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Honestly, this game had a good concept, but it was poorly executed.
Fun and full of glitches, but mostly fun.
Utter garbage except for fun and buggy physics and those dlc missions. The worst part is that sw fanbase eat it up, is nostalgic for it and now every mod for all other SW games includes those shit characters and stuff from it. That fucking Mary Sue irritated me whenever he show up, he was Rey on smaller scale of it's time.
Unironically a better story than TFA and TLJ
One of the best Wii games ever released
I'm still mad about them dropping it all in the sequel.
An entertaining fanfiction.
fun but gets too much hate from supremo star wars autists
the story worked despite how absurd it was at times and i don't understand how people don't get that starkiller's high strength in the force is just a gameplay thing
also ds version was surprisingly good despite how watered down it looked compared to other versions
Purple>Blue>Orange>Red>Green saber
Black > all
Vibro blade? Get the fuck outta here.
Decent game, sequel sucked mechanically and also went full retard with the story. OP force users are fun as fuck in games (Kyle Katarn) but it was a bit buggy.
Also the KB/M controls sucked.
>he doesn't remember TFU's biggest contribution to SW lore
purple > green > red > blue > orange > black
>this is actually true
I fucking hate Disney
Its trash
Based /swco/poster
You lucas brainlets are cancer
TFU is the superior fan fiction.
Sam Witwer >>>>> Daisy Ridley
PSP and PS1 version are much better
7/10 where we assume 5 is average
Game is fun, very dumb, has bugs, bad DLC. Writing is better than prequel or Disney Wars but that isn't saying much, is still bad. Won an award for said writing - because it was the only one who entered.
Yeah I hear that. The superman Leia scene in TLJ was hella epic bro!
PS2* fuck
I was so pissed off at the snoke retardation, that I forgot about this scene. Fucking god, what a shit show.
lucas does take part in making of the sequels tho
I will never understand. Why the fuck, did the ps2 version have 2 extra fucking bosses via the jedi temple but the xbox version just cut all that stuff out. What the fuck was the point?
I see jew, mouseboy
are they really? I remember almost crying when I realised I paid almost 40 bucks for 6 hours of what I imagined was a poor port. he didn't even hold the saber in the cool backwards way
I legitimately considered getting up and leaving when this happened and then remembered I got jewed into $10 tickets and sat back down.
To be fair this is something that was a reference to something in the old EU books: it's why that family was called "Skywalker"
they lack the advanced physics engine though
>2 cents were deposited into your Disney account
to be fair there's a reason that shit was discarded. it's fucking dumb.
Do you have the webm where she goes into hyperspeed and blows up the ships? That edit is gold.
Mediocre. The physics stuff is fun but the gameplay is just an updated version of the Episode III game from PS2
Would waifu Maris Brood though
Thank you. You have a beautiful soul.
It let us rip a Star Destroyer from space, I'm happy.
Movements in PSP / PS2 are more fluid, you run faster and don't have to keep spamming dash unlike the HD version.
The beginning of the game is the best part. Killing people as Vader was legit awesome, and the Euphoria tech showed best when hitting that big ass wooden door
Loved it tbqh
That's the wrong waifu though.
Lmao you are the people who will never be happy with anything ever put out past your 3 original movies. Pull your fuckin heads in and let people enjoy things you absolute elitist sperg cunts
TLJ was literally guardians of the galaxy tier
it made me feel like a powerful Force user
Now that's where you're wrong because I actually like Ep 2 and 3 so that throws your shitpost right out of the window Disney shill. I never wanted Lucas to sell and every day I'm reminded that I was right to think that way. Disney turned an event into a yearly cash cow that even normies are getting bored of.
Stay fucking devastated user.
>lmao just turn your brain off dude
>not "starkiller starkilling a starkiller"
Shut up retard. What kind of stupid baby would stop enjoying something just because people on the internet disagreed with them?
It's the only even remotely decent SW game in a decade so not that surprising.
Best game if you want to be a Force Wizard, lightsaber combat still goes to the Jedi Outcast games.
Fun if you ever wanted to rag doll a bunch of stormtroopers with your mind, or hit people with giant glowsticks. I get that it was called the force unleashed, but the lightsaber was extremely subpar in that game. The special snowflake stance that Starkiller used would have been tolerable if there was ever any point in the game where it actually felt like you were using a lightsaber instead of a piece of wood.
Also spoiler alert skip the ever loving fuck out of the second game.
The gameplay overall is much better
Atleast it's not literally tech demo with shitty combat, where everything is slow. at first I liked FU on "last gen", but after trying PS2 version I had so much more fun that I'm disgusted how the fuck I've played the shittiest version out there
Don't reply to me ever again, virgin manchild
>i luv sdar waws nd porgs :)
Guardians of the Galaxy is okay in its own universe because nothing takes itself seriously and it's basically a comedy. If you add that to star wars it will appeal to the numale "im a nuuuurd look at me xddd" audience that got into star wars around the time disney took over. These are the people who think jarjar is okay. It's a giant fuck you to people who have been fans for a long time. I was genuinely mad when I saw it.
Fuck disney
It's a love letter to the movies.
Good game, shit sequel, annoyed a bit by the fact that the sequel left on a bit of a cliffhanger
Does anyone know if the 60 fps mod for the PC version totally fucks up the game or not? Shaak Ti's boss fight is literally a slideshow just like the 360 version.
Handwritten by someone with Parkinson's.
I prefer PS2/Wii's gameplay tbqh
It's cute how millennial autists who grew up licensed junk for shitty movies have gained no self-awareness in the wake of the Disney cash-grabs.
By the time George Lucas sold it to Disney, the majority of Star Wars properties were cynical money-magnet designed to sucker in the dumbest of autistic people. The lore is a joke, it's an inconsistent conglomeration of fluff text from the mountains of thoughtlessly made merchandise made purely to pad-out Lucas's pocket.
You faggots have no grounds to ridicule the new films, you ate shit and asked for seconds decade after decade. Take a fucking bath.
>By the time George Lucas sold it to Disney, the majority of Star Wars properties were cynical money-magnet designed to sucker in the dumbest of autistic people
Fun fact: The Clone Wars series was so expensive that Lucas was personally funding the near 2mil per ep costs because he was passionate about Star Wars. Can't say the same about Disney though.
I remembered this fondly as the reason I bought a PS3. I replayed it recently, and realized it was kind of lack luster. And all the DLC with non-canon Darth Starkiller is kind of lame. Cool outfits, though.
Is that why he sabotaged the pacing of RotJ to make sure the toy figures got ample screen time? Or why he sold the whole fucking thing in the first place?
Please continue to think of a confident narcissist investing in what he thinks will be a hit product is some form of charity, anything less will denegrate your respect for the man who built your childhood.
If you think the new trilogy is worse than the prequels then you need to get your autism in check.
You didnt do any of this, it was a cut scene
>Clone Wars
>So bad nobody would finance it so George had to put up the money to finance it
The only reason the 2D series of clone Wars was even good was because of the animation, and it wasn't enough to carry it.
Literally wrong. The prequals had at least 1 okay film (III), the sequals have had none.
Thrawn is canon though...
>Or why he sold the whole fucking thing in the first place?
Fun fact: Every last penny he got from the sale of Star Wars was donated to charity.
Superman Leia. Matrix Luke. That's all I need to point out how fucking stupid you are.
But that's wrong. Lucas was funding it so it would look as good as it did, the costs had nothing to do with sales (which were good I should add) when you take away that near 2mil he was funding you get Star Wars: Rebels which was so fucking ugly.
How does it feel having the movie palette of a teenage boy
It's fun, I liked it.
The sequel is a slap in the face though, and apparently it was all Lucasarts' fault because they forced a release in a year and when the dev pushed back and said, we can't make a good game in a year, lucasarts said "too bad do it anyway" and the result was shit, to the point where I'm pretty sure it killed the franchise.
All TLJ accomplished is making it where I'll never get excited for another Star Wars movie ever again.
I'm so tired of disneys by the fucking numbers quip fest movie structures.
I'm sorry mate but if you think TLJ was anything but trash you need to look at films more skeptically and not just "turn your brain off" because it's star wars.
But you did do it. There's an entire 10 minutes where you fight off Tie Fighters while tugging at it and getting mad because it's not registering your pull properly.
You don't get it, hamfisted space opera passing as high art using retarded Shakespearean prose is so much better than playing it safe!
The prequels were such fucking trash I can't believe anyone would defend them as being better than anything, it's a fucking trilogy that can't stand on it's own feet. At least the new movies are good enough to be self contained 6/10s even if they are derivative as fuck. The prequels are literally equivalent to the room but chocked full of cgi, literally listen to any of Anakin's shitty dialogue, it's all trash
Not even a nu-SW fan, but the EU is literal autism.
>At least the new movies are good enough to be self contained 6/10s even if they are derivative as fuck.
>Literally picking the one with the most plotholes and the worst dialogue as the best movie of the prequels.
Literally fucking what, episode three is rogue one tier
I thought it was just crashing and you were aiming it?
Gameplay is 10/10
The story is 0/10 fanfic garbage. They should've attached it to an era/character were it wasn't so "integral"
Apparently instructions forgot to mention you have to pull down also
Reylets and Kylorenlets can't even dream to compete
Starkiller is so better than them.
>Gameplay is 10/10
>worse saber physics than Jedi Outcast
Hamill WILL be avenged
>caring about powerlevels
Rey a shit but Kylo Ren is a much better character
Fuck off Russian hacker scum!
So what was the best star wars piloting game and why is it still pic related?
I honestly can't see that.
They imply in the movies how he has tremendous power yet nothing of what he has made in the movies looked like being a really powerful force user.
Jedi in prequels were wielding lightsabers like some kind of ninjas while he is just screams in anger and hit everything like a retard.
I don't get it.
Dang, our cyberops can hack ANYTHING... I wish they would hack our economy and my depression.
>The Russians did it!
Yeah. that's why the movie is such a steaming turd.
I prefer the GC Rouge Squad games but they're all good. The X-Wing and TIE fighter games are great too. Also Pod Racer on Dreamcast is a must.
Obligatory EU reading material in chronological recommended order starting from Empire and Imperial Remnant period:
- Shadows of the Empire (set between Episode 5 and 6), also play the videogame, game's story runs in parallel to the book from a different character's perspective, generally consider among the absolute best and great material for unfilmed Episode 5.5
- Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy (shortly after Episode 6, about Boba Fett)
- X-Wing series (Rogue Squadron, Wedge's Gamble, The Krytos Trap, The Bacta War, Wraith Squadron, Iron Fist, Solo Command) - in that order, the name is self explanatory what it's about
- The Courtship of Princess Leia (not great but details Han's and Leia's marriage and offers closure on one of main antagonists of X-Wing series)
- Thrawn Trilogy (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) basically considered the Episodes 7, 8 and 9 by the fans, you can start here and then work your way backwards if you want
- Dark Empire (comic series - Dark Empire, Dark Empire II, Empire's End), it's very hit or miss and jumps the shark a bit with reborn Palpatine but essential for story reasons
- X-Wing: Isard's Revenge (continuing X-Wing series story with a major antagonist)
Jedi Academy Trilogy (Jedi Search, Dark Apprentice, Champions of the Force) generally considered hit-or-miss but essential for story reasons, about Luke's creation of new jedi academy
I, Jedi - supplemental to the above trilogy
X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar (last of the X-Wing books)
Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy (Before the Storm, Shield of Lies, Tyrant's Test) Considered great
Corellian Trilogy (Ambush at Corellia, Assault at Selonia, Showdown at Centerpoint) Considered great
Hand of Thrawn Duology (Specter of the Past, Vision of the Future) Considered great
Survivor's Quest (sort of like a third book for Hand of Thrawn Duology, pretty good and caps off the Imperial Remnant period)
This is where this period ends, next is KotOR and Prequels, cont. in next post.
Now we're entering the Prequel period, from lead up to Episode 1 and culminating shortly after Episode 3:
- Darth Plagueis (straight up great, name is self explanatory, also featuring younger Palpatine)
- Cloak of Deception (directly leads up to Episode 1)
- Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter - (same as above, from Maul's perspective)
- Rogue Planet (between Episodes 1 and 2, details Anakin's padawanship to Obi Wan and their journey together)
- Outbound Flight (set between Episodes 1 and 2, sort of prequel to Thrawn's Trilogy and Survivor's Quest)
- The Approaching Storm (directly leads up to Episode 2)
- The Cestus Deception (Obi Wan's adventure with Kit Fisto during Clone Wars)
- Jedi Trial (an ordeal Anakin has to go through before becoming knighted)
- Shatterpoint (Mace Dindu being a general badass: the book)
- Yoda Dark Rendezvous (Dooku sends Yoda a message to meet him on a distant planet to discuss signing peace, obvious trap but Yoda decides to go anyway)
- Republic Commando Pentalogy (Hard Contact, Triple Zero, True Colors, Order 66, Imperial Commando)
- Watch the Clone Wars TV series, both Tartakovsky's original and the newer CGI ones (some episodes good, some bad, some great)
- Dark Lord Trilogy (Labyrinth of Evil, Revenge of the Sith, The Rise of Darth Vader) - does much better job portraying leadup to Anakin's downfall and the novelization of RotS is overall better than the movie, the other two books are directly before and after it really capping off this period of the story well.
Then there's the Rise of the Empire period (between Prequel and Original trilogies), will continue in next post.
And we reach Rise of the Empire era (between Prequel Trilogy and Original Trilogy):
- Starting with the "Purge" comic series about Vader hunting down remaining Jedi:
Seconds to Die
The Hidden Blade
Tyrant's Fist
- Kenobi (delving into what Obi Wan is doing on Tatooine, his feelings on what went on and a glimpse into his life)
- Han Solo Trilogy (Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, Rebel Dawn) starring younger Han Solo during his smuggler days
Death Star (covers later stages of its construction and all the important individuals associated with it)
Then there's Timothy Zahn's (author of the Thrawn Trilogy) three standalone books set between Episodes 4 and 5:
- Scoundrels (heist story about Han Solo)
- Allegiance
- Choices of One
The latter two both feature Mara Jade and have both Rebel and Imperial perspectives shifting constantly and are sort of another prequels/supplements to Thrawn Trilogy.
Btw, as for videogames, you can play them whenever, just try to stick to order in subseries so for example in Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series start with Dark Forces, then Dark Forces II Jedi Knight, Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Outcast and finally Jedi Academy.
Next will be the Old Republic period, continued in next post.