What your MBTI?
What your MBTI?
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Big 5 is better.
Video games
What are those?
What do you consider more desiderable between J and P?
Take this fucking horoscope tier shit to you underage worthless fuck.
I feel like T and F are not contradictory and that most people would like to describe themselves as both. Why is being reasonable the opposite of being emphatic?
>How do you *prefer* to make decisions?
Yeah I fluctuate a lot between INTP and INFP.
What's the big prize?
Also aspergers and sociopathy
I'm literally INTJ.
Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor
im transpersonal
Posting superior chart presentation, no need to thank me
*blocks your thread
INFJ, though I hate you people
On the big 5 I'm very high in openness and neuroticism, very low in extroversion, and 50/50 on everything else.
ENTJs should be in control of the world
Taurus and I'm an 8 on the Enneagram.
>But astrology and numerology don't mean anything
Neither does MBTI.
Let's try something different. What's your Enneagram type?
I'm a 9
>big five
>You're either one of four happy person who everyone likes, or the one miserable cunt that nobody likes
Whoever came up with that shit is a moron
>another ISTJ who wishes he was INTJ
>Smug rabblerouser
sounds bout right. The description was made by a moron, though
There are more than 5 outcomes to the Big 5 test, user. I don't think you read it right... lol
Fuck, how accurate.
>big five
>more than five outcomes
No see, you're just the right level of stupid to believe the big 5 is the best thing ever
>Big 5
Says I'm
Neutral in openness
Very High in conscientiousness
High in extroversion
Low in agreeableness
Very Low in neuroticism
Huh, I thought I was more open than that. Oh well I guess it's not a bad thing to stick to the practical.
I've looked at a website that went in depth at the positives and negatives to all of these personality types. Holy fuck. The ones who are "good fits" for INTJs are fucking mentally unstable
It is a tie between 1 and 5.
Says I'm a 1.
Huh. I was sure I was an 8.
Oh well rip me
no one believes it's the best thing ever you fucking maggot but it's the best we've got. MBTI is nothing but astrology for liberals
also to make this vidya
go play grand strategy buddy sounds like a genre for you
Here's all I've gotten over the last 10 or so years:
And honestly that quite nicely sums up how I've progressed as real human bean.
this still gets me. Thank you for posting this in every thread, user
This is the second time I posted it
There have been others before you, user
4 then 5.
I enjoy OpenXcom, Spacechem, and Kerbal Space Program.
Honestly when I play Grand Strategy I end up getting so into micromanaging that I end up redoing everything 20 times and taking 2 days to make sure everything's perfect.
This is why I could never get into Turgor. The game's central theme is one of coping when you lack something. Well, I optimised and autism'd so hard that I never lacked anything.
>>big five
>>more than five outcomes
Yes? maybe read more than the title you spaz
High in neuroticism
Low in extroversion
Low in conscientiousness
High in agreeableness
High in openness
Funny, that's kind of how I progressed too.
When I was a kid I'd usually score as INFJ but over time I grew the fuck up and became an ESFJ, as well as a hell of a lot happier in life.
>tfw you're ADHD
You are the biggest Mongoloid of this site please go to /b for like minded individuals
2^5 = 32
32 is not equal to 5 last time I checked
You need to read more into it, you can never change your type.
did you misquote
Thats stupid. The types are a guideline or a blueprint, not a set in stone design. Anyone can change their type throughout their life. I was most certainly not an INTJ when I was 10
Nibba you can easily train the way you think.
Most people just don't because they don't see a reason to.
Let's make this more interesting. What's your personality type? What's your ideal mate's personality type?
There are 5 different points of measurement, each with it's own spectrum of outcomes. How do you only get 5 outcomes out of that. Are you retarded.
And which is the "bad" one in your view? Let me guess: being high in neuroticism, because "that's a negative word!!"
>you think it's the best thing ever
Lol. Sure I do, bud.
> a guideline or a blueprint,
A guideline to what? Your type describes the way your brain is wired, and that doesn't change.
>being this fucking retarded
>easily train the way you think.
Sure, to some degree, but the architecture of your brain doesn't magically change because you want it to.
INFJ apparently.
>He's never met an INTJ who was a slob
>He's never met an ISTP who loved dance classes
Yeah, ever heard of neuroplasticity?
Brain's architecture is quite flexible. Plus most of your personality isn't in the architecture, but instead in how heavily used ~which~ parts of the architecture are - levels of various chemicals. Your brain helpfully adjusts those based on what you're doing and you can train it, much in the same way you train yourself to be less (or more!) scared of things.
As I suspected you have a very shallow understanding of MBTI. Being a slob isn't contrary to being an INTJ, it's not a way of processing information, it's just a trait.
Literally no one pays attention when people point out all of it is bullshit. They just keep saying I''m special snowflake personality #3. Holy shit, grow up.
I'm always between INFP and ISFP
Taking it seriously is a mistake, sure. But it does give some insight into how a person thinks and makes decisions at least in that point of time. Keyword being insight. It can't really predict anything.
>Plus most of your personality isn't in the architecture
Well yes, most of your personality is not described by your type, just the way you process information.
>personality tests
the only good personality test is if the person is worth having a conversation with over a beer
That's true.
I used to be INTP. After getting out of my hideout and started meeting people, my tests always returns INFP. I also found out humans strive to be as dramatic about trivialities as humanly possible.
I think you had the wrong goal post in the beginning. Like I said, most of your personality is not described by your type, just the way you process information.
INTJ I guess but not really any of theme because the first word in every single box doesn't fit me.
>tfw infp
I'm not overly emotional though, as my kind is often described in these charts.
It absolutely does change dude. Take the red pill. Research enlightenment, mindfulness, neuroplasticity, etc. Hell, just take some LSD. Your environment is the most influential thing when it comes to how you think and act too.
Are you me? What games do you like?
>Your environment is the most influential thing when it comes to how you think and act too
Sure, but that's not what MBTI is. Of ccourse you can change your behaviour, values etc. But the way you process information stays the same.
I'm nonagon infinity.
Oh please. Anyone who's high in Neuroticism doesn't like games. They just like ERPing on Steam and Discord servers.
Falling into cults or pyramid schemes because they promise desirable answers to my life problems.
It's literally just a way to classify human behavior. And it's based on scientific research. How is it bullshit? Do you think human beings don't have personalities?
The vast majority of humans, though ~capable~ of having a personality, opt instead to mimic those around them because it's easier. Most people do not have personalities, they just mimic having one.
>tfw you're the bad guy
This looks interesting. Where I find this?
Feels good man
I don't get it
>tfw ENTJ
For what purpose is this chart on it's side?
>tie between Adaptative Peacemaker and Enthusiastic Visionary
May I say "Master Race" ???
ISTP, I did the longer variety of the test some weeks ago.
Also any fellow /egg/men here?
To avoid violating the NAP with the political compass guys and having their offices raided by paid child mercenaries being paid in McDonald's® Happy Meals™.
INTP autists where you at
Toss-up between ISTP and ISTJ.