Rimworld thread
post bases
Rimworld thread
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looks like no one iis posting yet so ill contribute.
Finally got a brreak between a mod that was causing my ui to fuck up and make colonists disappear and the last one which got rekt by alphabeaver revenge then 2 colonists died, and a raid came and i had only 2 left, 1 of them non violent, completely fucked me over.
Playing cassanda on rough is legit rough.
Anyway i think this base will make it.
On the other hand i sent one of my colonists to rescue someone in a caravan, he entered the zone and was going for the rescue untill he got attacked by a pack of fucking camels?? are they territorial like that or what? they didn't eat him, just downed him and left.
Fine, i'll post my base, its in a constant winter state. and i have 3-4 hives near me that are about to die and the scarabs will leave their nests then and roam around... not good. Also i had that "Orion Corp" raid me, with 1 guy, he killed everyone
>send all your competent soldiers out to guard a caravan
>your home gets raided
oh ho ho getting a little CALIENTÉ in here
I expect it now so i leave a few good shootas behind plus an animal handler or two
Fuck off to a general fag
Is vanilla only thread?
>zzzt in the middle of the night followed by an eclipse
fuck you randy
feels like there aint dick to do with tribal base
but then were gonna get shitposting retards, rimworld threads are some of the best threads on Sup Forums, i dare u to challenge me
anyone can upload this mod pretty please?
Im a poorfag with ocd and i hate placing down lamps off center.
>lights near sandbags
>tunnel is dark
you're doing it wrong, put the lights in the tunnel and let your sandbags stay dark + add a roof on top.
dark = harder to shoot at
>tfw want this game but its fucking expensive and I worry I will get bored within a few hours
Then just pirate it and see if you do get bored
This hasnt been true for several updates.
Just pirate it to try it out you retard
eww Orc lover.
Never pirated a game before anons! Plus cannot use torrents cus my internet is my work internet.
I'm doing it bros, I'm doing it! The hair looks nothing like Rimworld's style and I'll probably re-do it from scratch later but I'm getting better little by little.
do piglets reflect light or something?
Not going to lie, it's starting to look great.
What is this game? Dwarf fort with graphics?
I'm sure that having less light is better for shooting because you are harder to hit?
Good luck on that, im usually a purist but i can't play Rimworld now without mods, feels too barebones otherwise.
you're missing a roof somewhere
Nah, I've seen that too with other things like potted plants and other furniture causing reverse shadows
>I'm sure that having less light is better for shooting because you are harder to hit?
Not anymore, he took that out of the game.
>recruit one of the visitors
>one of them goes berserk
>attack one of my boomrats and dies
y-you welcome
oh, well why do i fucking bother with various platforms to support a roof!
You do actually get an aiming malus for rain, so thats something.
>trying to make sterile tiles
>my colonist with 13 construction keeps failing
>sell visitors some excess stuff I have
>take good care of them
>They are absolutely amazed by your hospitality!
>they leave behind the stuff I sold to them
the sims with blood
and by taking good care of them, I mean I gave them a hastily built wooden room with a few sleeping spots and a campfire for heat/warmth. Might've been a few more things in there but it's been six months since I last played and my memory is pretty shit.
Jesus christ I can't believe you guys on here.
$30 is fucking nothing and I don't believe anyone who says they can't afford $30 on a game.
If I am wrong and you seriously can't then you have no reason to be on Sup Forums or playing video games at all because you got other serious shit to worry about.
It keeps happening.
Sell me on this game Sup Forums, is it fun?
Do yourself a favour.
Always remember that you're speaking to literal teenagers half the time
Best mods?
>tfw mentioned exactly that in a thread a few days ago and then left the thread
Someone probably linked me the mod and I never responded, I'm so sorry user
Uses for water when?
Is there any stun guns in this?
At my current state its really non issue, but god damn these breakdown fucks you over in early game.
Just use shitty guns
What are the best animals to tame (hauling, food, clothing, etc.)?
What do you mean shitty?
Poor quality?
>wooden tiles with tilled farms in the middle
son what the fuck are you doing
Seek for Sparkling World mod.
But the shock gun is insanely OP as you can take down thrumbos with 2 stupid colonist.
Anything that surely won't kill in one shot
tribal my dude, need to keep it authentic :^)
Anybody else always disable the Mad Animal event? pure annoyance.
Looks like free steel to me. The real thing in that pic that's YO WHAT THE FUCK CUNT worthy is all that wood everywhere. I do hope you'll post screenshots of it all burning down when it eventually happens.
A wild boar nearly killed my builder
Cheers bro
So shit weapons and stun guns
Got kind of sick of using a club
There's nothing authentic about your shitty base.
Whenever it happens to me it's always a squirrel on the opposite side of the map.
Did mommy hit you today?
looks like BULLSHIT to me
right in the middle of my garden mother fukin rough randy
do u not believe this is how the tribal ppl lived or something? r u brain damag?
>send 2 skilled shooters with assault rifles out to meet squirrel
>the squirrel tanks a shot and bites one of them
fucking hell just stomp it or something how hard can this shit be
Can't wait for the fire
Just wait until Randy sends a flash storm your way :^)
with 8 colonists ill b able to beat out all the fires dw guys im good at micromanaging my colonists LIKE A BOSS
You tell 'em user
Don't forget to take screencaps of your ebin micromanaging skills when it happens or you're a faggot.
i will dont worry
Love it user.
>Micromanaging a fire
>3 hours later
>micromanaging fire
>colonist catches fire.
>try put him out
>another colonist catches fire.
I'm doing an extreme randy run with a limit of 1 colonist, in the ice sheets.
God damn, I've done pretty well so far but I'm at a point where I can barely do anything, just eating/maintaining shit whatever takes like a whole day, I just made a hydroponics lab and can barely get time to tend it.
Also any encounter requires a good amount of AI exploitation and luck.
>poison ship
>build defensive walls, poke it
>triple inferno cannon centipede
>colonist is on fire! x10
>one second after caravan leaves raiders drop pod into living room
at least try to be more transparent u cunts
Sale when?
Right now
30$ is already a sale on a game worth 80$+
Lets not push it user, lets not push it.
> poison ship
> have "more mechanoids" mod installed so while I was expecting 2-3 centipedes I got a bunch of smaller random shit
> one of them fires a single shot at a colonist with 100% accuracy rate
> blows her entire leg off
You're a braver man than I, user. Godspeed
>man hunting timberwolf kills 2 of my bonded animals
>try to rescue and tame
>knocksdown 2 colonists after i heal it back to good health
piece of shit shouldve beat you to death the first time
>Mechanoids tore my colonist melee fighters arms off
>Its both of his bionic arms
Yeah, its time for grenade and rockets.
can I second this?
A17 or B18?
>Wolves or foxes in this game
I always abuse them by using shock gun and euthanize for medical skills.
They're an asshole. Period.
>Tribal shoots eye out with bow
>winter rolls around
>map is filled with wargs
>have to micro my guys to exterminate them or risk them getting fucked I'm considering breeding some animals just to have a buffer that I can let run around to sate the hunger of the beasts
Who /herbalmedicinetheentiregame/ here?
By the time you can afford to be making Medicine you've got hospital beds with vitals monitors and skilled doctors anyway
I especially don't see the point of Glitterworld. I don't think in my hundreds of hours I've ever used it once
>stone beds
How did I ever play without the More Tradeships mod
I finally can do shit
How bad is it?
thank you very much user
do disabled mods still slow the fuck out of your game startup time? it's getting pretty bad
You're making it unnecessarily hard on yourself by hoarding all that useless shit. Since raids are based on wealth, it's best to take all that shitty raider loot outside and burn it.
>make my first bionic soldier
>power armour (no helmet)
>send him out to his first fight against mechanoids
>first shot they fire goes right through his neck killing him instantly
high tier stuff is cool, but most situations you are just better off solving by throwing more bodies at it.
Me too, brah. High level docs can heal anything with their bare hands anyway.
Yeah, I probably will. I usually don't have that much there and sell it to caravans when they come, but I haven't seen one in ages.