first you nigger.

Nobody needs to explain what was explained hundreds of times before and after Force's release Go use the archives or read reviews you brainlet.

Didn't the japs also think hedgehogs with sub machine guns was a cool idea? They're still suffering from the radiation.

I had Fistbump playing really loud when I pulled into work the other day. My boss overheard it and asked "Hey man, that's a cool sound, what is that?" and I had to explain what this game is to someone who barely knows what Sonic is in the first place.

Forces was dope

you made the claim first

I bet you literally have a piece of shit inside your head that functions as a would-be brain. Your romhack fucking sucks you brain dead retard.

I have a bunch of valid complaints to say about Mania, but I've never heard a valid complaint about Forces that wasn't inhumanely retarded. So, I implore you to tell me why you piece of shit

>I have a bunch of valid complaints to say about Mania
Such as?
>inb4 le romhack maymay

Good taste.
Forces wasnt that bad, I just wonder why the fuck shadow controls the best out of all characters, and why level design for modern sonic was so shit.
I think if they'll fix that, controls, and slightly change the story to give answers to things that just don't make sense itd be the best sonic game up to date.
Not everyone wants a sonic game like this. I just want a new sonic game that has boost formula that doesn't suck dick. Forces almost had it down. Almost. But all other issues made it shit.
They l just should have copy paste generations physics and controls

see Answer that first, brainlet

Reminder that they made Forces brain dead stupid on purpose because the nips are all boostfags.

>Sup Forums is unironically defending forces now

Japanese gamers have become a bunch of casuals in recent years. No surprise they finally like Sonic when the levels are literally straight lines of boosting now.

>Japanese fanbase

All 5 of them?

It's just that one turbo giga autist.

well, that's how they see the world around them, it's no wonder they suck at driving

>still pinned

Meanwhile in the nipland they barely acknowledge it, must sting to have americans make a better game than you. I'd sooner read one of the rebooted comic stories than any story SoJ wants for Sonic, they're the morons behind stupid shit like Colors and Lost World and their disgusting love affair with Zavok, why the hell is he so fucking popular over there?

So wait, does this mean that the reason Japs can't make good Sonic games is because they all think the bad Sonic games are good?


They don't care about Sonic.

Mania is ass.

Japs also love Silver and Sonic 06
They cant be trusted.

They seem to think Blaze is a kudere,too.

Why, you wouldn't kiss a hedgehog will you

I always wondered what Sonic Adventure games in Japan are like? Do they get the same bullshit buttrock songs we did? I want to imagine some Japanese kid is playing a game while Live and Learn is blasting out the speakers and he doesn't understand a fucking word because its all in English

Im okay with this.

What's wrong with fermented soybeans?

>a few people on a shill stream act like they love something so the whole country must love it

Kino music is a universal language you cum guzzler

i played from start to finish on release day in one sitting and haven't felt any need to go back to it.


this is unironically true

Not that user, but I'll have a go at it.

>Short levels
>Broken levels (aqua road)
>Cringy story
>Shitty mid level unskippable cutscenes
>Shit bosses
>Classic sonic is irrelevant to story
>Airboost is OP
>Drill is OP (but fun)

Still had fun with the game though. Time attack challenges were the most fun overall.

>Still had fun with the game though.
So you do have low IQ

More like Japan never really liked Classic Sonic in the first place. It was never the big hit over there like it was in the West. They only ever saw him as a mascot in SEGA arcades.

>Eh, I'll give you this one
>Not a complaint
>Only Metal Sonic's sucks but that's only because he's a copy and paste of an earlier boss fight
>Not a complaint
>Not a complaint

Is that all you got, Mania shitters?

Aw, fuck. Now they're gonna make all their games like Forces, because fuck Americans and what they want.

This only makes Sup Forums's pathetic obsession with classic sonic even worse. You're fucking pathetic low IQ losers.

>You are only allowed to enjoy a 10/10 game with no flaws

Love you too user.

They don't like Modern Sonic that much better, don't get on a high horse now.

I tried to like Sonic Forces, I really did. The game is just incredibly boring. Levels are so short and require barely any thought or effort to complete. I don't understand how anyone could genuinely like this game.

>devs know you'll be spamming the boost button so they neglect giving any semblance of AI to the robots

Why are they so fucking racist?

t. Has never played Forces

>surprised that robots in the first fucking level of the game are easy to deal with

>are easy to deal with
user, that goes beyond being easy. They are just standing there.
At least motobug tried.

QTEs and cutscenes are shit because its completely boring when you're replaying a level to get a better time and u need to sit through them all. Metal sonic isnt the only repeated boss fight, and most fights are simply "avoid obstacles, boost to hit enemy" anyway. The rest i'll admit it was me nitpicking. Cheers user.

That whole "dropped some bombs on 'em" thing, I imagine. And that we've been keeping tabs on them ever since.

eat shit westfag

Did you like Lost World?

You don't need to learn a language to appreciate a song,user.

They had the same music, and Sonic throws English in his speech every now and then, because English is COOL

lol brainlet, even the originalg reen hill zone had enemies that at least posed a threat, such as the fishes, ladybugs, and flying robots. Forces is just shit all around.

I beat the game and got almost all the red rings. Levels are too short and are overly simplified. Wispons such as drill and hover make any challenge in avatar levels trivial. Classic sonic is botched. The best sonic level mortar canyon is not even a minute 30 long.

I forgot this game even existed.

Even motobugs fucking move dude

Lets hope everyone else does too.

Japanese gamers have lower standards.

I think we need to drop a third one on them.

you know you're wrong that's why you're trying to damage control right now, eat shit brainlet.

Even a Goomba can move forward.

t. nip that needs a video game to hold his hand

Daily reminder only deviantart furry diaper/scat/inflation fetishists like modern sonic

They also loved 2006, your point?

Japs don't actually play games, they just read famitsu scores, and famitsu just looks at trailers and grades games based on their graphics (this last point isn't a shitpost though, famitsu is full of graphicsfags).

Why is every Sonic thread on Sup Forums been infested with people saying "Low IQ" and posting brainlet wojaks the last few weeks?

Japan likes all the shitty Sonic games.

Japan is OBSESSED with Sonic 06. If you look up Japanese fanart of Sonic, it's almost always his 06 variant and 06 fanart. Sonic/Elise is literally half of their pixiv count.

Japan doesn't like playing 3D sonic games, they just like the idea of 3D sonic games.

We need someone to check how does Japan have such shit taste

Daily reminder that people who don't like modern sonic are just faggots suffering from battered wife syndrome.

modern sonic is fine
it gave us Sonic Mania and Generations, after all.

t. jap

Americans want Sonic to be good again

Americans gave us Boom and Mania. Clearly they want to burn this series down to the ground.

>Sonic movie channel
You sure are easily duped by marketing.

Then we better fuck him over even harder!

t. Japan

>"Japs like x"
>No Nicovideo stream poll at the end

There's nothing wrong with Modern Sonic beyond maybe having a shitty voice actor now. The problem is him getting shitty games like Forces.