You will be buying Code Vein right?
You will be buying Code Vein right?
Only if I can play with the blond girl.
I'll pirate it.
only if the gameplay is alright and i can romance the blonde loli
If it's good.
99% sure I will.
Only if I can BE the blonde girl.
only if I can be a cute loli
Sure. It looks decent enough.
No, the blonde girl is for /ss/ now.
Any news on a release date? I have seen december 31 2018 but that seems like a placeholder.
no purchase then
I fucking hate her hat
Fucking cuck shit. I dont care about her anymore.
that's just her brother
>she wears papacha
>he wears ushanka
>but neither of them have russian names
It's clearly her brother dumbass. They have the same hair color and outfit style.
A majority of /ss/ porn is about older sister and younger brother types, and it almost always starts with "I love my brother/like a brother".
Fuck this meme has gone too far.
shotacon and incest goes hand in hand you know?
Maybe, if it has an easy mode.
1st quarter most likely.
I predict it's still about 6 months away.
Hoping it'll be as fun as Nioh.
Nioh is more fun than Dark Souls.
Gameplay videos look boring. They better fix their shit