How can one Pajeet be so based?

How can one Pajeet be so based?

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I´m a girl, can someone explain in simple terms why this isn´t a good thing? aren't we getting internet freedom now?

Does he at least uses the loo while he poo?

>I´m a girl
Because we asked

>I´m a girl
sure thing bruh.

American internet is his loo.

Before Net Neutrality
>Pay a monthly fee to access everything, no government control
During Net Neutrality
>Pay a monthly fee to access everything, government control
After Net Neutrality
>No more government control, who knows how much amerimutts will have to pay for full access to the internet


Epin contrarianism, Sup Forumstards

To be honest, there's no way to win. One hand you're giving government bureaucrats control over the internet through NN. Meanwhile, without NN, there's a possibility that colluding ISPs will screw the consumer.

The irony of the situation is that left-wing companies like Google, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube were in support of NN, but are widely known for admin bias against any conservative beliefs that contradict their left-wing narratives.

How can one board be so cucked?

I'd much have "government beaurcrats" have control since that isn't what NN does. Retards seem to think repealing NN will someone remove a private sites right to remove content. Nice false equivilance, by the way

Net neutrality is not giving anyone control of the internet, its just a regulation stopping ISPs from blocking/throttling certain content. There's literally no downside to it, and there's no upside to repealing it.

Nobody fucking thinks that, even panicked reddit

no need to roleplay

the funniest part is that they don't even realize it
they think they won


NN repel means less jewish propaganda and white genocide

So why bring up constantly "Uhhh but rite now google can cneser me?"


>soon retarded ameriorcs will be banned from Sup Forums by their ISPs

>Retards seem to think repealing NN will someone remove a private sites right to remove content.
I just find it ironic that companies that are all about net neutrality have no interest in being content neutral.


nu-Sup Forums doesn't care about anything, all they care about is making whoever they perceive as leftists angry

>there's no upside to repealing it
There is for ISP's. And that is all what counts.

>there's no upside to repealing it.
Uhhhh wrong. I get to drink delicious libcuck tears



Is this sarcastic? Or is this how Americans think?

Because that isn't what net neutrality is about, user. It's not about allowing you to be a neo nazi on peoples front lawn.

Enjoy having your websites ACTUALLY censored (google can't censor your site) after ISPs cave to pressure on removing neo nazi fucks


Obama appointed Ajit Pai for the job before Trump appointed him again. It's funny that he makes sure to mention "Obama Era Regulations" when talking about NN as it rustles conservative jimmies.

>have god tier municipal internet
>moving to germany
literally doesn't affect me, so why should i care

Only an American could argue against net neutrality and actually defend corporate jewish interests.

The US is like a retarded kid with a sledgehammer. It's funny to watch him swing it around and screech but the fun stops if he hits you with it.

>there's no upside to repealing it.

according to this article small business have to file forms on what they do with their customers which cost money. which is total shit by the way as companies can just lie about it.

there is an upside to it. less money spent on paperwork for small businesses.

>inb4 engadget

more like
>before NN when the telephone law were streched to cover the brand new thing called the 'internet'
ISPs continually try to fuck over services and push their own, or make people pay extra for the same service because fuck you
>they finally make NN explicit law in 2015
waaaaah wahhhhhh - Comcast™ & their butt buddies Verizon
>trump is elected
>he appointed a former verizon lawyer as chair of FCC
suddenly NN is up for repeal, wow didnt see that coming

>I am a retard!
So proud of you little buddy

Jesus wept.
It hasn’t even gone through Congress yet, has it? More like killed by misinformation and addiction

I like that you can openly buy and place politicians in America.

Left-wing America is all about expanding government control in every facet of our society and use situations like NN as a precedent to pass more government control in other realms of society. There's also the fact that anything that pisses off left-wingers tends to actually be a good thing, so there's that. Not saying that's the case here, but it's seldom wrong.

No, we're getting less but it makes [people I don't like] mad so we win lol

Companies like Google can only control their own platform. Giving ISPs the power to control what websites their customers can access does not benefit anybody (but the ISPs ofc)

Nah I've seen dipshit canadians argue against it as well

I think you should swap comcast with netflix in second picture. Comcast will force netflix to pay for bandwith so it's the comcast who wins

>good internet


the internet was a mistake

Why do Americans pay so much for internet that is also vastly inferior to the internet in other countries?

Romanian commie internet literally BTFOs Amerifat comcast.

Solid bait post

to be honest, what trump has to do with it? isn't that guy againts trump?

>there's this guy who can't stand the sight of blood so ill shoot myself in the head to piss him off
Your logic

This, but unironically.
>traditional democracy
Everybody votes, the vote of some bum or liubcuck is worth just as much as a vote of a successful man who is driving the economy.
>American democracy
You can vote with your wallet, literally. That's the American dream, baby - to succeed, to be on top.

dude these people voted for fucking trump cause they thought it would be funny

Literally how many people think. Not to mention that there's a whole group of people who only want NN to end for the sake of pissing off "libcucks"/reddit/normies/etc.

They willfully swallow any lie and "its not so bad" post they hear, despite the myriad of articles explaining why its a very bad thing,

There's also a small percentage of dormboys who have to share their connection, and who think that its a good thing, so they can pay to get their full bandwidth. Even though thats bullshit, and they can already fix that problem.

ISPs in the US are monopolies that face no competition in their region, so they can just do whatever they want.

>Because that isn't what net neutrality is about, user. It's not about allowing you to be a neo nazi on peoples front lawn.
I know it isn't, user. I just find it amusing how the left is steeped in hypocrisy.

America is all about living a third world life in a "first world" nation. People die from very preventable disease there as well.

>bad internet

>we voted trump because memes

t. hillary supporter

Free market, baby, mirite?

Do you think the right is not?

>`it's a "yuropoor/thirdie doesn't understand the nation is fucking gigantic which is the reason we need cars and why connections are slower than places with 23852385 trillion people per square micrometer` episode

>classical democracy
only the elite votes, people who are not up to date on political matters or are sufficiently educated to understand the topics are not allowed to vote

>American democracy
Europoor education everyone

Seems they were right.

>American doesn't understand trains are infinitely better for long distance than Cars.

There are no alternatives to the garbage overpriced ISPs. They have agreements with each other not to compete against one another as well. Most places in the country you have one option. And no, repealing NN will not fix this, even Google with its trillions of Jew dollars couldn't lay its own lines.

>without this specific regulation internet will cost $1,000 a day and the evil corporates will ban everything and there will no longer be internet!
>now that the government is gone the based secret nazis working at ISPs will ban all SJWs on the internet and google won't be able to censor content anymore!
You know what, maybe shutting down the internet isn't that bad of an idea. I don't want to live on this planet anymore

>giant corporation

Imagine being this retarded.


>Europeon doesn't understand that trains only work with large urban populations
We have train systems where it makes sense to have it

namely the north east between big cities like NY, DC, Boston.

>dude these people voted for fucking trump cause they thought it would be funny
I actually voted for him because I appreciated his stance on national security and illegal immigration. Illegals are a fucking economic blight and a threat to public safety. Hillary was a open borders shill.

>it's a 56%er doesn't realize his internet sucks because ISPs are allowed to strike municipality deals for exclusive cabling in that region and BTFO competitors and thinks its due to his vast mexican/muslim population episode
i know americans have less-than-stellar IQ but come on


Your ISP sucks because your nation sucks, this is the ultimate truth.

>they finally make NN explicit law in 2015

An explicit law with explicit lines that stated that ISP are free to offer fast lanes, throttle any service and block any websites.
Also NN still alive today, right now.
All they did is change its classification from 'utility' to generic service.

Also classifying it as Title II is dangerous as it is one step away from Title III which allow the government surveillance without any congress approval.

NN does fuck all on stopping any bullshit moves made by ISP.
Verizon throttled Netflix just this year, whoopsie.
Did anything happen to them? Nothing.

Of course not, but everything about Left-wing America is hypocrisy. I'd be elated to actually meet a lefty who was actually consistent with their beliefs instead of tossing them away the moment it doesn't fit their narrative.



I love how Americans always complicate issues as to confuse as many people as possible so no one can have a concrete opinion on the subject.





This way whatever they want will get passed while you try to understand it. Thanks Sup Forums for being retarded and bending over backwards for the big jews.

The American train system is purposely held back and decrepit for the sake of the Motor companies user.

I mean let's be extremely honest, why would ANYONE drive cross country if a reliable passenger service for trains existed?

Romanian here, I pay 6 euros for 100Mbit/s Internet.

literally the only use for le ebin 100mbps-1gbps+ high speed is pirating stuff on demand

streaming doesn't need more than a few dozen mbps at most and video games only rely on latency

That "us"against "them" thinking is so extreme in America. One part of the country hates the other one.

Kek this, at this point I don't even know what NN is anymore

I like how Sup Forums europoor hours doesn't talk about video games and instead obsess over Americans.

>Open border shill
Believing that there would be open borders under Hillary is like believing there's going to be a wall built by Trump. You got played and you're pretending you had a choice.

If America gets fucked in the ass for this, how does it affect rest of the world?

>nuance is bad
t. brainlet

>left-wing america literally wants to disarm law-abiding citizens and supports overreaching government

ISPs have just as many of those, don't blame me when you're blocked from any white nationalist sites, as well as Sup Forums because you sucked ISP corporate dick

Name one benefit of repealing NN without mentioning reddit

When you are used to throw big files to each other you really can't go back to slow internet.

>Yea the right is
Literally obsessed

Why has anti-americanism exploded over Sup Forums in the last few months? You can't go anywhere without seeing
>amerimutt le 56% face
>"someone posted something stupid, has to be an american"
>people endlessly laughing over NN
What happened?

Every time there's ever any big controversy like this, misinformation is fucking everywhere. Millions of people believe literal falsehoods because they're fucking stupid. Doesn't help that America is already divided into red vs blue so you get a bunch of le epic cant wait to drink le tears fucktards who will shoot themself in the dick if it makes the other guy upset.
Not that any of this is exclusive to America anyway though.

99% of websites that ISPs will try to block will be trivially evaded by proxies and VPNs

However there is this one website, Sup Forums, that has range-perma-banned all VPNs, meaning Americans won't be able to post on it.

ISP have never, ever block any website because of its political views.
Meanwhile, the very same company that advocate for NN is the one that have been doing all the censoring as well as pushing political agenda.

They are in this for anything but free speech.

American hosted content will magically be slow because they connect to the rest of the internet through a Verizon server.

People finally realising the JewSA is a shithole

Doesn't help we elected a Jewish puppet into office

you know we could we fit 40 Romania into USA? are population is also spread apart. if you're an ISP then good luck laying miles and miles of cable just to reach maybe 100 customers in a small town. you'll have swimming in so much debt.