Tfw 25

>tfw 25
>tfw I've browsed Sup Forums for over 10 years
>tfw I'm starting to feel out of touch with this place
What do I do? I feel like I'm too old for this place but I still enjoy video games
Please tell me I'm not alone in this

Other urls found in this thread:

Go to The Place That Shall Not Be Named.

>here for 10 years
>still can't make a decent post
lurk another 10 before you kill another good thread with your bullshit



is this a new filter
The Place That Shall Not Be Named

>wojak threads

Try Reddit or 8ch

those are my exact stats too

You know the average age of posters here is late twenties/early 30s, right?

Go to /r9k/ if you're that worried about being too autistic for Sup Forums.

The Place That Shall Not Be Named

I'm starting to feel the same way user. You have to accept it for what it is and move on. It's a whole new generation of shitposters. 80% of the people on this board were born after 2000, and their tastes and opinions are completely fucking retarded. I basically only lurk at this point.



go back to The Place That Shall Not Be Named faggot


stop using the chef class on that fuck boy, itll only take you down in the end
>only use strong man with a pocket sara on buffs

The Place That Shall Not Be Named

>citation needed
This is the second most popular board after Sup Forums. I'm calling bullshit on that one.

I feel exactly the same
People here have become way too retarded in the past years alone

/vg is usually the place to go


t. newfag

Move to a big boy board
HA good one user

>I still enjoy video games
im afraid its too late for you

I can't keep up with the recent trend of Wojak edits and "what are some games" posting.

I feel like I'm just not with it anymore but there's no where else to go.

I just yell at you underage retards for your shit opinions. I'm 30 btw.

bro, consider yourself lucky. You outgrew this shithole while still liking games. Leave and never look back


I just stick with /vg/ if I actually want to discuss something. I still follow video games (mostly through Twitch) >playing video games but Sup Forums is essentially dead to me.

>enjoying games
>on Sup Forums

>citation needed

same boat
this place is now a fine blend of poe's law and kids posting from their phones
but everywhere else is worse


it's called growing up

but same I was underage&b lurking years ago

/vg/ is filled with literally insane namefags and drama whores though.

You're the same age as me.

It depends on the game and the thread. Sup Forums on the average day is leaps worse than /vg/.

This board died for me the moment everyone told me Skyrim was a good game in a fucking thread. A game I bought day one, and everyone shitted on every single fucking day for months after that. Apparently it's a top-tier RPG now, this is news to fucking me.

These kids might genuinely be retarded user, and that terrifies me. If their shit tastes are going to define the next generation of releases, video games outside of indie releases are fucking dead.

Come visit /tg/ sometime, less shitposters and I've hardly seen any underaged users there. I know its not really like Sup Forums but the Warhammer 40K generals are good, there is a Warcraft general every two days or so now, sometimes even a rare Elder Scrolls thread in addition to the general D&D, worldbuilding, CYOA and other tabletop games.

You might even enjoy it :)


No joking, lurking /tg/ has been a pleasant experience. Keyword being "lurking."

naw, people said it was good from day one, it's just old enough that the contrarians don't care anymore.

I was in that thread, and while I haven't completely given up hope, you are absolutely right that Sup Forums is too often up it's own ass with how cancerous in comparison to other boards it is.
I'd say the only series that is at all consistently better to talk about o Sup Forums than /vg/ in any real margin is Fire Emblem, and that's mostly because the types that have the same shit tastes as a certain someone pretty much act the same as he does, so he loses any real attention he would get from here.


Neo-Sup Forums please, literally nobody did. See you were in grade school at the time, but I was actually posting in 2011, and I remember what happened quite fucking clearly.

Next you're going to tell me there weren't a billion Elizabeth waifu threads after Bioshock Infinite was released, or nobody got hyped for Kingdoms of Blunderlaur. Fuck off retard.

join this to get that spark back

feel the same way, am 26.

When I first found this place I was ultra-depressed, an anxious mess of a teenager. Had no friends, had no social life, virgin, etc.

Fixed pretty much all of that in the 11 years I've been here, and while I still love games, I don't feel the same way and I'm not the same person I used to be. Sup Forums feels a lot more like habit at this point than a genuine interest - there's just nowhere else to go where I can speak my mind anonymously about practically anything.

Take a subject than you fancy and just read up on it a little bit, I take part in almost every W40K general nowadays whereas my first times on /tg/ I just looked at the images of the Marine chapters.

And yeah, /tg/ is a fairly pleasant board overall.

Find a different board. I rarely come to Sup Forums anymore, it's way too chaotic these days.

testing filters

All these people actually testing The Place That Shall Not Be Named need to go back.

Just go to a different board. Sup Forums is too fast and too poor quality to really be any good, even at off hours on weekdays.

at least 80% of the shit i see here couldn't be posted by someone older than 16 or someone with serious weapons grade autism
unfortunately this is Sup Forums so either is equally possible

I'm 27. Been browsing for the last 10 years or so, back when Sup Forums had frames. Unironically browse /r/games mostly. Sup Forums's brand of shitposting has devolved into unfunny Sup Forums, eceleb and consolewar retardation unfortunately. You rarely get a good thread. Upside is there's no cancerous tripfag shit or mass effect general #987 now. I miss the large amounts of hilarious original mspaint threads and gay shit, although it's still pretty gay

>e-celeb threads
>most OC is instantly labelled as reddit unironically
>people now defend games that get more casual
>nostalgia threads about military shooters occasionally popping up

Find threads you like. If there's nothing just either make your own thread or visit another time.
Sometimes this is just a shitposting nightmare, other times its 110% comfy Suda threads or Junji Ito dumps. Secret Hitler threads aren't bad, and one of my best times in an online community was here. It was working on the Soma ARG.

maybe you bullied them into silence but I spoke up and always found support.

But Sup Forums is more popular than Sup Forums

7chan reddit 420chan 12chan 2chan Sup Forums gaiaonline gamefaqs neogaf 9gag ytmnd

to die

15 year olds are fucking retards and shit up anything they touch. What’s new?

Don't come here as much but I can't leave.

If only that were true user.

do not listen to these people, they are trolling you. /tg/ is worse than Sup Forums. It's like somebody fused Sup Forums, /leftypol/, /trash/ and /mlp/ into one cancerous schizophrenic board. You will legitimately get cancer and immediate super aids if you even browse the catalogue.

Any quality threads you see on /tg/ are merely an illusion to post politics,ponies and furshit. There are no quality threads on /tg/ if you think there are you are under the same illusion as the mods.

Sup Forums is a million times better than /tg/. Trust me stay here do not even look at /tg/

This pretty much. Going on 10+ years now.
Cept I'm 26.

shut the fuck up onsokumaru
jk i love you

>tfw 31

Have you accomplished any life goals yet?

What are the boards with the oldest and youngest demographics?

I have none!

/r9k/ seems pretty young.

just take a break for a few months, that is what I do

Do NOT respond to the tripcunt.

Most anons I see mention their actual ages here are in their late teens or early twenties. Makes me sick how many snot nosed whippersnappers we have on this board.

You can always fuck off to reddit

After getting a job, gf and a minor social life I started seeing just how much this place skewed me over the years, especially when my mind was still impressionable.

Now I'm 20 and feel mostly bored with the website in general. I'm kicking it very slowly as I'm trying to become more productive after breaking up with m gf.

> especially when my mind was still impressionable.
Nigga you ain't even old enough to drink yet. How you going around talking like you're all grown up and figured life out and shit?

Because I know not to take advice or opinions from a Taiwanese rug making forum.

this is trumps Sup Forums now

Fucking false, nigger

I turned 24 this week, and I've been on this website a lot less the past year or so of my life
Frankly, if you have a job or some shit to do during the day, you just sort of find less time to waste on this cesspool, and you realize you're not any worse for it
This place is a useless time sink

I spend 2 hours baking a week minimum, I have time to waste.

>I got drunk once and threw up all over myself
>now I know never to drink alcohol ever again, ain't I mature?
You have the emotional maturity of a child if you never take any advice but the mental capabilities of pubescent teen who hates school cuz adults if you take the advice outright.

It's better to pick and compare advice. If you swing "never" and "always" your mind is ripe for programming.

Use your mind to think, don't get lazy.

Is it The Place That Shall Not Be Named?

You learn shit from cooking, though
Unless you mean getting high, which still kind of applies
The best I can imagine anyone getting out of spending time here is typing speed and maybe understanding the opinions of others a little better, but those are kind of shitty rewards for the investment

You leave.

Get the fuck out reddit

It's not a surprise.
With other "events" like the fappening or Gamergate, /r9k/ and Sup Forums singlehandely ruined Sup Forums and other boards for decades to come.

I find games like bloodline champions or sunless sea from here. It's worth sticking around.

But the honesty is so real here. Everything else feels fake

>Unless you mean getting high, which still kind of applies
I intend to try making edibles sometime soon. I can't wait.

>muh soggy knee!


Once you realize everyone is just pretending to be retarded you'll fit in better.

I like being able to call people cock smokers and faggots without actual 14 year olds getting uppity about it. At least the 14 year olds here just repeat it back to you instead of calling you an insensitive bigot.

I'm 22 and I've been here for 11 fucking years. For better or worse, you're here forever, no matter how bad it gets.

>But the honesty is so real here.
It's really not.

Not an argument.

>has been browsing Sup Forums for over a decade
>still a cringeworthy faggots
an hero

What is The Place That Shall Not Be Named? At first I thought it was a word filter for Reddit but apparently not. Is it a word filter for The Place That Shall Not Be Named?

This. This board should be changed to /shi/ for the amount of shitposting. I'm only here out of boredom and every day I consider myself weak for visiting this shit website.