So this game has been out for a while. A lot of changes were made. Some good and some bad. If you are a LoL player, what champion do you still play and why. My main and only role i play is support. Thresh 90% of the time.
Please dont turn this ontoca LoL vs Dota thread.
League of Legends
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Until LoL stops forcing a meta and locking off content, it'll always be number two to dota
Locking off content? As for the meta only twats stick to the meta. I play champions no one gives a shit about and still win 99% of the time. Just because a champion got a small nerf doesn't mean he/she is useless
Heroes of the Storm is better. Smite is better. Battlerite is better.
>Locking off content?
You are aware that you don't have to unlock characters in Dota, right? That's a thing LoL invented.
>As for the meta only twats stick to the meta.
But you have to, because it's locked into the fucking matchmaking now.
>I play champions no one gives a shit about and still win 99% of the time.
That's not what I'm talking about. The game has a forced premade class composition and lane layout.
Wiggling around in a forced meta's window of deviation isn't "breaking the meta"
I like adc thresh with the default domination runes
They are still going too hard with overloaded kits that have cc out of the ass, last time the game was actually good was season 4. after that they were just nerfing everything that was too fast for average silver trash. too bad tho, game used to be fast, unlike snoozefests that are dota and hots
New runes have ruined jungle, so now i exclusively play thresh with a friend of mine in bot lane who plays varus. Never lose.
No more fun wacky picks, or builds. Only play the way riot wants you to play.
I'm sure they are going to remove items and go full HOTS.
unironically lee since season 2
Post your wins.
Haven't touched the game much lately.
I only play jgl Eve and got ~70% wr in 40 games with her so far. Base skin is best.
Used to play a lot of yasuo but was never a "one trick" before.
Miss Fortune was my go to ADC way back in the day, even when people considered her shit. I do miss her grievous wounds on her old W, but her kit now is still plenty good.
Also Twitch and Kog'Maw. Those are my old school boys. Jhin and Xayah are also great fun.
I play mostly Heimer, I find him really fun. Every other champ seems boring to me
There's around 7 champs that I consider to be my usual pick which are Nautilus, Mordekaiser, Rammus, Dr. Mundo, Urgot, Yorick, and Trundle.
Out of those 7 I'd say (support) Nautilus is the one I like and enjoy the most because hot damn those 4 CCs ain't a fucking joke especially with his AA stun. It's so fucking disgusting.
>Please dont turn this ontoca LoL vs Dota thread.
LoL is just a cheap casualized Dota knockoff dumbed down for normies and 12 year olds to be able to play
Prove me wrong
Try out Sion and Trundle Jungle
i just play jungler
mostly eve but poppy 2
fpbp really
>terrible character design
>so bad that there's always 4-5 heroes for every role that do everything better than all the other characters
>this leads to a stale meta forced meta every patch
>every character has the same generic skillset with just minor differences
honestly i can't enjoy anything in this game anymore. Skarner has been neutered into uselessness, Morde was reworked by a retard with no desire to keep anything that made Morde Morde, and thanks to runes i can't play anyone botlane without having to see that faggot Ezreal in every single game. I like playing Ashe and Morde pre reworks, but i just can't get the motivation to learn the new meta. Only thing i still enjoy is support Lulu.
Zoe is still cancer old nida-tier with a built-in lich bane, how fucking lazy and boring.
Morde is still very strong though, challenger players cheese a lot of master games with the morde blitz botlane combo.
I stopped playing about a year ago after I hit D3 on EUW. After that it's just a long fucking grind to hit Master and I just can't be bothered. As for champions, I pretty much play them all.
As for the changes, they're mostly good except for the stupid jungle flowers. They don't fit at all, and the jungle feels so cramped.
you should stop playing a game where the chance of winning is so dependent of the retards you get matched with or against.
>who do you main
Ornn, Teemo, Singed, Nasus
Because they're braindead and fun. Also play Miss Fornute and Corki when I can, but being a tank is usually too much fun.
that has nothing to do with what he said
I got permanently banned on my old acc, so now i only play nunu
literally only nunu
i know him like the back of my hand
He was talking about morde, I'm talking about morde, we're both talking about the same game, so it has something to do with what he said you fucking retard. Don't ever reply to me again you little prick. Go fuck your bbc addicted mom.
>number two to a game it has significantly more players than
what did he mean by this
player count =/= quality
Show me those numbers. Oh wait, you can't, because Riot doesn't disclose them.
Fuck off
Could someone explain what they like in Dota over league? I’ve been playing both and league just feels more streamlined and easier to focus and play then the chaos that is dota
not really, if dota were the superior game it would have more players. sluggish controls/player movement isn't compensated by having the entire (mostly boring characters) roster for free. 70% of the people who shill dota on here don't even play it and just do it to be contrarian
if dota is more popular then why is it never ever #1 on twitch
How do I into Braum?
The only champ I liked playing was pre rework Leblanc but now she’s boring as fuck and lost everything that made her a fucking nightmare
>I only liked playing a champion who could 100-0 and safety teleport back
holy fuck you're a retard
>Gangplank's redesign
It's so ugly and boring. I wish the old one was available as a skin or something. It was much better.
>not really, if dota were the superior game it would have more players
So McDonald's is the finest food on planet Earth, got it.
>if dota is more popular then why is it never ever #1 on twitch
Probably because the number of people not playing a game isn't a metric of its popularity, and probably because dota has built-in tournament spectating so there's no reason to use twitch
I call bullshit. No one has near that win %. The game is too team reliant to win that much.
more options for counter play, more depth in terms of build variety and choices. league you kind of just build the same shit every game and it ends up feeling samey
My nigga. Getting dubs with him as soon as you get lvl2 is so fucking disgusting
Would you people say it's worth it to get into it now or has its time passed already?
I would rather see ez bot than MF. That cunt is impossible to lose as. Press r and wipe the team every fight.
out of arguments already
>>So McDonald's is the finest food on planet Earth, got it.
>comparing cheap, widely available food to the success of 2 free to pay games anyone with an internet connection can try
nice argument
so your argument isn't actually on any factual basis? nice.
Yea so?
See the big problem for me was that counter play, It was so easy to simply pick one hero to counter the other with almost zero skill, it might just be me but I like to autistically main one champion and learn my matchups in league.
Everyone has their own tastes I guess
Captain gp is a skin though you need to cough up some shekels to get it if you weren't playing at the time
Kha'Zix, Nautilus, Braum, Jayce, Tresh, and Urgot because i like their design and playstyle
I dont give a shit about whats meta and what isnt
>gp isn't a lane bully bro
>what's the matter rumble? just defuse the barrels bro
>just don't feed him dude
Hit your Qs, shield your teammates and pray they know how to focus on whoever your passive is on.
Support is my favorite role, but playing it without friends is one of the most frustrating experiences you can have in vidya
>Main support Sona
>Take a month break
>Come back
>Masteries and Runes replaced with Rune pages
I fucking hate ghostcrawler.
The "recommended" builds suck ass so I'm using some crappy bs rune page that barely works for me on draft because I know if I deviate from the norm rank bitches will do nothing but whine.
It's certainly ages better than the default, but it's not quite the same. The older designed wasn't the greatest thing ever but I was fond of it.
how does anyone prefer that garbage ps2 model to the update version?
Best Sona nu-rune page is Summon Aery main with Inspiration secondary. The nu-runes aren't that hard to remember.
>main the easiest role in the game
>now even more options available to you
how, how will you ever adapt
>Riot releases new runes
>Sona become broken OP so much so she and the rune she was abusing haved to be nerfed. Twice
>Gold shitter 'sona main' complains
neo Sup Forums in full force.
I was playing ranked 5s yesterday on coms and I had to yell at our mid to auto somone to proc the last hit.
Before he responded he tried and failed to land two skill shots. Sometimes playing braum is like a special circle of hell.
If it's old it's good, if it's new or popular it's bad.
Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend
I konda like the unlocking system. Gives me a feeling of accomplishment.
Not really. If you know a champion you will win.
Sry for the late reply man. I have limited internet acces
>how, how will you ever adapt
It's not about me adapting it's about my flexibility with others. If my adc is some autists that just wants to minion wave and will never do trades properly my gold and time is spent helping a lane that will help offset my doomed lane.
Now I have to figure out what runes will allow me to do that the most efficiently. Which currently is inspiration + sorcery. While sorcery is nice aery and manaband aren't that game changing.
Kled is cute and adorable! I love him and want to snuggle him forever!
I'd like to main Rumble. especially with that super galaxy skin.
Why do you guys play league?
How can anyone ever prefer prework ashe? every ashe played is pleased with the rework by the things i have read.
i play it because it has hot furries
It's a comfort game. I know what I'm gonna get whenever I log in. Also nice to play with friends when they're on.
Tristana is my go to adc after I started playing shite at MF. MF is my fave but she's got fuck all mobility and escapes. Most ADCs have a fuck you I'm out button but I have to just hope for an out of combat speed boost
I feel like trist and caitlyn are not all that easy to play. i play ashe because you can do well without kiting on her. i can't kite.
Yorick, Twitch, Zilean, Leona. As for the reason fun things are fun
is fun with friends and shit.
I'm none too good with kiting but with things get hairy that dive out helps. I like her burst plus I still get a wee bit gigglely to see someone sprint off with a bomb that's clearly going to kill them
MF is all about positioning. Same with any ADC that doesn't have a "leave fight for safety" skill.
I love Singed, Teemo, Shaco and Heimerdinger, with Heimerdinger being my favourite. Being able to solo Baron from behind the pit once I've gotten my items feels so goddamned good, and blasting assassins with turret lasers feels even better.
I main Illaoi because I like to literally 1v5 and force games to end on my terms.
You have a general on /vg/, please stay there.
>lol player whining about boring characters
Holy shit the irony.
I don't know how LoL manages to make all games and all characters feel the same.
Jinx 95% of the time, Vi when I flex for jungle.
I like the new rune changes. 247k mastery points on Jinx.
she's really strong atm just play safer
The guy said that he was unhappy with the rework because it removed everything that made Morde Morde, not because it made Morde bad or anything
>Grinding and paying money gives you a sense of acomplishment.
Do you work on EA by any chance?
the GP rework was a mistake
I will never get over what they did to Maokai.
>Lore as a grumpy tree who was spontaneously given consciousness and struggling with finding his new place in the world changed to a forest spirit who possessed a tree to fight the evil evil
>Ult was a unique reflection of him using the very power that gave him sentience turned against the users of magic (it was pottery) changed into "he uses roots because he's a tree"
>Skins were few and far between, until Meowkai came around which in turn became an identity that began to eclipse his original
>Holy shit his W is so slow
Sup Forums has genuinely decent league discussion. people who say go back to /vg/ should learn that /vg/ is an extremely flawed board.
Are you illiterate by any chance? Is this our average lol player?
They should tweak Illaoi so that she can manually place tentacles down. Having to flash onto five people to get tentacles in a teamfight feels awful.
Is there a trick to storing her passive charges? If you can hold on to one and spawn it at will I'd really like to give her another shot.
It's fun. If you're not an assblasted cunt you will see that every game is very different from one another.
Just play dota.
>Ult was a unique reflection of him using the very power that gave him sentience turned against the users of magic (it was pottery) changed into "he uses roots because he's a tree"
I liked his old Twisted Treeline lore better than the Shadow Isles bullshit, but turning his ult from a boring aura into an advancing wall of roots was awesome.
This champ and skin combo have been my main for over a year now, not a long time but around late S4/ early S5 when I originally played Renek was my main then.
I love the ability kit of the croc too much for me to enjoy other champs.
except Gragas and Gnar
Twitch is my main. Love his play style.
Counter playing and picking in dota isnt easy. What are you talking about
Oh.... so nothing changed in the last 4 years I see.
they made maokai more fun. lore doesn't matter in this game.
>remember hype around Kindred
>ohh this is going to be two champs in one like one is active and one is passive
>Kindred comes out
>Wolf actually used only in one ability.
I know /vg/ is shit, its just that I prefer another overwatch thread or console war over this unbalanced grindfest normie again
don't forget Lamb's weirdly amazing ass.
I don't think she needs a buff, I wasn't exaggerating when I said I literally 1v5 with her. The trick is mostly just forcing them to fight on your turf. The only real trick as far as her passive goes is having it off cooldown and staying in your nest so that it can't spawn. That way if they do ignore you and start going for tentacles, you immediately spawn one to replace the one they killed.
Also if you know the spirit is going to break then just go walking after them, it'll spawn 3 tentacles over time for you.
Tahm Kench and Fizz. TK I play top and jungle only and build him kinda similiar to a bruiser/fighter/whatever the retarded class is in LoL. Fizz I build mejais, Lich Bane, Sorc Boots, Luden's Echo, Deathcap, and then void staff typically. Fizz is only fun by doing high stakes run in and run out. Getting Hourglass and Protobelt on him is just boring and dull.
Aww, he's retarded. Battlerite is good, but it's not a moba.
Pic is best moba.
Hmm, I guess I liked the idea of being a pointman. Wading into the middle of the fight, knowing I can just shrug off damage more easily, and being a rallying point for my team to reach for safety was also nice. And of course, whenever I popped the aura to finish off a fleeing opponent was infinitely satisfying.
I like some lamb chops.
>go to youtube
>search "league of legends top plays"
>fall asleep
>search "dota top plays"
>actually don't understand shit because all the implications in play
Lol is absolute boredom to play and watch.
So is dota with every update they release in the last two years