Reminder that this man was the head developer of Morrowind

Reminder that this man was the head developer of Morrowind.

Hi Todd, how are you today?

Please buy my game Skyrim
NEW LOW PRICE ONLY 59.99 (usd)

Skyrim on smartphones when Todd ?

Skyrim needs to be the new Classic DooM. Fucking Printers and Calculators can play Classic DooM. C'mon Todd think of the untapped market.

why is this a meme? I'm new.

Not everything is a meme reddit

Well someone's a rude cunt

>this whole thread
Kill yourselves you unfunny, obnoxious memers

like the new cut


Why does he always look like he doesn't know what to do with his arms?

you're just projecting your own awkwardness onto him

I dunno man, half the time his hands are deep in his pockets or just hanging there.

Todd's gonna commit suicide over this shit, and you're all to blame.

Really? That game was shit too. TeS is overrated trash. The awful gameplay smears any chance I ever get at getting into the potentially good parts of this game. Bethesda should outsource their development

Opinion discarded

Not going to apologize for your awful gameplay tastes.

>unironically too stupid for a video game
just wow

top Sup Forumsipster


I don't think I will trust a frogposter's taste in memes

Fuck off todd,no one wants to buy it.

this is actually true, bethesda hasn't developed a good game

half of the time his hands are deep in my pockets