Which is the *true* Monster Hunter?
Which is the *true* Monster Hunter?
insect glaive
Consumable items only.
Blademaster came first then after gathering enough materials and learning gunpowder, the gunner appeared
>Bladelets still thinking they are relevant
On PC is there anything that can fill the void till MH comes out? I might even be tempted to try to run a few things on my phone.
its not coming out on pc
emulate FU or P3rd
MHW is.
Sword & Shield
Just emulate literally any of its past games
Both now that armor is interchangeable in MHW.
I would, but I don't find a beta worth 40 dollars. Especially when the final release is F2P.
30 minutes? try 5 minutes buddy, hammers don't fuck around
Bare hands
You're fucking dumb.
Whatever makes sense for the hunt.
i'll hammer you
>That armor
Which are your favorite monster hunter doujin lads.
all that versatility just brings a special kind of feel. It's like a swiss army knife.
> expect gs and sns at the same time
> got chargeblade v2
Fuck how do I use this thing properly
If you're using it in 4U make sure you have red shield up, and make sure you can guard point consistently. If hitting R+X at the same time while stationary is too hard, you can use the start button macro to get it more consistently.
Tigrex and diablos make great practice targets for it, as they constantly throw their faces at you for free stuns.
Anything by udonya
I wish he'd make more
>not exclusively using hammers
heh, nice attempt kid but you'll never catch up
>Not mastering hammers to break and gs to cut
worst monster in the series
What are some MH duojins where a monster other than a Khezu fucks the girl?
there's probably some rajang ones laying around somewhere
Bombs only
>male hunter captured
>it was a female hunter
>she rapes him by sticking his dick in her ass
>guy fully confused as to why this chick tied him up to butt fuck herself on his dick
theres also a few with a trap in kirin armor getting fucked
>a blademaster weapon is the best one in the upcoming game by a long shot
talk to me when one of your peashooters kills the mhw beta rath in 4"49'
>not maining every weapon
4 babbies get out
daily reminder to ignore those fake hype threads
Chargeblade question.
So what exactly does charging the sword in World do exactly? I think it gives it minds eye, and your phial type gets added to your hits it seems, but is that it?
MHW is gonna produce so many more gunners
It plays exactly like Lost Planet 2
you dont want to know
Pretty much. If you're using an elemental phial I could see it being more valuable.
Is the argument that I should buy a switch and have NO awesome hunts with friends, just because you're salty?
I noticed increased phial damage as well. But the Mind's Eye is a godsend. Would be incredible if that were Steadyhand, but I can't complain.
Those are some sexy little girls
I had a HBG user in almost every room during the demo. With the damage numbers much more clearly teaching me which bullet is best for which situation and being able to aim with two sticks I think I'm gonna pick it up too.
Don't do this. After playing MHW they all feel like shit now. I'm forcing myself through MHFU again just to get my monhun fix, but it's fucking irritating.
Blademaster. Only we have the guts to get up in the monster's face on purpose.
i just read this and it's really cute
ya it sucks actually having to fight the monster
instead of just being full anime flying all over the place with crazy special attacks
As much as i enjoy mhw i do also like the simplicity of older mh games
Which one was that? GL? Hammer?
buy a 3ds you newfag
Boo hoo, must suck playing a real Monhun game compared to the shitty casualized mh world.
cb spamming super aed
Why the fuck wasn't the lower armor pieces for the Diablos set available in Tri?
>Half-turning monsters, ez headshots everytime
>Have to deal with 3 or 4 little shits constantly knocking you around
>Potion flexing
>Lol just gonna area change and heal up and sharpen lol i'm so hardcore right
>Everything is flatter than chink tits
>Throwing paintballs
>Spending 10 minutes climbing a vine
>Crafting decos
>Glorious 144p
>Basic bitch weapon attacks. Lance can't even counter
>Here go fight 6 recolors
Yeah it does fucking suck. Did you play the demo faggot?
its one of the benefits of the hunting horn
I think World finally made gunning actually enticing to play now.
>Damage numbers to see where you should be shooting without having to go to the wiki to look it up
>Crit distance indicator on the crosshairs
>don't need to make a whole different armor set to use it, although I do miss the separate gunner set looks. Wish they would have kept them.
I messed around with the aerial pellet HBG meme set in Generations, but I never really had fun using them in most situations.
Literally the only thing you Toddlers can say about it is "casual". The word streamlined would be far more correct, and if you're gonna throw around the word casual, well look at what console you're fucking playing on.
don't worry bro, in mhw2 other monsters will just fighter each other to death and you'll be able to carve them when they both die without having to press a button
How does gunner armor work in MHW, do your skills as well as defense change to the gunner version when you equip a gun?
Blademaster weapon gives you a passive defense boost, gunner weapon gives elemental defense boost.
haha, upboated!!
Does giggi count? lel
Damn that's some good tasting salt my dude. At least you get Bayonetta 2.5 and uhhh, Pokemon I guess?
I can't think of anything more hardcore for Toddlers than Pokemon. Truly, the hardest of the hardcore, and only available on the Nintendo Switch handheld tablet console powered by Playskool.
I hear fisher price is coming out with some competition soon
Ages 3 and up
I'm done with these threads until the next beta. This is what it always devolves to and the mods need to start banning this horse shit on sight.
Um user. How recently have you looked at amazon? At least be up to date with your bait.
je suis monte
there would be nothing left if they banned autism
It's Capcom's fault desu senpai desu. Also, you might just wanna go to /vg/ for actual discussion.
why is it that when other games casualize a franchise to death Sup Forums gets mad but when mh does it everyone is happy
Why is everyone doomsaying about MHW?
The demo was fun. I'm looking forward to it.
In Tri and MH3U I used SNS and Custom/Medium Bowguns almost exclusively.
In Monster Hunter 4U I used a lot more weapons, but settled into the bow after grinding that bad-ass pumpkin armor that made you look like the 90's Hobgoblin.
I've stayed away from Monster Hunter for years now, trying to focus on my career... but this game might pull me back in if it succeeds to bring my friends to the table.
games not out yet
wait for girls to start playing
then Sup Forums gets mad
Probably because Monster Hunter still requires special controller grip techniques and makes Dark Souls look like Kirby's Epic Yarn.
>tfw only played Gunlance on all PSP titles
>will not change because my autism makes me want to stay true to it
I'm genuinely afraid for the GL to be shit.
With the 3DS games you only needed to do that for bow.
You have to be delusional or a hardcore handheld snob to not appreciate the streamlining they did in MHW. It's the same fucking shit that happened with Tri. Everybody bitched, yet they have no problems to this day with some of the shit Tri implemented that stayed with the franchise.
Have you played the demo? I'm not a GL but people in threads were saying it's much improved.
technically your mother since she’s still hunting for my dick.
GL is fun. I expect it to follow the same pattern as the previous games damagewise though (starts out OP but then shells become a joke).
it isn't
exploding dildo is fun and the nerfs are gone
also all the quality of life lance got, like forward hopping with shield up
I'm on PC. Fucking release date when?
It's just a loud minority. If you like it then that's all that matters. I seriously can't tell if it's jealous Nintenbros or people that unironically think MH belongs on a handheld for some reason.
but I claw dark souls
as long as you aint no corner horner
You will be more than pleasantly surprised. Guarantee it.