>Not married
>Travels everywhere
>Meets fans at conventions
>Nintendo probably provides him with free new games whenever they're released.

Is he gay?

He's happy.


alpha old man more than you op faggot.

>Is he gay?
impossible, he hates gays.

>Not tied down by a filthy she-devil
>Gets to spend his life doing what he loves and providing entertainment to countless fans who adore him for his work
>Gets to travel a lot
>Probably paid oodles of cash due to how significant his job is for the company

Enviable man

this user gets it

>Nintendo probably provides him with free new games whenever they're released.
It's not like $60 a game is a huge burden if you have a well-paying job. I've blown more than that on a single meal.

The problem with games is that only kids are interested in them. Once you start making money, you lose interest. At least you should...

how long until he goes down for sexual harassment

I wish he was my grandfather

>There will be a time where he will no longer be the voice of Mario and co.

Gay people can be married you bigot

>so long gay bowser
What did he mean by this?

He is gay.

Several years ago someone on Sup Forums found a m4m ad Charles posted on craigslist. Said user emailed him. Charles wrote him back. The handle attached to the email address Charles wrote from led to several online gay communities with some dick pics. No face but it was clearly Charles.

This was four years ago.

I had every opportunity to archive that stuff. But I couldn't do it. Charles is a good, decent man. That's something that can't be said for many of you.

This guy always came off as kind of weird, and it is weird that he doesn't have a wife or kids.
I don't think that he's gay because in this day in age there's no reason to hide in the closet.
He might be an autist or a man-child.
What did he do before he was Mario?

[citation needed]

Cooler than I thought

Was he hung?

no he is not stupid enough to get married.

why would being gay keep someone from marrying

we patched that bug several years ago

>I don't think that he's gay because in this day in age there's no reason to hide in the closet.
He works for a Japanese company that's extremely traditionalist and is the voice for the biggest vidya IP on earth. There's plenty of reason.

>people here accuse men that are not married/nor have children to be gay

good luck in your future boys

>Travels everywhere
>Meets fans at conventions
>Nintendo probably provides him with free new games whenever they're released.
Do those add to the gay suspicion?


he ad libed his own raw hatred of gays into a kids game and is still considered a legend to this day.

>It's a, "I'm an expert on Japanese culture from stuff I've heard parroted from OTHER people who have no idea about Japanese culture."
Just fuck off, already.

There's gay characters on the Disney channel now.

maybe, now go lose your time somewhere else

We didn't save anything. Everyone in that thread agreed not to. Nothing has been reposted since. Could be in some archive. Who knows.

It was pale

>Looks 80

>decent man
Pick one

>What did he do before he was Mario?
Commercials and corporate training videos.

>anons of Sup Forums, least likely to have children or get married, are attempting to question why someone else doesn't have kids or isn't married

>I have zero evidence but trust me.

>tfw my family would believe me if I said I was gay

He's just reciting some Sup Forums screencap where an user found a guy on Craigslist that looks like Charles, and Sup Forums went crazy over the ordeal.

I bet you really are

Big if true

Projecting, probably.

I know this might be hard to believe here where everyone fuck 10's on the regular but for some people marriage and children.
Plus, he's a multi-millionaire. So even if was gay, he could probably fuck high class escorts for the rest of his life and do voice for them.

How about you try that post again but this time complete your sentences.

>*marriage and children just doesn't happen

user, did you have a stroke mid sentence?

I saw the thread. This poster doesn't have it archived either, but it's true. However, someone did take screenshots but they simply haven't come up. I have seen the screenshots before.

Even if Nintendo isn't against it personally, do you really think "Voice of Mario is GAY!" is a headline they want to see? It'd be a PR nightmare in any country

>with some dick pics. No face but it was clearly Charles.
so you recognized him by his dick?
What are you, a dick coinesseurs?

I saw Charles Martinet at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like-a you’re doing now? WAHOO!”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “bing! bing! bing!” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent-a any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by WAHOOing really loudly.

What did he mean by this?


>"Voice of Mario is GAY!"
Making a headline like that most likely just kills the paper. How the hell can it be a PR nightmare? If something, people would start praising it

>Nintendo probably provides him with free new games whenever they're released.

I doubt that. I remember reading an interview with one of the Treehouse employees years ago, and he said they only got 15 or 25% discounts on games.


There's a difference between a run of the mill employee and the VA for Nintendo's flagship character

>apparently a big scandalous revelation was only discussed for 1 thread that disappeared off the face of the net.

He should be.

>people here accuse men that are not married/nor have children to be gay

Well, yeah. What's wrong with you, otherwise? Every man being should be able to get into a steady relationship and settle down.

>Once you start making money

You don't have the TIME to spend playing games. And no, the Switch being an On-The-Go sort of console is not enough. These days JRPGs are forbidden because not having Summer Vacations means wasting a lot of hours into one game is simply not possible. I mean I could, but I'd take a long time to complete this one game. Even worse if I don't like the story. The idea of playing Final Fantasy 8 at the current time with it's poorly written story and characters makes me shudder.

Dude it was on Ellen that Mario and Luigi aren't brother's but lovers

Nintendo honestly should of replaced him long ago, Mario sounds old as fuck in Odyssey.

Coming out is fucking trash.

No wonder gaystation fans hate him.

I've met him a couple times at cons, literally the happiest man alive.

Gay like a fox.

he's a method actor

he will marry once mario marries

I'd say Treehouse is a little more important than you're giving them credit for. Considering they're the ones translating the damn games.

It's almost like games should be made with some kind of "speedy" option. Most games are designed specifically to be time sinks, but what if you want the opposite? To be told a story in an expedited fashion. There lies the problem because the story in most games is shit, which is why people give up on them

Video games are only good for being time sinks, repeating an easily teachable menial task over and over again an arbitrary amount of times. When you're an adult, you get paid to do such things. Children do them for free

>Not Paarthurnax

He was the only good thing about skyrim.
i could spend hours talking to that motherfucker.

>Plus, he's a multi-millionaire
source? are voice actors get paid that much?

>and he said they only got 15 or 25% discounts on games.
the absolute state of nintenbros

is he an sjw?

He's either;
A: Giant homo.
B: Pedo.
C: Wife/fiance died years ago and he doesn't want any romantic relationships, so he devotes his time to making kids happy.

check his twitter. go ahead pussy, DO IT

Hes a Wizard

>doesn't settle down with a roastie
>happiest guy alive
A coincidence?

user seriously, what do you think weekends are for? Just because you can't play games everyday doesn't mean you can't play games at all.

How many pride parades do you need to attend and CNN do you need to consume to really believe that the majority of the public in the US, never mind the world, is that okay with gays?

This dude is filthy as fuck.
>GDC 2007
>Meet the voice of Mario
>"The princess, she like-a the sausage"
>In Mario's voice

I remember that thread, this user isn't bullshitting.

He had some picture near a beach on something, some palm trees in the background, looked a LOT like him.

I'm pretty sure hes gay, who gives a shit though, it's his anus, not ours.

Who cares? Barely even a smudge compared to the shit I think about. That's fucking PG humor

I remember that thread. I've always been surprised it never came up again.

The original photo had his face in shot, that's how he got recognized. After the guy e-mailed him the photo was replaced with one that cropped out his head.

>He can't be gay, he hates gays.
You'd be an idiot to think these are mutually exclusive. I despise gays for example.

If charles martinet is content to do voice acting gigs and austistically babble about pizza on Mario for social media listeners that let him do it. Few human beings ever get to experience happiness like that

And if hooking up with dudes in shady conditions is a part of the happy lifestyle, so be it.

Dude, you're missing the point. This is Nintendo we're talking about. In today's world this kind of shit is a death sentence with a company as trigger-happy with cease-and-desists as Nintendo.

>I've blown more than that on a single meal.

That's fucking hilarious. I now have even more respect for Charles Martinet.

He still isn't filthy and Nintendo makes pedo jokes. A food pun isn't bad.

That is but one tiny example, user. You don't need to justify his actions -- I loved every second of it, but that kind of shit is extremely risky for someone in Nintendo's employ.

It's clearly not because it happened over a decade and go and he's still largely free to use the mario voice as he wishes on his own social media channel where he exclusively talks like that.

That is your one and only example
Go to reddit if you want people to overreact

Remember when this board, and site, really, was a bunch of fucking losers? Now it's apparently the last bastion of masculinity on the internet.

>10 years ago
user I think he'll be fine.

For you

Gay people love traveling, all the ones I know do it all the time.
No idea about the other ones

Everyone knows that gay people pay nothing for vidya.

>choosing not to be married means you are gay
This meme needs to fucking die. Homos get married too, if someone was gay then they'd just marry someone of their own sex. I don't see anything wrong with that. However there are those of us that choose not to get into committed relationships, straight or gay. Some of us are asexual or celibate. That is not the same thing as being gay.

if he did this today his life would be literally fucking over.
>the voice actor of mario ACCUSED OF RAPE

When will you furfags learn that you are not the majority? Fucking freaks.

Nah, got even more into then once money started coming in and I got a rig worth having. Having a gf and same-aged friends that are still into games helps too.

There's no such thing. You just can't get laid.

Being able and wanting to are two different things. I hate kids and won’t marry without a prenup.