>Hi, i'm here to ruin your game experience.
>I have infinite stamina, infinite poise, i deal a fuckton of damage and have a fuckton of HP, i won't stop attacking to give you one tiny chance to retaliate or heal, i'm lightning fast, i cause frostbite in 3 hits and basically you are fucked.
Hi, i'm here to ruin your game experience
Just use a bow nigga
Cheese it.
git gud
If I cheese it does that mean i got gud?
Giting gud means you realize you can accomplish your task in more ways than 1
>souls games
only "hard" boss in a souls game is the bed of chaos and orphan of kos on NG+
Use a bow or the environment. I always carry a crossbow and bow on me at all times.
Crossbow for any invaders or quick attacks. Bow for harder enemies. Preferably a bow with quick shots i.e. roll shots.
And a Greatbow for ultimate cheese if I'm feeling lazy.
>bed of chaos, literally just one shot it
>orphan of kos, in bloodborne, the game where you're as fast, if not faster than bosses and enemies, where you can literally backstab bosses
This and the Cainhurst Crow from Bloodborne make me wonder if Fromsoft intended for you to cheese these enemies because of how bullshit they are
>being this bad
i killed him in my first try, that boss must be one of the slowest ones from all the souls games
>Cheese it.
I got told this a lot back in the day, before I procured proficiency.
I'll never understand how cheesing a boss is a good thing to suggest; if your game can only be won by cheesing the mechanics, it's a shitty game.
>literally just one shot it
you're forced to die three times and the run back up is extremely long.
It's actually unfair and not fun.
Did you jokers really have so much trouble with this guy that you had to resort to cheese like faglord? I bet you unironically use a dark sword/katana with an sks and insist it's just for the fashion when someone calls you on your bullshit, too.
For real, this guy's pattern is so telegraphed and easy to dodge.
There's like what, 3 outrider knights in the whole game? And they don't have infinite poise.
What about Flamefucker?
You have a button that gives you invincibility on demand. Do you not know how to press buttons?
parry it
>Hi I'm here to kill you in one hit and and basically you are fucked unless you abuse iframes
>Go on, get rid of my tumors, I'll stand up and spin in a milisecond!
>What? You chipped 50% of my health away? Time to make sweeping attacks as large as the room we are in!
This guy is easy, crow exists solely to be cheesed though.
Its like From forget about their design philosophy and copied all those bullshit "hard" games that are just everything one shots you who brag about being "harder than dark souls"
>not just exiting the game after to destroy a branch to spawn outside of the boss arena
I will never understand the complaints about the Crow. Literally just don't be retarded and R1 mash and you're good to go. I'm actually happy when he tricks his Chikage because it's pretty much free damage for me.
I somehow missed this guy and Eileen, like, they never showed up in my playthrough, is there no other way to get the crow/witch doctor set?