Does Sup Forums still plays l4d2? And Which mode?
Does Sup Forums still plays l4d2? And Which mode?
I bought it on steam once when it was on sale for like $5 and never installed it.
You should install it, but the game is dead. I don't why, its pretty dope
i pretty much only use mods to change skins of my characters and guns. for some reason i dont really get bored of the default campaigns, i only download survival maps.
Map in pic related is called Tank's Playground
I play a lot of Last Man on Earth. It can be pretty fun on some maps, but fucking frustrating on others.
I was put together with a pretty good team once and we managed to finish that map. That was fun.
I like pubstomping sometimes. No reason to take this game seriously as its metagame is fucking retarded and involves taking a big fat dump on the game mechanics to compete.
toxic community. if you do one thing wrong you get vote kicked
I only play it with friends on expert realism. Always fun.
Usually play on Advanced or Expert and have a huge horde mod to make it harder. I played realism for awhile till it got boring so i went to modding and community maps. I play Versus when my group wants to so. I picked it up in like 2013 i think and still play now and then.
One of the worst communities ever
more like left for dead poo
Always ready to play it.
It's FUN
I recently played Versus a lot.
Don't you dare make a single mistake or you get kick
I remember getting kick out of a game a few years ago because I "only" had 150 hours
well it is still fun
yeah versus is cancer, it always was
>game is dead
>6k current players
>14k peak
The fun was patched out of left 4 dead long before the awful sequel came around.
>trying to make a game about random stuff fucking you up "competitive"
Expert Realism or Bust
>not iron man
>playing with randoms
gettin it again, soon ish. miss this SO MUCH
mostly not versus, but sometimes versus
This try to play campaign one player runs ahead of the group gets picked off by an infected rage quits, play versus (ever) something goes wrong for your team they vote kick each other.
Hard 8 advance is the patrician choice game mode
i got it a couple weeks ago. shits fun, not exactly dead either - lot of players around. the community is ass though - retarded rushing pseudo-pros, voice spsmming gypsyniggers and the like.
Playing L4D2 on an almost-daily basis.
I only play Versus or competitive configs.
I'd keep it to lan parties if you can. Playing online is guaranteed to give you hackers and insta-kicks for even the smallest mistakes.
i go in and micspam with songs n shit
Yes, and coop/versus
I like and I fucking hate this game at the same time.
The diversity of SIs and the spacious maps makes the game really fun to replay, but at the same time the Director is completely fucking random garbage and potentially ruins the game by doing random shit.
Either he makes the flow of the game good, either he forces you into dead stops every 2 fucking seconds by throwing shit around the corners or commons in your back. It wouldn't so much of an issue if the shits in question weren't Charger or Jockey, because those fuckers are really difficult to kill already when you see them coming (Charger 600 hp and bash resistance, Jockey small hitbox and more health than a Hunter), but inevitable around corners with their 7 miles long grabbing hitboxes and deal instant damage on touch which in the end can pretty much put you down in a second in higher difficulties (when at least you can be saved by competent teammates without taking any damage against a smoker/hunter). Valve clearly were lazy when making of those two specials.
The I've uninstalled it since 2014 and never looked back mode
I genuinely have no idea how the community ended up being so terrible almost immediately after release.
Almost all communities are toxic.
All are to some degree, but the L4D2 community so exceedingly cancerous that it makes me genuinely curious as to why. I think I've seen more unprovoked votekicks in L4D2 than all other games combined
yeah, but you only need like 3 others friends to play with, so whatever the comunity is should not matter.
you do have friends, right, user?
dead island is vastly superior in every single way
VS pubs and Friends only realism configs VS
>play l4d2 with friends every other blue moon
>remember why i hate playing l4d2 with them
They always fucking bile the tanks and then they wonder why we end up getting memed on.
4 vs 4 is intimate
whats wrong with biling tanks? it's funny.
>bile tank when no horde is around
>tank can't see and if its a bot then congrats you wasted your bile
>if its a human then you still wasted your bile because now you have to deal with them and a horde after a bit
hordes do a lot of damage to tanks and block their movement.
Bile does spawn a horde, there's a reason it's fucking useless
If you bile a tank and don't immediately unzip your katana on him, you're trash.
The pan is the anti-tank