Daily reminder that Godot literally did nothing wrong

Daily reminder that Godot literally did nothing wrong.

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Light and Sweet, i can't stand bitter coffee

Daily reminder that Amara literally did everything wrong

except he could have saved a life if he wasn't selfish and so determined to play the hero and just handled the situation like a rational individual

>handled the situation

>Rational individual

Nigga, spirit channeling and shiet

The shittiest wife.

She was a fucking cunt, and ugly to boot, and got away with EVERYTHING.

>She actually believed her husband tried to kill her
>She shrugs off his fucking death
>Doesn't care one bit that her boogaloo fucked over the entire cast

Fuck this woman to high hell, im actually happy about the cheap shot the Garanian soldier did

So did Godot die in jail or what?

He was terminally ill. He's either ded or still rotting away since it was never stated he was executed.

Did Godot ever win any cases? Do they mention if he had any record at all as a prosecutor or did he start with Pheonix?

Does this make him the most incompetent? At least the Payne bothers had a kill count.

>find a letter that depicts a plan to kill your girlfriend's sister
>better not get rid of it and just let the plan proceed

Sure, he isn't supposed to be perfect, but he pulled the stupidest shit and fucking Maya wants you to sympathize with him.

Those hips tho

I haven't played in a while, wasn't Godot technically already dead? I thought he died when Mia knew him and was revived and his hair turned white

he knows who was told to do the channeling, he could have easily restrained that person

>Those hips tho
not even worth a glance. Why bother with the old and busted oldhag when her daughter is superior in every single way?

3-2 was his first case as a prosecutor. He says he has neither won nor lost a case before that.

But she blessed us with this.

You just reminded me that they actually do say he is dead in one of Mia's episodes, but no, he was merely in a coma. The poison fucked his hair and eyes/sight, though, and most likely all of his organs up to some degree.

All that coffee probably didn't help.

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you lived in the AA universe where people under 30 can already have their own successful legal firm and finish 5+ year degrees before they can legally drink?

spoken like a true virgn

>Did Godot ever win any cases?
As a defense lawyer? Sure. He never actually intended to prosecute and I have no idea why they just let him stand in court doing nothing but bully phoenix.

Oh yeah I forgot he was poisoned.
Shit I need to replay the trilogy, been on a dry spell for vidya

Yeah whatever, have fun with your sloppy seconds while I go get prime pussy.

>Why did you still carry the locket around
>I don't know, maybe i still had hope, except i still believed he did it

Now I forgot, in SoJ did Maya channel Dhurke for multiple days straight or did she have to remove his spirit to rest for sleep? If the former that's really impressive.

Post best prosecutor.

Maya promised Dhurke that she would hide his death from his son for as long as he could, so the former.

fuck off, scatfag

how about dont post worst fetish

Delete this.

I would probably get accused for something I didn't do and some scumbag prosecutor would do everything to put me in jail for the rest of my life.

Except make a dude wait a long ass time for him.

Pretty ironic, since there was no one waiting for him in Trials and Tribulations.

Except being the most overhyped, boring "antagonist".

Edgeworth and von Karma at least WON cases

>tfw I used to leave my DS plugged in and on while Godot's Theme was playing and fall asleep to it


Good times.

>only played the original trilogy 1-2 years ago
>already have a massive amount of nostalgia for them, just listening to the music gives e a warm fuzzy feeling
Why is this series so good bros?