When will smashfags realise that it doesnt work as a competitive fighting game?

When will smashfags realise that it doesnt work as a competitive fighting game?
And, just as a bonus fuck you from Nintendo they'll never endorse it as a competitive game and just make more brawls & sm4sh's too make sure itll never get as popular as melee.

Other urls found in this thread:


>doesnt work as a competitive fighting game
>has been working for 16 years now

what did OP mean by this

What an outrageous claim OP
*sips tea while tuning into apex 2018*
surely you have an argument to back it up
*takes a sippie of monster before watching melee on the main stage of EVO*
one thats objective and analyzes the games mechanics individually, deconstructing them and pointing out their lack of viability
*participates in the longest running competitive scene for a single game*

>When will smashfags realise that it doesnt work as a competitive fighting game?

Yeah its only been played competitively for over 15 years and top 3 at evo for 5 years and has major tournaments almost every weekend but sure. Name one other game that has done this.

yeah because they fucking support this garbage game no matter what.
is hasnt been working as a competitive fighting game for years, its been working as trash for years.

Why do FGCucks try to act so elitist when Smash is bigger than any of their games ever will be?

dumb bait thread
even if this was serious, smash's combo system is (imo) one of the best in all of fighting games, you make your combos as you go, its not a set input that gives you a combo, which is great.

Go play some real fighting games you fucking losers, its a kids game for crying out loud.

>When will smashfags realise that it doesnt work as a competitive fighting game?
>Game has been alive for more than 15 years

>been working as trash for years
>go play real fighting games

this has gotta be bait

>it’s been working as trash

Not to mention it's dynamic "anti-combo" system that is Directional Influence

Of course its bait that's all they have.

exactly, what I was just about to reply, but when you get good at reading DI. Thats when the game gets good.

So what are y'alls favorite
Event missions
Characters to unlock

Pokemon Battle

people still play this? but what for?

for fun

for glory

>OP clearly makes a bait thread
>a veritable horde of obese Smash autists collapse on the thread to defend m'game's honor
Why are Smash players so fucking embarrassingly autistic? Why do they fucking stink so bad when they congregate in a room? Why are the all either morbidly obese or skeletal skinny? Is there a more embarrassing game community?

if you spend 90% of your time sat playing a video game competitively youre going to look like a fucking gremlin eventually

I just wish more good platform fighters broke out. I'm tired of seeing the same nintendo characters, and the game is fun, but fuck it's literally just smash that people give a shit about. Bralwhalla and ROE have next to nobody playing them.

>Virtua Fighter is dead
>Guilty Gear is dead
>Mortal Kombat is dead
>Killer Instinct is dead
>Fatal Fury is dead
>King of Fighters is dead
>Mahvel is dead
>3rd Strike is dead
>Ultra is dead
>ST is dead
>SF5 is struggling to keep faggots interested

and yet we still got Melee running longer than MvC2

demonik told me st is coming back

The only one you're actually right about might be FF, but just because some game isn't getting its dick sucked at evo doesn't mean it's dead. Play more fighting games.

>A bunch of turbo autists taking a party game way too seriously

Didn't venues ban these fuckers because they stank badly too?

I am very mad. I drove all the way to CSU to play in a tournament, get stuck in traffic and lost against this retarded ass sheik. Down threw tech chase and wouldn't stop shino stalling I really cannot think straight right now. I offered to MM him for more than $20. Nope. I thought I would have made it out of pools if I knew how to fucking buffer roll. But they didn't even give me the frames to do it. Bullshit, just straight up bullshit. Probably will never go to a tournament that gay ass sheiks enter ever again. This definitely ruined my day.

>doesn't know that there are arcades in japan that dedicate themselves to play Fatal Fury Special
>play more fighting games

lmao, how bout you practice what you preach?

Hence the maybe, I was assuming he was talking purely about the west.

>in the west

yeah maybe that hoodrat New York crew that act like gangsta shitheads(no not NLBC) but the ones that literally dedicate themselves to VF. But ruin it with how hard they try to act on stream.

Stay mad

Brawlhalla's hit/hurtboxes are fucking atrocious, and that's from someone who was just under Diamond before I finally got totally sick of it.

It works if you apply arbitrary autistic rules to it, which is what smashfags do

Wasn't aware of that. Got any clips on hand? Sounds hilarious.

Why don't we play Extra VS in Soul Calibur tournaments fucking autists

Is melee, dare I say, the nintendo of fighting games?

>OP: I got blown out by a parrying faggot in front of 5+ people
>user: I don't understand the subtext, I will now respond seriously as if what you said was what you really meant



I think the biggest proof that it works is it’s well over a decade old and there are still people bitching about it here.

we should create a Sup Forums review scale. the more shitposts a game has in a set number of hours the better it is. by now BOTW is the game of the century.

lol just lol user 5 star post just lol

This. Proof Melee and Final Fantasy XIII are actually great.

Keep laughing at the autists melee is a sacred place for them never ever fuck with one trust me the autism is stronger than the chad mere mortals can't challenge one they tremble I'm confusion and fear

>what the shit-eating nintentoddler believes

A lot more people are getting into it now actually

this bait doesn't really work anymore, casuals love melee because of all the eceleb esports dickriding shit and muh nintendo game i used to play