Why does Sup Forums hate girl streamers again?

Why does Sup Forums hate girl streamers again?

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>exploits base male instincts in order to get free money

It's just a softer form of prostitution.

because women and technology were a mistake and will be the downfall of the planet

because their fat boobs are obnoxious and in my face

Because of shit like in your pic, where the video of a woman takes up 80% of the screen while the actual video game is a 250x250 block on the bottom left/right corner

So if you fap to her but never watch her, sub or donate you're pirating her content?

This. I'm envious of a free ride because some men are that pathetic despite making more money than me. It's bullshit and all you need is decent genes and make-up skills to do it.

Because they don't have a penis

id fuck kaceytron cause of her tits and knowing shes trolling

she be beggin for dat rape

I don't give a shit about them. If they figured out that they can use their tiddies to get attention-starved males to give them money, good for them. I'm not about to cry over a bunch of guys giving money to an attractive woman just to hear her direct a sentence at them. It's their loss, not mine.

i would also have brutally violent intercourse with her solely because of her joysacks.

Because they co-opt a hobby that millions of men love in order to yet again, make everything about them. They're not even the ones you really should blame, though. If there will faggots who gave them money, they wouldn't be a problem.

Bruh as long as you're not paying whys it matter. I love them titties


Imagine sticking your dick in those tits while she tongue punches your fartbox

No, you're literally raping her.

wtf i like fit girls now

>Sup Forums hates video games
>Sup Forums hates streamers
>Sup Forums hates women
Gee I wonder why?

>Top today

These guys surely know that porn is free, right?

they don't even like the games or playing them,
but the hordes of virgin soyboys would still drool over them and give them money

this is way beyond friendzone, i don't even know what level of cuckery is this

That about sums it up

I don't donate to anything, but I'm very picky when it comes to porn. I like being teased first and a girl having the perfect body and a decent face.

this, hate the enablers who invite these harpies to feast on their corpses. softcore camwhores are a symptom, not the disease.

because the tits know they can get whatever they want for being tits

people just make fun of my fat tits they aren't good for anything

can't even hold my snacks on em' goddamn

i don't hate women. i fucking love women.
i just hate that there are women on Sup Forums
cuz they are ditzy and don't actually want to talk about video games

People get a certain thrill from this.

They live the dream of playing games for a job but not due to a passion or love of the craft but rather due to sizable utters and a desire to not go full camgirl.

They take money away from honest camwhores. Half assed product takes away from the real thing

>Sup Forums loves video games
>Sup Forums adores streamers
>Sup Forums respects women
could you imagine

>there are guys whose female contact is this

In all fairness I don't think anyone on Sup Forums wants to talk about video games. See: this thread


i actually talk to girls who are classier and better looking lol

>paying 200 bucks for some hoe to put it on a list makes them rock hard
Jesus these people are pathetic

Sounds like almost every other vidya community out there

>to a lazy fatshit that won't get a real job


I worked with a guy who donated 1200 to some streamer
All he got out of it was one coop match on Destiny

I hate none of those things. I do hate my jealousy of people that can get by easy by being pretty and female after a life of working hard and watching others excel by virtue of large breasts or on the other side being over 6 foot.

did you get the answer to why? I don't see how he even admitted it without getting embarrassed.

Because they could be doing amatuer porn?

These subhumans are not conscious enough of their own actions to be embarrassed. Like fish.

These women are just being women, it's more so the soyboy betas I'm angry with for allowing this shit.

Is this you?

They could've saved up for a 2k sex doll

>getting angry over the basic process of supply and demand

Personally I blame the people responsible for their actions. In this case everyone. Women who prey upon men, and men who allow themselves to be preyed upon. They're all trash.



>you could have been an average looking girl exploiting pathetic beta virgins
>instead your are just a soyboy

That's not the problem. The problem is it's not where it belongs. Do you get that? Twitch is supposed to be about video games. It's not supposed to be PG-13 MyFreeCams.

Ah you said coworker not friend, my mistake as I tried to be friends with all of mine

I demand good looking traps

I can't imagine the kind of people that donate to these streamers. Well actually i can and i bet $100 that it's mostly pajeets and BRs

I already took that for granted, women being trash that is.

Said "it's just money"
But I think that's bullshit, he would always creep on rando girls social media and fall in love constantly with girls he saw But never talk to

>Kaceytron does it ironically so it's okay to give her money ironically, guise! xd

This. I'm not afraid to admit, with an anonymous posting, that I'll watch male streamers of a game I play. Attractive females take away from quality gameplay, although I know I'm making a meme here by even implying they're capable of quality gameplay. Whenever I see an attractive female, I immediately think of AO things I could do to her, which is better suited for an honest camwhore.

Actually Twitch can be whatever Twitch's corporate office says it is.
I'm actually wondering why this is such an unexplored niche in streamers. I'm sur eplenty of people want to see qt boys play video games

Do you think every girl who streams gets twitch bucks by default?

I'd give her ironic (counterfeit) money since her appreciation is also counterfeit.

Because nobody pays attention to me because I'm a boy even though my tits are big too

i don't even buy the "she does it ironically thing"
i think she is like dsp where she IS actually retarded, but plays it up as well

>Twitch's corporate office
You mean Amazon. Amazon does not provide Internet porn.

>actually believing that sex appeal will not infiltrate every nook and cranny of human existence

streaming is the lowest form of human behavior
Twitch was a mistake. People giving views to twitch and youtubers are the cancer of modern society

Not even close, she's an entertainer. She knows VERY well how to act and what to say to get her audience to pay her.

It hasn't infiltrated my bedroom. Fuggen checkmate.

You guys think gamergirls will ever leave our hobby?


shut the fuck up, kacey. you're a god damned retard and you know it

Cosmo was a mistake.

Jews promote porn and sexuality in everything they do. A person addicted to porn is a braindead rat
An addicted rat can be controlled by any external force

Anri has left enough hobbies of mine. I don't want her to leave this one.

I wish you would leave my life

I would have catfished him if it was just money and he wasn't so sad to part with it desu



Sup Forums is jealous because they secretly wish they were a passable female.

How do I make money from my huge tits (male)? It's not fair.

Who is the hottest white girl steamer?

>Anri will never ever cuddle with you while you play vidya

Kill me

am I lying? jews own Twitch, youtube and google
Satanic jews

Who is the girl on the left?!

I know a guy who donated 5000 of his recently deceased father's inheritance to some random streamer girl. Surprise, surprise, he's a bit of a creep irl.

I'm pretty convinced that it's just that they think the money will get them attention and they'll get their dick sucked because of it. I watched a few streams of some popular girl a year or two ago, and it was legitimately sad and creepy. Especially with the major ones, because they're savvy enough to know to keep their distance from the people who actually support them the most. Not to mention lots of weird middle eastern guys donating thousands of dollars and sending them jewelry and shit. It's pretty funny to see some guy donate 100 bucks to a popular girl and they get the same vacant 'thank you so much!' that everybody who donates a dollar gets.

Jessica Nigri

That's a guy

>girl streamer
They're all repulsive cumdumpsters

t. Palestinian

Reminder that only the chosen people will get into heaven

So who are the new ones to follow?

and no fuck donating

Who's the guy on the left?

I respect drug dealers and junkies more than I respect that kind of human trash also known as camwhores

angela white.

Cosmo is legitimately the ugliest human i've ever seen. Just everything about him is ugly.

you dont follow any
you type big boobs into google and masturbate to sexier women instead

I'd suck your dick if I could. Thanks brother.

I dunno. He's just taking pictures of ass.

Why? They're not doing anything illegal, unlike those other people you mentioned

You idiots are a bunch of cocaine addicted rats
I've worked in a lab training rats to respond to external stimulus and you behave exactly like that
Streaming whores and porn is your cocaine
You are lower than lab rats.

Big boobs into google

My kind of guy. What a champion.