Its that time again.
Post your birthday and play with anons with the same birthday as you.
Its that time again.
Post your birthday and play with anons with the same birthday as you.
Oct 23rd. What up?
Dec 31st
Bet other people who share my birthday have shit taste in vidya
August 10
June 3rd
March 14
April 29th
giv zora gf
February 11th.
But i am Brazilian
July 13th
November 26th
May 31st
October 10th
PC only.
What game? Where from? May 31 here.
>playing multiplayer games
You insult me.
August 31
Where my feb 29 bros at?
Kuro isn't good
May 20th
P-play what?
is it just whatever panel or actual doujin? i thought i've seen everything Kuro related
December 23
retard fucked up spoiler, oh well
actual doujin, no rip yet
tfw youll never fuck kuro
February 26th
Little girls don't fart.
August 7th. BlazBlue CF on PC my nigs?
>i thought i've seen everything Kuro related
Even JADF's new thing?
Oct 30th
not my cup of tea 2bh
We're getting off topic here people
9th Feb
It's not manys. Don't care what anyone says the full back arch one he did is good.
October 28th
march 24th
feb 18