Which HOMM game is the best Sup Forums?
HOMM/ Heroes of Might & Magic
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the third one, obviously.
5 > 7 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 1
3 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 6 > 7
>7 above anything
fight me irl
But i guess we can all agree that Stronghold is the best faction right?
>the best
>not conflux
lol enjoy expert slowed and acting surprised when your behemoths just die
3>(minimal gap)5>2>I don't care
Bought HOMM V on GOG
Should i play vanilla plus expansion or the standalone Tribes of the East addon
Is there anything redeeming about 6 and 7 or are they utter shit and to be avoided completely?
Tribes had all campaigns integrated I think
The one I liked.
They're shit in just about every way. Ignore them.
Manage to get an armageddon squad last game despite no dragons
Vanilla is almost unplayble (1.6 version felt like beta). Tribes is the only way to play a game
Why is HOMM 4 so slow on modern computers? Is there any fix for that?
Can't you just set the animation speed to faster?
Or is it laggy?
How bad is 6? I have it in my steam library but I remember it forcing me to play through some other client.
>Play HOMM3 with friend
>Find Pandora's Box
>Decide not to open it because I'm a pussy
>Friend finds it
>It's Armageddons blade
>mfw the he fucks my ass the rest of the game.
Easily the worst one
I think 6 had some decent DLC campaigns?
How many HOMM nerds actually played the main Might & Magic games?
might as well not exist
The anwser will always be 7 followed by 5, 6 and 4. Everything else is pure Nostalgia, especially considering how many flaws 3 had and how many rules you have to come up with to have a fair game.
the greatest Might & Magic game
thingken of playing lost continents, or seven lakes. Probably as barb, sorc or warlock.
Or reclamation on homm3.
>7fags this delusional
>5,6 or 7 is better than 2,3,4
>thinking they are good is just pure Nostalgia
>this is what the fucking casual Homm players think
gee, I wonder why 3 is the one that still has an active playerbase, and the one people still play competitively to this day
5,6,7 are all shit because of how dumbed down the overworld is, it basically killed 60% of the depth and strategy from the game. You are fucking delusional if you think their overall experience and complexity comes even close to 3, just because the combat is a bit better balanced. 4 doesn't have problem with it's overworld but it's WAAAY more broken than 3 is, in fact 3 is decently balanced after you ban 2 castles and like 3 heroes.
they are better than homm desu
>5 is shit
Alright aspergo, relax. You don't have to double down on acting retarded just because the person you're replying to was acting retarded first.
5 is the second best HOMM after 3. 4 is hot trash and you're literally pretending to be retarded by defending it just to try and prove your point.
How do I learn to play 3 without feeling like a retard?
play rampart, sit on your comfy treasury
Pick the gold
I haven't kept up with 7 at all, have they at least fixed it so it doesn't crash to desktop every 15 minutes?
I have played them a lot, but I have never finished even single one. They were fun tho.
I want a plush behemoth.
Third one was pure kino and is really great game, there are few balancing issues and other shit, but to be honest, it's really solid game even right now and looks pretty good. I would say it's essential classic game.
I played Clouds of Xeen as a kid but never finished it. RPGs are not really my genre.
easy; you start with 2
was youtuber named chris ( and some numbers i forgot exactly his nickname ), but just searching for heroes 3 expert playthrough will find him for you. He plays so smooth and clean and does so much with so little in heroes 3, it gives you a completely different out look on the game. I watched 8 hour videos of his in one go and it was highly entertaining
Is this the one where he goes "1v7 impossible" with every castle?
It's got the exact same basics, but doesn't overwhelm you with a gorillion stats to keep track of.
Here, I've tried to show what's the problem with Homm5's gameplay (+homm6 and homm7)
Basically the overworld objects are way too big and you can only have small, linear maps where you just have to follow one line that sometimes branches and that gets blocked by monsters all the time. Absolutely no free roaming and extremely little use to more than 2 heroes 90% of the time.
Meanwhile in Homm2,3,4 you have a lot of space to free roam and explore. There is way more decision making you can do and you can also do a LOT more micromanagement than in homm 5,6,7.
5 having the most polished production values after 3 won't make it the second best homm, unless you are a very casual homm player who wouldn't make use of the previous homm games freedom anyway.
Not everyone likes tons of micromanagement. It's like X-COM vs XCOM debacle - the latter is still a good game, it just has a slightly different focus than the former.
Who thought it was a good idea to align fucking everything at a 45 degree angle in 4?
Hell yeah. 7 was my first one, though, and I was confused as all hell when I got to the later part of the game and got laser guns.
>implying they were thinking at all when they made 4
How many here have played THIS classic though?
>Hah you want to go through this Two Way Portal which happens to the the only way out of your tiny starting area good luck there's a massive stack of Magic Elementals that you couldn't possibly know about directly on the exit so you can't even go back through and by the way they completely outclass all your units and they're completely immune to magic and they also get two turns immediately at the start of combat for no reason
Heroes 3 is a great game but jesus christ the map design was fucking garbage and somehow got worse with HotA, plus the NPC enemies straight up cheat.
> so you can't even go back through
what? you can't put units directly ON the portal, and you can just press space to go back
> they also get two turns immediately
do what? am i being had?
Just press space faggot
but it's much harder
>you can't even go back through
How do you interact with a portal you're already standing on top of?
I think you press space or enter
>Why is HOMM 4 so slow on modern computers? Is there any fix for that?
It's designed for 16-bit display whereas every modern Windows system displays in 32 bit. If you have Windows up to 7 you can change it in screen settings, if you have 8 and up, guess it's virtual machine for you.
I can't tell if somebody's a Ubi shill, if they're trying to get (You)s or if they're just genuinely fucking retarded
hit space
2 = 3 > 5 > 1 > 6 > 7
It's hard to place 4, because you'll either absolutely hate it or love it. Personally, I like it, so for me it's at the same tier as HoMM 1.
I unironically believe that 3 = 5 > everything else
You would too if you didn't try so hard to be contrarian hipsters
The one that lets you witness pure AIDS.
HoMM2 looks really nostalgic to me, even though I never remember playing or even watching someone play it
homm2 had the best music and artstyle hands down. it's also hard as balls because you can't get as op as easily as in 3 and it fucks you up on gold real bad
Or people just have differing opinions. If someone said 5 was outright shit I'd tend to agree with you, but I like 2 more than I do 5, personally.
3 > 2 > 5 > the rest
>didn't try so hard to be contrarian hipsters
or maybe there are people who grew with heroes 4 instead of 3
Could be the classical fantasy themes coupled with the cartoony sprite artstyle just reminds you of other things you're nostalgic about, like maybe golden years disney, or various fairytales.
4 is unfinished, it's hard to deny. There are interesting ideas but none of them are properly realized. In fact I'd argue the game's Heroes origins held it back somewhat.
I like 4 but holy shit do the loading times take ages mid to lategame
When will HOMMfags make their own new HOMM game instead of falling for the Ubisoft trash over and over again?
You can't just keep modding HOMM3 for all eternity
>You can't just keep modding HOMM3 for all eternity
you underestimate the russkie spirit
>You can't just keep modding HOMM3 for all eternity
Because H3 4.0 or HotA is enough for most people and effort to make a video game is nothing to scoff at especially if you want it to be as feature-rich as a title superseeding H3 should be. Art asset and AI creation in particular could take years. Without easy access to mobile and console publishing avenues due to possible copyright issues it would also be pretty difficult to justify that kind of effort.
Three things that would have made IV GOAT
>graphics that don't look like shit, they didn't have to be technically impressive but the modeling style was awful and uninspired, like what the fuck was up with this shit?
>hero specialties
>combat grid
Was Sandro /our guy/ ?
hes' the homm mascot for sure
you forgot
>no simultaneous counter-attacks
>You can't just keep modding HOMM3 for all eternity
We all know what's the best HoMM game, but what's the best faction in HoMM 5?
It has to be the fucking dungeon for sure. These beefy motherfuckers are the reason why.
>More hp than most t6
>Alright damage, frenzy means it'll only grow stronger as the battle continues
>Hueg, park these bad boys at the gate during sieges for an easy win
Oh and it also hits every poor soul unfortunate enough to stand in front of it.
I can't even count how many battles I've won with my last standing stack of hydras tearing through shit.
>All these mongol, hindustani and irish portraits
Homm was diverse as fuc before it became trend
Academy. I think Arabian Nights aesthetic was a good move for the Wizard faction and I always had a soft spot for titans.
Um, sweetie, that's cultural appropriation
>sweetieposting without the picture
apply yourself
>Not opening all Pandora's Boxes you find
Seriously, they're so often so good.
>playing a randomly generate map
>find a pandora's box
>Armageddon's Blade
Now that was a good day.
Are you his friend?
Oh no, it was Singleplayer.
But that's a funny coincidence.
I wonder if you can find other usually disabled stuff in randomly generated maps.