Alright folks. The fans have asked for Vanilla WoW and we should get exactly that with WoW classic

Alright folks. The fans have asked for Vanilla WoW and we should get exactly that with WoW classic.

I don’t think Blizzard should change a thing when they release it besides minor tweaks. Vanilla revolutionized MMOs and should be treated like a museum, where true WoW fans can go back and enjoy the game how it use to be. The game that changed MMOs as well as our lives forever.

I'm really excited for this and i think there should be several servers with huge populations, large enough for end game raids and to support a continuous community.

Lets hope newfags or the folks that have never played Vanilla WoW before don’t ruin the game with their complaining, for we all know Vanilla WoW was no walk in the park.


Even if they make a carbon copy of Vanilla WoW, it will never be the same. The people will ruin it.

I think these types of individuals will drop off and what will be left is the original fan base that called for these servers in the first place.


Vanilla wow will just be a bunch of autistic min/max fags

Not an argument.

Who cares about this dead game?


I hope it has an option to use the new models, I like them

Hope you're ready to pay 15 dollars a month for your MMO Package! And that's on TOP of the WoW Subscription! lol!

>paying extra besides the regular mothly fee
I'd just go back to private servers then, not that hard of a choice

Only problem with vanilla is that it has been datamined to fucking hell, so everyone will be loaded with database/quest add-ons and play for "muh 'fficiency and muh quest routes" and then switch to raidlog mode after hitting 60 after 72 hours of highly optimized powerleveling
I'll be playing on a RP-PVP server and hoping there'll be less obsessive faggots over there

This. It's not 2005 anymore and people aren't as friendly and naive as they once were.

People compete over fucking speedruns Molten Core these days.It's ridiculous.

It's a net neutrality joke, user.

>reskinned everquest revolutionized MMOs
WoW babies, everyone.

It's neo numale "Modern" Blizzard. They will find a way to fuck it up.

I can put up with minor changes like adding achievements, as long as they just fucking stop at 60. What kills the magic is knowing that everything you are doing at max level is fucking pointless because the next expansion will make your stuff worthless. Open up a BC server, but make it separate and give people the option to transfer over. Don't force everyone in to BC.

If they move everyone on to BC this will be an utter failure and a waste of everyone's time. PLEASE FUCKING FREEZE IT AT 60 AND NEVER CHANGE IT. THERE IS NO POINT TO PLAYING IF THE SERVER GOES PAST 60.

Everquest was, is and will continue to be irrelevant, little cuck.

I never said the opposite, retard. Is a shit game after all, just like WoW.

LFM LBRS Link Achieve

oh fuck no NO

i dont see why they couldn't do that. we all know adding the first two expansions is an inevitability (eventually) and its not like this is going to be like it was 10 years ago with 99 gorillion people playing at once. they might have to do the thing again where they initially open a boatload of servers and consolidate them later, but when all the smoke clears and all the tourists have left you could probably have few different servers (60 vanila, bc, lk) in the blizzard janitor's closet running the game.

Adding achievements changes absolutely nothing about the game.
>I wont be able to lie about what I have done in the game

You're right. It was a statement of fact.

The problem is, I can see them fucking it up. Enough people on the forums will be talking about how they hit 60 and it's been 2 years since release and there is nothing left to do. Rather than giving the option to transfer to a separate BC server, they will force everyone into BC. Even though it makes no sense, they still might do it. Because games in 2017... 2019. Never underestimate stupidity.

>someone in a meeting casually mentions that having the servers separate and transferring characters is 5% more expensive than forcing everyone onto lvl 70
>the boss makes the decision to force everyone to 70

My hopes are so low they can't really be any lower, but I can still fantasize.

>Rather than giving the option to transfer to a separate BC server, they will force everyone into BC.
no they'll do transfers because that costs money and that's where blizzard makes a boatload of it. you can safely expect paid transfer, paid name change, paid faction change, paid race change, paid character name change, all that jazz. let say a few years form when there lich king servers are going they'll have another paid option to transfer to retail and buy all the new expansions and pay a little more to powerboost(tm) to whatever the cap is.

Yeah, the community for MMO's is largely changed. People don't often do shit to just "have fun". Fun is objective based now, not subjective.

Pic related from retail, 2010

>I can put up with minor changes like adding achievements, as long as they just fucking stop at 60

>but when all the smoke clears and all the tourists have left you could probably have few different servers (60 vanila, bc, lk) in the blizzard janitor's closet running the game.

This man, i really hope they have servers for vanilla, The burning crusade and WotL man. Shit would be perfect.

Vanilla WoW should be frozen at 60, if they force a expansion on it that would be dumb.

>one of the best parts of vanilla is taking your time and enjoy each level and the special moments that come with them
>everyone tries to bumrush past it to get to raiding because they believe it's the focus just like how it is in the expansions
How I hate this.

has anyone here played the PTR for Scaled leveling zones?

if so how is it? how similar is the kill time and difficulty to vanilla wow? with and without looms? did looms get stat reductions?
when is the patch getting released?
god damn I want it to redeem the leveling process in nu-WoW, at least increase the difficulty a little bit

they nerfed all exp gains from 1-100, they nerfed heirlooms, they removed all forms of exp pots. gotta get those expansions levelers playing for longer then they have too so they buy some subs xD

Yep, everyone is a know-it-all now.

Only reason gw2 chat is fun is because everyone pretends to be a retard, tranny or sjw.

At first one thinks that having separate live, Vanilla, BC, Wrath, etc servers will divide the community. For me though, it would increase the longevity of the game so much farther. I would play the version of the game I feel like playing. For years. Having max characters on each version of the game would be so fun for me. I resub every few months anyways, but being able to play whatever version I feel like would be incredible. We can only hope they make this possible.

Aside from World of Starcraft or World of Overwatch or whatever shit they decide, it would make it unnecessary to ever spend money making WoW2. It has never been done before, but it would probably be a good idea that kept people subbing for 20+ years, providing servers for every expansion. Don't provide a legacy server until 10 years after the expansion's release though. We can't have Mist and Cata servers any time soon. Need the nostalgia fuel. People have only started to look upon Mists fondly, but give it like 5 years and people will want it.

Whats the point really. Nobody wants to play through cata lands.

Right on man, I have been reading a lot about it on the forms and looking at youtube videos.

It seems as though they have dramatically increased the health of the mobs so that you don't bulldoze through them. So it will be somewhat harder to level and take longer.

It also seems as thought they have slightly increased the damage of the mobs. But still, they are not threatening enough from what i have read.

But one thing is for sure, Blizzard is trying to fix the leveling probelm.

The world and leveling processes needs to be an adventure, as well as threatening again.


2/3 is still mostly pretending.

This. The entire situation you have preposed is freakin beautiful. I think it will happen with time. But right now we are focus on getting a true vanilla experience, and not having the touristfags that have never played vanilla hijack it and change that legendary era.

Ok vanilla veterans, I'm playing on a private server and this dude will literally take every single heavy stone I give them and buy it from me at market price every time no matter how much I give him. What the fuck is he using it for?

hes trying to build a wall to keep out the gold sellers

If it's the only part I enjoy you're damn right I'm going to do everything I can to get there as fast as possible.

There is a lot of awesome experiences to be had during the leveling process in vanilla. Not to mention after 7.3.5 Blizzard will hopefully fix the current leveling system and make it similar.

It seems weird since he doesn't want any mining mats other than just heavy stone. Not coarse or solid stone at all. There definitely doesn't seem like any extra heavy stone on the market from my sales either.

Could've fooled me because I sure as fuck never had any.


WoW Classic will not coexist with BfA, it will follow it.
At the end of BfA, the Horde and Alliance team up again to fight the Void, but ultimately fail because we ourselves helped fuel the corruption.
At the last moment, Chromie realizes this and tells us that the only way to save Azeroth is by goinf back in time.
WoW Classic will be the expansion after BfA, but lead into another one that isn't TBC.
It will keep a lot of the changes made to WoW over the years, but mostly stays true to the original gameplay, slow pace, sense of exploration and progress etc. It will mostly just have UI, graphics and qol improvements. Not-TBC will add levels, zones and abilities and make changes more carefully than TBC did.

what class you boys rolling? i wanna try ele shaman

>takes months to level
>terrible flight paths
>stunlocked by a rogue 100-0
>no aoe

op quits classic wow

Uninstall wizard.

>ele shaman
Is shit, now be a good soyboy and heal.

This is such an interesting assertion man. I mean, im not sure what i think of that. I want WoW Classic to be its own server separate form the expansions. I'm really not sure what i think of this.

Ele shaman is fun as fuck man.

I'm probably going to go Pally because the new armor looks so dope as fuck bro.

ele might be shit but enhancement Night fall axe+wind fury totem is one of the best support DPS in the game

>support DPS
Even bigger soyboy than a healer.

I mean the for both classic and Expansion.

I'll be happy to explore pre-destroyed loch modan again.

It's my most Nostalgic moment in gaming, Me and my sister both jumped together into the water below and we shit our pants when we realized it was infested by alligators. We barely fought them off and moved inland to safety.

It will be nice to explore the world again, I haven't played any Vanilla private servers so It's been a long time for me. The fuzzy nostalgic feeling is going to be nice, I might cry.

proceed to download addon that fakes achieves to link

Bro are you on a laptop or something in that

I know right bro! Westfall, Darkshire and the Western and Eastern Plague Lands will always hold a place in my heart.

I remember being in Elwynn Forest and looking across the river into Duskwood and seeing skulls on the wolfs and going, "oh shit dude! Lets try and kill them guys!" Only to get ourselves freakin pwned.

How long you suppose classic will last? I just feel like whoever wants to clear Naxx eventually will at which point all you have is pvp with an unchanging meta to sustain it

How can we forget the unbelievably legendary world PvP that was going on in Strangle Thorn Vale.

Lmfao, i remember the first time i entered that place only get get treated by tons of leveling hordes around the refugee camp.

The place was a bloodbath.

>not the great lift

you know how I know you're alliance scum?

Post pics of sisters feet

>Humans get some cool looking shit that looks like a straight upgrade to the stormwind soldier
>Horde gets the exact same shit that has happened since vanilla

I hate it.

I don't know how many people would buy an anti-expansion

>Attempting to level in STV on private servers with 11k+ pop.

>realizing it's just faster to grind 9 times out of 10

I think these servers will last years man, many years. Vanilla wow was not easy, and the majority of the time you rely on pure luck for drops for gear.

They might even release legacy servers for each expansion, maybe even with the option of character transfers to them. But right now we are focused on Vanilla.

Eitherway, these legacy servers are going to last for a long as time.

Really hope that Blizzard caps the Classic servers to 3k-6k maximum.

WoW was a mistake. They turned WC into a manchild's Saturday morning cartoon series, when we could've gotten WC4 and the rts genre would've never died. RIP my dreams.

They would have to allow you to transfer the characters. Releasing BC but having you level from 1-70 wasn't the experience.

Honestly I think even if they did force BC content, there would still be a community of people just twinking 60. Hell look at all the project whatever shit thats been going on in retail forever. With BC it wouldn't be too big of a deal, or Wrath, since iirc the talent trees just had extra shit added onto them talent wise (I could be wrong)

>these legacy servers are going to last for a long as time
They'll drop the ball and close all servers but one within a year.

>They'll drop the ball and close all servers but one within a year.

I almost guarantee we will get a WC4. WoW gives the community what it requests. And i believe we could easily get a WC4 in the not so distant future.

Lets be real Arthas, chances are that the first thing you see after creating a character is a pop-up about "limited edition lootboxes". Once you close it you'll see the lvl 1 players riding their pre-order mounts.

After WoW, it won't be the same. WC was a gritty and serious RTS and if there is a WC4, it's going to be filled with LEL WACKY HUMOR! tier bullshit and cartoon-tier unit designs. Look at fucking Hearthstone. Every single card description has to have this dumbass forced "humor" bullshit in it. Like, what are they fucking doing?


>Like, what are they fucking doing?
Pandering to their numale playerbase, user.


Brack said at BlizzCon they are working on a "classic server OPTION" so that throws your autistic fanfiction right in the trash



Why are millenials the worst fucking generation. Holy shit. Numale and soyboy describe them so perfectly. No wonder white women are leaving in droves.

This. Everyone is a tryhard metagamer now. Enjoy playing with nothing but warriors, rogues, priests and mages.

>the year is 2013, rs3 is dead as fuck
>RS community votes to bring in legacy servers
>"who cares about this dead game?"
>OSRS rises past rs3 in players
>runescape is revived

>the year is 2017
>WoW is dead as fuck
>blizzard says they are bringing in legacy servers
>"who cares about this dead game?"


>Oh you didn't optimize your skills based on the meta and tried to be a snowflake?
>GTFO my raid
It's that exact reason why they revamped everything in the first place.

>No wonder white women are leaving in droves.

>not having a gook virgin wife

why live?

>Lets be real Arthas, chances are that the first thing you see after creating a character is a pop-up about "limited edition lootboxes". Once you close it you'll see the lvl 1 players riding their pre-order mounts.

This doesn't happen on private servers, despite the fact that server players are inherently more meta aware than the average person because merely knowing a certain private server exists already requires you to take an interest in the game and its community outside of the time where you actively play it.

There is no reason to assume that there would be more meta play on official servers, but I guess some people just enjoy poopooing every single good news and trying to somehow tear it down

They tried to balance the classes. In TBC, they did succeed in making all the different classes closer to each other in terms of power, but obviously it was still unbalanced and having 10 man raids made the issue worse since now the consequences for not picking the OP classes became harsher. In WotLK RetardCrawler decided that they might as well make all the classes carbon copies of each other in order to achieve balance, yet he somehow managed to make the game less balanced than before while following this philosophy.

In nostalrius warrior/rogue/mage was roughly half the population (going by that one infographic they released).

>No wonder white women are leaving in droves.

Its incredible how much i dont give a shit about this. They can go suck a dildo for all i care xD

>hat exact reason why they revamped everything in the first place
Not really, they are just that bad at class design that most specs were subpar during months (or even years) after release.

>where is tigole now?

can someone update this to show that he's the fuckin Overwatch community manager lol

Mage and rogue were above average in population but not to the overwhelming extent you make them out to be. Warriors made up a very big portion due to the fact that they are they have two viable specs, but this portion of the server population didn't actually carry over into raids. Most of the dps warriors ended up just doing PvP.

But the classes were balanced in TBC. The imbalance was 1. DPS classes will basically always have too much overlap and one will be 'better'. 2. Other classes actually all had niches that made it so they were very strong in their circumstances (Paladin tank for AOE trash, etc). The former has never gone away (it's still around) and the latter was a Blizzard being retarted and making a problem where one didn't exist.

All they have to do is make the gameplay very similar to WC3 with better graphics, maybe 1 or 2 other races, keep the mapmaker feature and add a dope campaign and it will be a huge hit.

I fully believe we will see a WC4 soonish.

Yeah, that's not going to happen. OSRS did the exact same thing and it almost tanked without updates. Now that it has one of the most dedicated teams out there with weekly, voted content, it's doing really well. But it is much different from the flat 2007 server.

People will want quality of life updates. Might even see flying on main continent within a year or so. The hardest for this mode will be dealing with the addition of new dungeons and raids and incorporating some way to free-to-play. The first will either never happen(dead game), or will happen in some fucked up way that messes with timelines. The latter will almost certainly introduce a swapping method between classic and modern games since they'll prolly just copy the way OSRS does it.

The community was fine on private servers though, I had a ton of fun and made friends on Nost and Elysium