Is Final Fantasy 8 the worst in the series?

Is Final Fantasy 8 the worst in the series?

Is this real?



Is this some running meme on WWE or is there some dedicated FF8 hating autist that buys tickets just so they can hold that sign up every time?

VII was where all the trash really started.

Nah, that was IV. IV was the moment the series became about MUH NARRATIVE over everything else and it wanted to be more a movie than a game, and the very concept of challenge was completely disregarded so any mouth breathing retard would be able to experience MUH NARRATIVE.

Those screenshots are both from the same episode.

both from tonight's show

people'll argue yes, but can't beat that character customization


FFVIII was made years before it should have been. There are so many scenes and set pieces that would have been phenomenal had modern hardware been available when it was made.

Fuck I usually post about hating 8 but that war scene was awesome. Just think that a 1999 game did a better large battle scene than Skyrim, a modern AAA game

Its not the worst when 2 & 3 exist

hell i'd rather replay 8 than finish 13, that shit is a weeaboo sedative

>3 is bad
Never understood this meme


awww, they so cute!

The difficulty was nerfed for the American audience. The ds remake is a perfect ff game.


Yeah, Square basically had the big budget grandiose AAA vision before it was ever possible. It was neat how they used gameplay overlaying FMVs to circumvent hardware limitations the best they could. The garden war scene and the parade scene did this very well.

So go figure now that the hardware is available nu-Square never does large scale epic moments like that anymore. FFXIII and FFXV have virtually no moments where more than just your party and enemies are present.

>rinoa pre-empting squall and teasing him about his catchphrase
cute af desu