Have they won?

>from day 1 they admit they can be cracked BUT not for the 1st weeks

>they constantly upgrade their DRM to stay 1 step ahead of us pirating animals and our cracking Gods

This formula will make them eternal

Have fun paying $60 for ASS CREED #89879 after spending $2000 on a virginity box

lol console cuckie is so mad
No (You)s for (You).

Good shit nothing forces me to buy Ass Creed #89879 or any other game I don't want to support/play.


>>from day 1 they admit they can be cracked BUT not for the 1st weeks
entirely untrue they only did this after people complained that their games were cracked so quickly

Is there a game that uses Denuvo that's worth cracking/playing? Not baiting or trolling, I pirate all day erryday and I haven't dowloaded a single game that uses denuvo

ghost recon wildlands

Name one good ubishit game. You can't. I don't even pirate games, but you're pathetic.

>ubisoft open world collectathon
>this time with online!
Not that user, but I tried it in the free weekend and it seemed bland as fuck, aside from the pretty okay customization options.

>Have fun paying $60 for ASS CREED #89879 after spending $2000 on a virginity box

Why would I do that? You admitted yourself it can be cracked. All I have to do is wait a couple of weeks. How ADD do you have to be to not be able to wait a couple of weeks to save 60 bucks? Unless you review games for a living there's really no reason to get a game on launch anyways. You pay more for more bugs and to find out that the game sucked all along.

watchdoges 2


ghost recon wildlands

and ass creed syndicate

I'm not that user but thats a pretty shit list.

All of those are shit game. Ubishit is an insult to France. I say that as a guy who day 1 buy games I like and supported many Japanese games kickstarters.

I remember a year or two ago, when some high profile cracker claimed Denuvo would make pirating games impossible in the near future. Fast forward to now and a great many Denuvo games ended up cracked within a day. This arms race will never end and it's completely pointless. Imagine if all the man hours spent by the DRM providers and the anti-DRM crackers had been used on something productive instead.

I played it and its shit, fucking mgs 5 all over again with the boring grinding.

Holy fucking shit I can't believe someone on this planet has taste this abysmal.

Especially origins and legends

cracking is the real game. denuvo is like free dlc

Prey, re7, fractured but whole and asscreed origins are all decent fun and are l piratable

>asscreed origins


Nier Automata

I hate french """""people""""" so fucking much

Has Asscreed Origins been cracked yet? I haven't seen anyone on Sup Forums talk about it yet.


I love how it's always the same guy making these threads, which is latantly obvious from his mouthbreather-tier writing style that never changes


Because no one is interested in it.

my only wish is that Denuvo becomes uncrackable and then PC gaming will finally end. All gaming hardware companies will be halfed in size

You forgot Bitcoin, sales isnt going anywhere even when PC gaming piracy is dead right now.

>mfw no crack of Sonic Forces

Bitcoin is a tremendous meme. I am saying this and i own some. there is LITERALLY no use to it. people cant even buy drugs anymore with it now

Doesn't use denuvo.

>there is LITERALLY no use to it.
You living in a rock ? Mining craze goes even bigger than before now.

bitcoin is currently a speculation bubble

i doubt it ever will change....until the whales start sellin. thats when it all goes to shit

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, etc
It will get bigger than ever.

But I don't want to play asscreed.
I haven't played a single one since brotherhood.

>those few fags that own the vast majority of all bitcoins

It does

Pirates have always been patient, so I don't see the win here.
Not a day 1 crack? Alright, tons of pirated games to play in the meantime.


Pirates aren't PC gamers though.

>drm free indie platformer has 4 times more sales than a AAA platformer using denuvo

really makes you think


Their games are biohexacrypt encoded

Oh no. I really REALLY wanted to avoid any EA, ubisoft and Bethesda games and now i'm forced to spend hundreds of dollarooos on them. Hold me bros 'cause i'm finished!


I have yet to see any game that interests me that uses this.