>Enter character name:
How do you handle this? Especially when other people will be seeing it?
Enter character name:
Other urls found in this thread:
>having no general knowledge/creativity
I always put my real name
I browse fantasy name generator websites and scroll or randomize until I find one that I like.
I usually just make something intentionally retarded like Jigaboo Jones or something because I'm afraid people will laugh at me if I make the name too serious or look like I put a lot of effort into it
Who else gives their characters names like 'cocks' or 'nigger' or shit like that?
I do
>>Enter character name:
>get up and start pacing around the room back and forth
I used "nigga" in Pokemon Ruby back in the day on a second playthrough. Full of amusing conversations.
always use Delinar because it was never taken
>not naming your character Sir Artorias Respector Of Women
Fucking savages
Pistol Shrimps Radio referee names and spoonerisms.
•Margo Slabbybaj
•Pooshoo Mork
•Soupy Faloosivich
•gingay Beehi
•bingbang Heehee
•Teewee Hitstowns
•Turbin beaterhigher
>jackie chan
>wacky chan
>smacky chan
>cracky chan
>Character has a canon name
>Character doesn't
>Either my own or a character name from a series I'm into at the time
singleplayer only game
>just be a lazy shit and use my real name
Multiplayer game
>Either just use my online name I have been using for the last 10 years
>or my throwaway name that I use for shit when I don't want or feel like using my usual tag
and my usual name is one that I cam e up with by throwing together random syllables till I came up with a combo that sounded good
I always used Bad Dragon for years. On DS1 I mistyped it as Dab Dragon once so I've stuck with that one ever since.
I have the mentality of a child but Dab Dragon makes me smile I like it
I just put my name
I have a lot more trouble coming up with a username than character names desu. Like everybody else has something that makes sense and I usually just end up as a random string of letters.
How do I avoid becoming like that? Where should I start?
I always put my real name, Emily.
Star Wars is a deep well
Zam Wessle
Sy Snootles
Tinto Pagilli
My ex was called that. Please delete.
Read. Talk to people. Watch critically acclaimed classics. Listen to old radio serials.
Fill your head with more ideas than it can hold so they start merging togethet
Biblical names really do it for me
Depends on what game. Usually I use the name Goku.
been there
depends on how I play the game
if serious, i either put something funny or my real name- like "dooty" or "taylor"
If I don't give a shit, I'll put something stupid or fast in- like "abe" or "a" or "nigga"
>type in name you use everywhere
>name taken
>sick of using my old name
>try to change identity
>can't think of anything that isn't generic/always taken
>eventually just use my old name that's never taken
I'll never escape
El Berto.
There are no "good" variations of the name Robert, so I use a Simpsons reference. If you've ever seen me play Splatoon 2, its my wife.
Mixing languages trying to come up with stuff that sounds cool, deep, and profound.
>not "gobert"
I just use one of these
Type fish in to wikipedia and work your way down
I made a bunch of fake german names for battle brothers
names like hakuun, einglebert,erling, albrecht. I think these are real names desu senpai
I just type the first syllables that come to mind and I make retarded names on the spot. For example: Damolen, Zitcrane, Ladore, Jubeghi, Deberet, etc
I turn my name in to a sex joke, or make an ironic shit head rapper name
I feel ya, dumbanimeweebposterneet77, I feel ya
I use the same user name for everything ever since 1999. The name? It's Asteroth. It is a reference to a mythical Nordic myth. As soon as my opponents see my name, they cower in fear, which gives me an advantage that I use to dominate pretty much every game I play. I am currently a top 10 CS:GO and UT3 player, and I think this is in large part to my user name. I met my wife like this, actually. I was playing on a vanilla WOW server and even though I'd gotten plenty of requests from women to join their guild, this was different. Long story short, I proposed to her on during a CSS game, and she said yes. We now have 3 kids and it's all thanks to my user name and profile picture, pic related.
That sounds like something my nephew might call me because he can't prenounce my name properly yet.
It's easy. I name myself Meta for everything.
Cool names user
>pick username
>"now select your gender"
Haha yea dude Asher Roth makes dope music
>character has canon name
>it's longer than the character limit
Fallout 1 and 2 automatically puts in "None" as your name and I think one time I forgot to change it so now I just named all my characters "None"
In Souls games I name my guys based on the word Soul. Soul Patrol. Souler Flare. Soul Hole. Seoul Patrol.
>gender is a slider
That one's easy, though.
What's the matter, user? You're a normal person, right?
>gender goes from low to high
mash enter. No name or the default name.
>go to select gender and the only option is "social construct"
As if knowing what the fish was called would be relevant outside of any scenario in which somebody asked what the fish was called
(game name) generator. click until I find something I like. Sometimes I piece together first and last names from different generations. Sometimes I twist names I almost like by certain letters to bend it to my liking
The literal definition of hipster
Mr Lister
if you're a girl you pick a girl, and if you're a guy you pick a girl, right?
If you're a girl you don't play and if you're a guy you pick a girl for big tanky characters and guys for bitchboy assassins and stuff
>been using the same 5 letter name that's never been taken for the last 8 years
Feels good. Think I've only played one free to play MMO where it was taken.
But if you use your real name they will know your a grill gaymer
Well done Peter.
>Enter Character name
>Name was already taken
This is why I name myself after famous WW2 soldiers