Enemies can turn on your speakers

>enemies can turn on your speakers

Other urls found in this thread:


name 1 (one) game

your mom

your sister rekt

That comic has tons of cute faces

Some jumpscare/horror games can lock your volume



Update never


>Horror can mess with you while the game is paused.


What comic


The official Ben 10 Comic duh

Seriously? These crops are way too lewd

>rare EXP-giving enemies can run away

Sultry Summer by incognitymous

>he didn’t See the episode where ben UtterLy dominaTes Gwen’s pussy and Remodels her tinY anuS. sUre, the aniMation is Much to bE desiRed, but it’s good

name one game you fucking faggit. fuck I hate you

It updates every Friday. He uploads it to his site.


Scary Maze


Did you have a stroke?

Gimme the Lincoln Logs or do I have to donate to his Patreon

It's a free comic for some weird reason.
Have a feeling it'll be a pay to see comic when there's actual fucking.

Literally fucking fuck off
his shit "art" will never fail to no enrage me everytime I see his fucking shit
From the terrible art to the wonky anatomy, it's all disgusting
his lolis are disgusting and his non lolis are fucking lolis in everything but name fucking

I am seething right now
get better tastes you fucking shit getout

I hope some kind gentleman patreoneer uploads it somewhere else

Also anyone know any good Ben 10 vidya?

I've jacked off to Gwen porn so many times

No. Only thing it's good for is Gwen.

Any games with that?

Only result I can find on sad panda was a russian one, are there any english versions?

Try looking up the name of the artist on google

>Enemies can run away from you whenever they want to

holy shit this is gold

thanks for posting

>enemy can turn you on

If you decide to give this guy money make sure to post the new shit somewhere

Sure thing, I'll pm it to you.

>wojakposter has shit taste

>it's a porn comic where the buildup goes on forever and the artist loses interest before the actual fucking

>being so mad at porn
Fucking lol, so you also rage in every shadman thread?

No I mean on paheal or some site that’s easy to find

I dunno, that Star Vs. comic has been going on forever and it's gotten to the second fucking 60+ pages later.

>Enemy can crank up your speakers and play porn sounds to embarrass you.

>enemies can remove armor

Ex refuses to show up his galleries. They are there, they just don't show up. And they are not just expunged.

They're already uploading it on paheal. I'm sure paid content won't make them stop.

is v the most degenerate sub on this website?

Oh, really?

Cool, wonder of page 46 is there

>Enemies use a new move

I think how it works is that his Patreons get it first a week before then he makes it for free on his site.

I hate that shit

>Star Vs. porn
Kill yourself you degenerate

Gwen is best girl in any western cartoon or vidya and her desire for Ben’s cock is canon

Never said I liked it. I just know it exists.

The guy's gotta make a living.

>her desire for Ben’s cock is canon


Also this

>device doesn't have a mute option and the absolute lowest the volume will go still emits sound
For some reason this shit just makes me uncomfortable, I don't like the idea of not being able to silence something, how the fuck do these things even get manufactured?

Gimme 1 (one) reason this isn't on fucking exhentai with the rest of them?

yes I do get mad at how bad shad's porn is
I will also say he has good drawing skills, and his latest porn comic and non porn comics where good, better than his old porn comics and that he still doesn't get anatomy as all his lolis look terrible



what the fuck china

>Press START

What the actual fuck?

Chinese know what’s up

Wasn't she going to be Ben's girlfriend before they changed her character into his cousin?

>Chinese know what’s up
Nah they don't allow you to show skeleton characters in ANY game. That's bullshit

Yes but they forgot to change the script

>Party member dances with you

Shadman's artstyle is nice. His art content is fucking dogshit.
>Anal Piercings
>Asshole Fetishism
Dude what the fuck, Shadman.

At least his Gravity Falls comic was nice, even if it was LITERALLY only 3 pages long.

It’s just 2spooky

>T-they’re just friends guys!

Max’s face tho

I still think they should do a full reboot with them as childhood friends or something. Make Gwen a full on Tsundere

>tfw your subliminal pro-alien racemixing conditioning works better than expected

>Just friends
They're cousins, yo.

“”””Friendly””””” cousins

I think it was because the roadtrip idea was pitched after her character was created, So they had to give Ben blue balls and make her blood related,

The original concept for the show likely being very similar to the last episode of original series.

>panda only has it russian
sour grapes. shit comic

Remember when Ben was turning into a furry and there was this girl Ben liked and Gwen got super fucking pissed every time she was on screen

And they realized it would be weird for Ben to have a female friend with him ALL summer so they made her his cousin

Creating a monster that dominates dicks to this day

>he doesn't have a cousin

You mean every other episode, or is that the joke?

>he isn’t friends it’s his cousin

I actually do. She was straight jealous. And I also remember being confused because she was his cousin. Guess I know why I like incest porn now.

Yes but specifically the werewolf one

I've got some good gwen cards on honeyselect

Remember the time where they went to the future and it was just Gwen, Ben, and his son

Never seen the cartoon, I just fap to porn

You know how people in the west get chinese character tattoos since they "look cool"? That's english in most of east asia

and you also see future ben and future gwen and they have this weird kinda sexual tension.

>haven't been able to see incogs work in over a year

Reminder in the USA, You can marry your cousin in 20 states without restictions and can fuck in all but 9 states.


jesus christ what the fuck

it's finished though

because he had a hissy fit and dmca'd them off the site

they're entirely removed

>having digital only volume controls

>enemies restrain you and tickle torture you until you piss yourself

>96 replies
>33 IPs

Just look at the post above yours

Is this the same person?