He played as an elite in multiplayer

>he played as an elite in multiplayer

>he played halo


>he played as halo

>he played the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2

What is wrong with you? It's WORTWORTWORT. Always three, always in very quick succession.
The has never been a bad halo game, nor bad halo multiplayer. Only thing is that Reach, 4, and 5 weren't true to the original formula, but they were still fun as fuck.

Isn't the model bigger than a spartan, if anything you should want to play against them

4 and 5 was good and fun as fuck you guys

>not playing as a female elite

Yes. The head model too.
They eventually minimized the differences.

Since Halo 2.

in halo 3 the hitbox is exactly the same, which is daft since you need to aim higher for a headshot


Why are spartans are lil bitches.

>he thinks Halo 2's multiplayer is anywhere near as good as Halo CE and 3's mp
>he insults Halo 5's mp putting it below Halo CE and 3 because he's comparing it to Halo 2's when he should be calling it the best Halo multiplayer since Halo CE and 3

halo 5 is just crysis of duty

Halo 5 is fun

>Tits on female Elite

she's in heat

reach had the best multiplayer behind 1, 3 is overrated.

>reach had the best multiplayer

>ywn copulate with a female sangheili
why live, if just to suffer?

Reach is objectively the best and most expansive Halo multiplayer to date.

>armor abilites
>call of duty sprinting
>call of duty loadouts
>call of duty modes
>call of duty controls
>shit balance


>armor abilities
>mediocre map
Only good thing was armor customization.

>halo 5 is about fast
>has aim down sights
already a shit game right there

Is it just me or does 5 look even worse now than it did at launch?
I swear it refuses to go above 720p and even then the dynamic resolution is constantly freaking out trying to figure out what to run at.

>he wrote Halo fanfiction and posted it to the internet


halo 2 did a similar thing when your console was dying



Go back to >>>/reddit/, soyboy.

PS4 and Destiny is just the other way, soyboy.

>WORT WORT WORT is Sgt Johnson's GO GO GO line reversed

Shitter who mashed the trigger instead of timing his shots and aiming. I smoked so many of you I miss those days.
>armor abilities
Most of which were not that powerful/countered if you knew what you were doing. I think sprint was the only one I ever used.
>mediocre maps
Totally a matter of opinion but I see your case just the same.

>Shitter who mashed the trigger instead of timing his shots and aiming. I smoked so many of you I miss those days.
Lol, spamming fire is literally objectively superior at all but the farther engagement ranges which you hardly encounter on average map.
>Most of which were not that powerful/countered if you knew what you were doing. I think sprint was the only one I ever used.
Jetpack broke map design.

>he played whatever he thought was fun instead of what pleasures my cringey elitism

Bloom made it so you couldn't melt anyone at any range like with the BR and at close range you were better off popping their shield and punching them. I loved the combat in Reach so much. The shields just felt perfect.

Armor Abilities were fine, except Armor Lock was somewhat annoying.
Sprinting was fine, other than the fact that it was an Armor Ability as opposed to just something you could do.
The loadouts were nothing like CoD, because they were all pre-made by Bungie/343i and tailored to the gametype.
>Call of duty modes
no clue what this means, but are you implying that more gametypes is bad?
>call of duty controls
They're exactly the same as any other Halo
>shit balance

why did they make the handsome elites into deformed samurai? why do aliens have a human culture in nu-halo?

Bloom makes it so that spamming shots beats pacing shots a majority of the time at most ranges.
Which leads to fights being coin flips of who got better rng.

They were always samurai-like in the story

>You will never come back home from Middle School and play Halo 3 till like 1 AM before bed
It hurts. What hurts even more is that none of my Halo 3 buddies play vidya anymore, stating that thwy just don't have time with work. It's not fair...

>sprinting was fine
>except it's not something you can just do

sprinting does not belong in halo, period. neither does ADS. you're always going at full speed it's not a button you press, just move the stick nigger.

2nd to the left gets really into it at the end there. bet shes a real ho

>he can't handle meleeing someone and killing them when they sprint up to you
>he can't kill people with the DMR and grenades when they try to get away with it
>he thinks the loadouts are anything but ar/pistol and dmr/pistol for 90% of the gamemodes
i don't even need to explain the rest, it's clear you're a shitter

no, they were a warrior caste society, that does not make them into literal samurai anymore than it makes them into knights or vikings or any other human culture.

Why does sprinting not belong in Halo? And your last sentence makes no sense

That just wasn't my experience. I don't know what to tell you. I always paced my shots and went for the head and I did quite well. Maybe I got the drop on people and frequently got more shots on them before they could fire back. I have no idea.

Except sprinting turned offensive pushes through open areas into a trivial matter since you barely expose yourself
Why stay and fight through a duel when you can just run away like a bitch?

>if you don't like shit game design it must mean you're bad

because you're always going at full speed, just move the stick nigger. it's a run and gun game. you can move and shoot at the same time, like in doom. there is no sprint in doom either.

sprinting was invented by call of duty as a way to create a pseudo-tactical tradeoff between accuracy and movement speed, it's meant to make you run from cover to cover and stand relatively still, aiming down sights to shoot. it does not belong in an arena shooter like halo.

>sprinting does not belong in halo

Kelly says hi.

I'm just saying that bloom is a bad mechanic because mathematically for ever major patch version the optimal play was to fire as fast as possible which leads to rng encounters.
If they had made it more punishing so that pacing was better than maybe it'd work.

Can we at least agree the armor was the best it ever looked in the series in that game?

Halo 2's was simple, but easy to understand

Except in Doom, you move fast as fuck. In Halo, you move slow as fuck. Your argument holds no water, are you seriously implying that THAT'S a Spartan's max movement speed?

naw, a lot of the customization was overdesigned. not 343 bad, but worse than before. halo 2 completely nailed the look of just about everything.

it also turned it into a hat economy where people played for no other reason than to grind for armor pieces.

Halo 2 was also a broken glitched up mess.

spartans have been over-romanticized in the lore. you're basically buying directly into UNSC propaganda here.

as a concept, the spartan is nothing more than a lampshading of the FPS protagonist. You don't move "faster", or jump "higher", or much of anything out of the ordinary for an FPS protagonist, but it's pointing out that for this inhuman movement and fighting ability an average FPS protag has to make sense in the lore you need a super soldier.

master chief didn't even exist until very late in development, earlier materials refer to him as just another marine "more skilled than the rest". then the novels and later halo 3 painted him as this fucking messiah figure and it's disgusting.

it's a shooter first and a spartan power fantasy last.

idk what triggers me more female elites or female sangheili with segmented jaws

I still think it looks pretty

doom has "normal" speed and "fast" speed by pressing shift
and comparing halo's slow as piss movement to doom is stupid

Sangheili are elites

not when they're civilians

halo has analog movement

>slow as piss
it's actually not that much slower, it's mainly the console fov making you think that. it's like you don't know that fish eye lenses make things look further away.

elite is the UNSC nickname for them, because they often act as squad leaders for the "grunts". just like how the USAF would give various nicknames to japanese planes, not knowing the japanese names for them. the covenant society does not actually have a title like "elite".

Unrelated but
>Killing Floor 2 forums
>ask if there's a way to disable gun models because I hate ADS
>everyone points and laughs and calls me a retard
>explain that having a reticle on your screen is 100x better than having a gun model jammed in your face since you can see more
>but you can just aim your shots in the middle of the screen, you literally don't need ADS. Why do you think PC fps went a good 15 years with a reticle before ADS shit things up?

We can't go back to the non-ADS days because of shit heads like these who prob started gaming on 360 and then jumped to PC and would bitch and moan if they're FPS' didn't control like cowadooty even tho they don't know jack shit about game design. I'm still fucking mad.


Shit, they've been really busy on the book front since I stopped following halo for a few years. Book that follows blue team: Last Light. New book by Tobias Buckell about Grey Team: Envoy. Quite a few more.

classic centered gun mode with crosshair disabled is pretty sweet in nu-doom though.

according to in game measurements for both games, doomguy runs over 3 times as fast as master chief. I wouldnt call that "not much slower"

the only books that ever mattered were penned by joe. he did write a new one about half-jaw.

doomguy suffers from early-fps midget syndrome, it's not really to scale, where halo's scale is meticulous to say the least. in terms of how fast you move relative to enemies, it's not a huge difference.

>ywn go to a friends place to play halo 3 together again after school
>ywn own faggots on halo 3 mp and tell them that you fucked their moms over the xbox mic

High school was way more fun that this shit.

who cares about how fast you move relative to enemies, its about how fast you move relative to mapspace
in doom you zip around the map like a madman, in halo you slowly chug your way through like an out of breath fatman

With a female voice too.

doesn't mean dick tho

placebo. try using a stopwatch if you want to get anywhere with that.

I cant believe it took me this long to realize youre baiting

It means a lot, it being broken pile is the main reason it's not the best multiplayer. The only idiots that call it that are idiots born after Halo CE and fags that started the series late.

>ywn forge mode with friends
>ywn make a fuck hueg fort and arm it to the teeth on that warhouse map
>ywn intentionally leave no cover for the zombies only an open area
>ywn agian point and laugh as they can only use their super speed to only get mowed down by the guy on the turret
Where did it got wrong

Not that I really give a shit about your argument but why the flying fuck are you two bringing up Doom in a Halo thread? If you want to talk about Doom so badly, go make a Doom thread.

>frag grenade beard

>they will never add custom game matchmaking 15 years after it was cut from halo 2

halo is a doom clone. same as marathon, doom with a story.

Halo is itself and Marathon was some Doom clone now go fuck off and make a Doom thread so you can talk about it with people who actually care.


There's a spot on the elites head where a bullet can go directly through without causing damage. Pretty sure this is only halo 2.

I always played as an elite. When getting high up in ranks people would rage so hard and sometimes leave games because I was an elite. Luckily I was too fucking good at the game and always carried the team

It was the elite's neck, at least in Halo 3 it was.

>halo reach niggers
>vehicles made out of paper
>absolute WORST maps in the whole series
>color palette composed solely of brown and grey
>soundtrack is meh compared to the rest of the games although still better than 90% of games
>DMR was even more broken than the Halo 2 BR as it had literal sniper rifle tier accuracy and little to no recoil. Only one shot more to kill someone. This in turn made every fucking map a camping fest on a higher degree than GoW or god damn battlefield. Maps like Spire and Boneyard are unplayable with vehicles.
>armor abilities completely ruined combat making every battle a rock paper scissors of who has sprint/evade so they can melee you in the face faster than you can react or armor lock making every fight 10 seconds longer and making vehicles even worse
>third worse campaign in the series with nothing but unmemorable levels and only redeeming quality are generic hollywood military sacrifices for characters that nobody cares about
>one map that you can make actual forge maps on and every fucking object is grey and the map is nothing but rocks, grass, and water. Every map in 3 was capable of being forged upon.
>advertisements showing large scale warfare when in reality the largest battle in the whole game was a cutscene before a level that was 100% copy and pasted from a multiplayer level. Or vice versa, either way that shit is disgusting.
>campaign was dark to appeal to the CoD fanbase getting rid of the unique artstyle and soundtrack that Halo has always been known for in favor of generic military aesthetic no.391

>campaign was dark to appeal to the CoD fanbase

Yeah, the story of Reach should have been happy-go-lucky. What did you expect?

>Middle school
>Halo 3 came out when I was a fucking junior

I always thought playing as an elite was a disadvantage due to their large heads.

I thought they had the same hit model though.

Elites had an advantage if you played SWAT because you couldn't headshot them from behind

I actually don't know. I just didn't play them because it looks like a disadvantage.

Halo Reach basically had no strafing, due to the movement lag when changing directions.

God I loved 2. Retarded grenade radius and 90% of shootouts ended in a melee. Still fun as fuck.

>half the online game modes had none of this

You're reaching hard.

Halo Reach was the Metroid Other M of Halo, complete shit and almost killed the series.