How does it make you feel that the best and most likable portrayal of Luke Skywalker this year was in a half-assed video game?
How does it make you feel that the best and most likable portrayal of Luke Skywalker this year was in a half-assed...
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luke dies
meh, 34 years past his relevancy. least he got his milkie milkies.
he was half-assed from the very beginning of the mouse's rule
leia flies
>characters should never ever change
and before you post that video montage of cherrypicked mark hamill quotes about his character, please know that it's out of context bullshit completely contradicted by his twitter.
He wasnt in the game though?
Rey cries
Kylo whines
Mark Hamill is literally the one great thing in TLJ you piece of shit.
Luke is great in the movie.
nigga kisses slanty eyes
>Says stuff in person off the cuff.
>Versus shit he has time to think out on social media.
Yeah, no. Hamill has talked mad shit about TFA, and Rian/TLJ in the most underhanded, but obvious manner. The guy doesn't like what they did with his character, when Lucas and Trevorrow saw eye-to-eye with him on where the character should end up.
>Says stuff in person off the cuff
>off the cuff.
>high audience TV shows
>off the cuff.
Why do people insist on trying to talk about non vidya shit on Sup Forums when’s there’s boards built for it?
You obviously wanna talk about the new Star Wars movie, ton of threads on Sup Forums or Sup Forums you can do it in.
No one is saying that you massive vagina. Get your head out of your ass.
Because it's more interesting to talk about it on a board with different perspectives
Sup Forums is literally a hate circlejerk, they're also in denial regarding TFA that they now consider "good" or "better than the prequel" for the most parts.
I was talking more about the conventions and the Q&A's hes done on campuses, but okay. Lets cherry pick.
>giving a shit about star wars
I give the movie 7 and a half out of 10. Would be 8 if they didn't have Admiral Purple and Leia's Space Cruise
>Says stuff on impulse without having the time to think
>Stuff he actually thinks about, taking the time to weight every word he's about to say
humm I wonder which one of these two options is truer to his real opinion
Just watched the movie.
Can someone tell me why it happened?
WTF? TFA sucked ass.
To kill the FinnxRey ship, to kill the KyloxRey ship, and to turn Kylo from an autistic sperg with a lightsaber into an autistic sperg with a lightsaber, and army, and enough character to slap Rey in the face with his cock.
>a film is just the sum of the results
I wish I was as retarded as you but for me the journey is more important than the destination.
It happened because when a man and a woman are alone together in a room, they have sexual intercourse.
like pottery my man.
LOL, two trash characters, they were made for one another
Bullshit. They hate TFA. Don't tell lies.
Yeah but it seems these faggots are now considering it at the level of the prequels.
Just browse the archive and go to any of the "What was Sup Forums reaction when TFA released?" threads to see that 90% of the answers are pure denial, pretending the whole board wasn't doing the same hate circlejerking they're doing now.
Mark my words, in 2 years when IX releases these piles of shit will pretend they actually liked TLJ.
>I wonder which one of those will make sure I don't get shitcanned or sued by the Mouse.
episode 7 was a fluke and only decent because 1-3 was garbage
Sup Forums hates everything except The Pest
Finn had potential....LOL WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING.
>Implying 1, 2, 3, 7, or 8 are any good.
Literally Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, X-wing Alliance, and fucking Starfighter have better stories than the shit we got fed.
This is lies.
t. Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums crossposter
He's a fucking sperglord who never moved on from SW. He's pathetic and I have pity for him. Maybe if he had more important roles in other great movies he wouldn't attached to a character he played 30 years ago like it's his own.
Search the threads where people rate SW movies in order. I'm not going to do it just because your lazy ass can't browse the archives.
didn't you hear
a random pleb can be a jedi / sith / etc now
If they are force sensitive, they always could.
>mfw this edit is actually better than what we got.
>He's a fucking sperglord who never moved on from SW
So I guess the years he voiced The Joker don't count huh?
Finn unfortunately got the 'Backstory relegated to comics' treatment to have him fit faster into TFA.
He's actually a bit of a defect among the FO Stormtroopers, breaking from Phasma's training manifesto. The other Trooper who rubs a bloody hand on his helmet at the beginning of TFA was his best friend throughout training, only to get shot dead on their first real mission.
where is your face?
It would be so good if they did it
Mark Hamill?
He is Joker?
>becoming a hermit
>good Luke
No. Luke should have never became that since the original trilogy made the character overcome much worse stuff.
Han Solo being depressed, or drunk, or a hobo, or becoming a hermit in some corner of the galaxy would make more sense because of what happened with his son
The problem is that authors be videogames, movies, books, anime, etc dont know what do with older characters other than "lets kill them off, have drama moment happens and let the new generation to pick up things"
Space balls was more of a starwars movie then this YAAAAAAS QUEEEEEEEEEEN SLAAAAAAAAY flic
He voiced the Joker in the Batman animated series, which is probably one of - if not the - best superhero based animated series ever made. You should watch it. He does a fantastic job. I was fortunate enough to grow up with it because I'm not some 2000's kiddie like yourself.
>People can't ever change their minds
Nah, fuck off Ledger was better, fag
>Luke should have never became that since the original trilogy made the character overcome much worse stuff.
Yeah, when he was fucking 40 years younger?
>think Luke finally manned up
>oh shit he's taking all that shit and still pushing on? I'm guessing he's going super saiyan with his last grasp at life for redemption
>jk boi im just an illusion and i die over it anyway xD
>kylo ren manifests himself next to rey and is fine
The Last Jedi was 0 about the current cast and all about the old, it outright sucked.
>to kill the KyloxRey ship
it did the opposite to be honest
everybody know that even without watching the movie
lolno. He was good but not as good as Mark.
you are literal human scum
That's not what I implied, stop projecting. I accept that they all are changing their mind, that's expected of the brainless hivemind they are. In 2 years they will actually come back and say TLJ was ok, which is why no one should take these retards opinions seriously.
So... this is the power... of nu-feminism...
Litterally just to reboot the continuity without including the aging old cast. It was obvious From Han's Death and they made no effort to hide it in this movie.
>getting assblasted by a spoiler for a children's movie
>not posting the appropriate picture
+1 dollar has been added to your account
There was literally no good way to write Luke into the new trilogy, including him at all was a mistake and should have been an entirely new cast.
I crosspost on Sup Forums often. Most posters don't think that TFA was good, just that it was better than TLJ and doesn't seem as bad now after seeing the shitshow of TLJ. I think it's less about contrarianism and more about overall movie standards lowering year after year with more and more shitty movies.
snoke dies
He's been a prolific voice actor ever since Star Wars, you tard. He didn't even think he would be doing the movies again until the new trilogy's first announcement.
Where is Mark's Oscar then, huh sweetie
Good movies:
>A New Hope
>Empire Strikes Back
Movies with good parts, made generally enjoyable by their ties with the good movies:
>Return of the Jedi
>Revenge of the Sith
They weren't good, but at this point I'm invested in the franchise
>The Phantom Menace
>Rogue One
>Attack of the Clones
>The Force Awakens
About as much fun as sitting in a dentist chair for 2 and a half hours:
>The Last Jedi
Ordered properly within their tiers
Will this make you not watch the movie? If so, good. Don't give Disney money.
>Voice actor
Not sure, Maul kept runing for 3 seasons in CW and 2 in Rebels missing his bottom half.
Fuck, I hated how they pushed him in series for so long.
But if be serious, they didn't even told his story at all. It was just blank EVIL dude in chair, who dies in 2nd movie.
>The asian character only exists to get blacked.
I feel bad for boyega that chick was ugly.
They will have to kill characters often if they want to do trilogy packs every couple of years, since people get old and being on their 40s is already old for younger audiences these days.
>Rogue One
>Not good
I know you hate Disney and everything, but it was the best thing that happened with Star Wars after Clone War series
As someone who only delved into EU territory through the games, I'm glad I stopped giving a shit. Still can't believe Disney decided to just kill all that off.
why the fuck does everyone shit on phantom menace, i thought it was good for what it was.
Her sister was hotter. RIP.
Then again I love me some thicc asians.
It is silly though. Why not just make a movie in the future that the original cast would have died of old age within the time frame of the movies. A new story rather than fumbling trying to do something with the old and new characters at once.
>She shot his speeder rather than the battering ram
I really don't like this movie
It won't matter to Disney, they will keep the characters around as long as needed now. Rey is a Disney Princess as far as Merchandise is concerned.
They gotta work their racemixing magic on china somehow.
>tfw aknowledged that SW's main audience is children
>never took SW story too seriously because of that
>loved tons of SW games no matter how stupidly fanfic-tier the story was
>loved every movie for the aesthetics/action aspect.
Feels good to not be a sperglord.
You know I think my biggest problem with the sequel trilogy is that they don't bother explaining shit.
They're both ugly. That's why they didn't have him fug her sister.
It's basically the MGSV of the franchise. A bunch of time devoted to fixing a plot hole nobody actually cared about that created more plot holes in the end. Don't get me wrong, K2 was fun and all, but if you watch it even kind of critically it falls apart.
I wouldn't say I shit on TPM, it's better than 4 movies. I enjoyed parts, it's just not worth the same tier as what's above it.
I genuinely believe this user found the answer to art
>Dude it's all good if you just forget what standards are
>Dude children's media should be retarded and low-quality
>Posturing and feeling superior about these opinions
> love me some thicc asians.
Killing off the attractive one only to let the fat one live, then get blacked, is such blatant "progressive" Hollywood bullshit
The films have always followed the skywalker family so it makes sense to continue his story or his sons/daughters.
Really, this new trilogy should've been much smaller in scope and I think should've focused on Luke rebuilding the jedi order, maybe have some small group of sith in hiding like the knights of ren be the main baddies, and have some kind of mcguffin that allows the user to have extremely powerful forces powers or some shit. I don't know , I just think more intimate personal story that goes into the philosophy about the force or something would've been much better. But the mouse merchants gotta have their ebin space battles between the rebels and the not Nazis again because that guarantees shekels apparently, even though just showing Hamills face in a trailer would've put asses in seats.
Granted I don't even know why I'm writing all this when I don't even like star wars that much.
>no galaxy army
>white plastic on blasters
>big metal plates on old vehicle