What games let me transform?

What games let me transform?

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transform into what?

is this the daily /r/asianmasculinity brigade topic?

disgusting twitch whore

show bob and vagene


Into a huge tree.



Amazing what surgeons can do now. He used to be a Chad, look at him now.

hope she still has her dick



>chick is a panhandler
>asks guy for money, tells her he doesn't
>goes in store to buy wings and a beer
>chick gets mad

Skin far too white
hair too blonde
Body too slim
ass too large
legs too exposed


>missing QTE three times


That guy is an asshole for lying to her like that. Typical americlaps choosing gluttony over helping others.

lmao in what world does she actually look needy? certainly not in the first world

kys communist

He could have meant actual cash, he probably paid with a card. Unless the slag had a reader

I hate this fucking bitch and every Twitch camwhore for that matter.
Letting women into gaming was the worst thing that happened to this industry. Not a single one actually cares for games, they all just look for beta orbiters and army of white knight that will protect them from big bad sexism and donate to their stream/Patreon/whatever.
Women shouldn't have got the voting rights.

This. Who the fuck carries cash with them anymore?

Hope the place at least replaced his meal.

>reader on a thousand dollar iphone with a 100 dollar a month data plan
>"gib me money plz"
Im sure that would go even better for her

>employees not minding their own business
They were probably bored and were excited to do something else

She looks pretty ok to be panhandling. Atleast she got wings, directly to her face

what happened

Nobody in American carries cash anymore. It's all debit/credit/apple pay. American money is disgustingly filthy.



not all women

What quest am I missing to turn Sup Forums into a video game board?


I am not one for fucking with other people's things but if some bitch tried to bum money off of me and told me "Oh I take cards lol" I would probably spike that shit like a football out of taken offense

All women.
There is not a single game, not a single piece of media even, that got improved after a woman got involved with it.
They are literally worse at everything other than giving birth, but soon Japan will make sex bots with artificial wombs and there will be literally no need for women anymore.


Jesus christ.

>t.mad roasties
go back to NeoGAF


>being sensible
>suddenly a mad roastie