Whats a Dayz like game but only single player? I want to find weapons/resources and skulk around killing things

Whats a Dayz like game but only single player? I want to find weapons/resources and skulk around killing things.

fallout 3, nv, and 4

DayZ on an empty server

download daizy


project zomboid, 7 days to die

7 days to die

7 days to die


it would capture the 'why am I even trying anymore' feeling that I expect the apocalypse would bring.



>like dayz
sure, there are some similarities, like the setting being in russia, after an apocalyptic event, but they end there, now kys

Is it good despite being on early access?

actually stalker is in ukraine, but nvm
they are nothing alike

just be prepared for absolutely 0 loot, you're gonna have to go pretty far inland or at least to a police station to get decent shat. It's pretty fun at night.

The devs put a lot more effort into the game than DayZ's. It's still a survival sandbox with zombies at the end of the day but it's pretty fun especially if you play with other people.

is it not even worth playing if you're alone?

So every DayZ server?

>I want to find weapons/resources and skulk around killing things
yea stalker doesnt match this AT ALL

There's still a shocking amount of people on it, there's usually a few full or near full servers up at any given time.
It is but it'll probably last longer if you've got more people. It's fun for a while and then you hit the "I really wish I had people to actually witness the shit I've built in this game" plateau.

this. there are arma 2 dayz mods that feature AI bandits.

m8 the point of dayz is surviving by yourself in a zombie apocalypse
the point of stalker is surviving in a zone filled with mutants and different factions fighting for control, artifacts with weird effects and government secret projects, the world still works as usual outside

Thanks, user. This sounds like the kind of thing I been hunting around for lately, actually.

and the fucking anomalies

I miss the old /dzg/ ;_; Anyone know where can i still find a community of Sup Forums fagz that play Dayz?

/k/ maybe?

didnt those scammers announce a single player mode for dayz like 2 years ago?


Do not buy this game until they push to beta because as of right now its still shit. I recently downloaded it and played it, there was improvement but overall there's literally nothing to do and hackers are still common public servers.

Yeah, one of my fav games. Spent a lot of time there just roaming, building random stuff, killing zombies and leveling up, probably the best game out there if you are in to that shit.

thank u informative fatman

If you're talking about the whole survival crafting genre, most of it's abysmally bad and should be avoided.

If you're not interested in the building side of things, try games like Stalker, Dead Island and Dying Light.

If you specifically want this whole survival crafting thing then you've got 7 Days to Die which is shit without friends. State of Decay is slightly survival crafting but more story driven.

If you're willing to branch out and don't necessarily want zombie survival but something similar then your best bet is The Forest or Subnautica. Stranded Deep isn't too bad either.

Thing is, the majority of these games are pretty bad and get very boring very fast. It's a genre that simply requires multiplayer to even make it worth it.


Dying Light might be a good one, the survival aspects aren't as heavy though, you mostly parkour around and kill zombies. If you're looking for a intensive survival game, I would recommend The Long Dark, it's a rather harsh survival game where wolves and bears try to kill you

DayZ is set in Chernarus, not Russia. I think it's supposed to be a Russia/Belarus expy, though.

Check out Subsistence and see what you think. It has animals to hunt and NPC hunters which you can fight.