You open the door and you see this young, tall and handsome man

You open the door and you see this young, tall and handsome man.
He wants you to buy his game.
What do you do?

Tell him I already bought it and to come back when he has something new.

Well maybe offer him some coffee or something because he came all the way a crossed the country and It'd be rude to tell him to leave without so much as some refreshments. But the gist of it will be a 'Fuck off and make a new game damn it'

Take away his stilts.

Does the game contain cute lolis without having to install mods?

>Todd being that tall

No but it's a sure fire hit

Push him over. He looks real wobbly from those three foot platform shoes.


>tfw I pirated Oblivion and having fun

>well Howard I made it, despite your directions

Ah Superintendent Chalmers, welcome.
I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable videogaming experience.



I tell him that I only have fallout 3
a pirated fallout 3
on cd

Tell him I already own it on Xbox One.

Oh, egads! My game is ruined! But what if I were to re-release Skyrim and disguise it as a new game? Delightfully devilish, Todd!

>young tall handsome man
Not even one of those four words is accurate

It's not in anime styled so I'm not interested. I wish him well and hope he finds someone that likes his game.

I would buy his games. Their games are always great and give me hundreds of hours of gameplay for a low price. Honestly, they should charge more for these games, I know I have enjoyed both Fallout 4 and Skyrim for a total of over 2000 hours and I am still not done with them!



Superintendent, I was just, uh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise. Care to join me?

Why is there smoke coming out of your game Todd?

Ask him to get out of my niece's doll house.

>Morgan Webb's face when she realizes Todd is the same height as her

Oh. That isn't smoke. It's steam. Steam from the steamed TES VI we're having. Mmm. Steamed TES.

Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering Skyrim.

I thought we were playing TES VI.


are you suggesting that the door to my house is 4ft tall?
i don't think so, buddy

Oh, no. I said Skyrim. That's what I call TES VI!

You call TES VI "Skyrim"?

I'm convinced that Todd has co-opted this meme and is now using it as a form of viral marketing on Sup Forums.

Yes! It's the "Incredible" edition.

Yes. It's a, uh, regional dialect.

I like where this is going


which one is canon?

c0da makes them both canon

Really. Well I've bought every single Skyrim version and i've never heard about the "Incredible" edition.

Oh, not for Skyrim, no, it's a Fallout 4 edition.

Dragon Break. Learn the fucking lore.

I see

You know this Skyrim edition is quite similar to the one you released back in 2011

Oh ho ho ho, no! Patented Skyrim: Legendary Edition. Old family recipe.

Toasting in a legendary bread.

>you open the door
>he's halfway through the frame in the image
same thing I would do to anyone else forcing their way in, castle doctrine




Yeah and you call it "Legendary Edition" despite the fact that it's an obvious rehash.

And you call it TES VI despite the fact that this is obviously Skyrim.

This one, keep it simple stupid

Ye- You know, the- One thing I should-

Say no, and then tell him to go away.

'Scuse me for one second.


Ahhh, I'm pooped. Good times were had by all.

Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I'm pooped.