3 days till Steam Xmas sale.
What's on wishlist?
3 days till Steam Xmas sale.
What's on wishlist?
buyers remorse
>buyer's remorse when you're at best losing a few coppers
oy vey
lmao did you just wake up from a five year long coma
an actual community event and some interaction this time instead of the shitty "santa noire" shit they did last time.
I want to play the robot clicker game again
Battlerite sale.
some stickers in a booklet, coming right up
>at best losing a few coppers
are you new? also
Plastic bag, helium tank, a tube and some duct tape.
if you've been using steam for over 3 years how is there ANYTHING you haven't bought that you will ever buy with all these sales
This. Only thing on my wishlist that still goes for that much off is LA Noire and its DLC and that's because I'm too lazy to take it off my wishlist
>%30 off danganrompa v1
>MAYBE %20 off old season passes to games i still play
>cuphead still hasn't gone on sale once
B-Based Gaben!
xenosaga i
xenosaga ii
xenosaga iii
>What's on wishlist?
Way too many games bro
A fuckload of games go at 75-90% off. You've just bought them all (without even playing) and are now tyring to buy newest releases at these same discounts, dipshit.
Why the fuck haven't you got EDF yet? Also, Sexy Brutale is unfortunately boring as fuck.
In the last five years I have bought less than a dozen games on Steam.
haven't bought anything on the steam sales the last few years
it was cool during the early 10s but now i'm capable of buying the games i want at release
t retard who buys indies and never plays them
>>cuphead still hasn't gone on sale once
"Still"? It came out just a few months ago and was very successful. Why would you expect it to go on sale so soon?
>wanting season pass
We're not mad user, just disappointed
I want gta v so my friends can stop bullying me for not owning this piece of trash
Indie games like Bioshock, Dark Souls and GTA, huh?
Nothing because Steam sales have sucked ever since they stopped doing flash and daily sales, which were the only parts of the Steam sales that actually offered worthwhile deals.
Nowadays it's like "Oh my god, all of these 5 year old games are 15-30 percent off, what a great fucking deal!"
It's a fucking joke compared to what Steam sales used to be.
will this slut be on sale?
I am hoping they are billions goes on sale, but i doubt it
random indie shit like always
$5 isn't a sale when it's asking price is $20 for a 2007 game lmao
You have no idea how pricing works, "lmao".
what kind of precedent would it set if a successful game went 50% off after just a few months?
this screenshot made me realize my wishlist is full of japshit/wannabe japshit
played it on console years back, no one to play it with now so it's not high on the list
I don't even need it with how much renown I have saved up usually, still I like supporting the devs
>$15 off isn't a sale
Who let the pajeets in?
I remember buying Far Cry 3 for %75 back in 2013
>A Hat in Time
>Hyper Light Drifter
Pretty much the only games that have my attention that I don't have yet. I might pick up Impossible Creatures if it's a decent price for a little nostalgia trip.
what the fuck man did you just start using steam in the last 2-3 years
they used to have those kinds of sales all the fucking time
why do you think steam got as big as it did
Shadow of War, latest Assassins Creed, Blackwake and Battlefront 2 on Origin.
I don't have em not because of money or waiting for sales, just because I'm not sure if they're worth the coppers.
Oh my god. Forget that post. I just realized 2013 was almost 5 years ago
your mom
I'm gonna get myself Expeditions Viking for Christmas, I really liked Conquistador so I'm looking forward to that
Depending on the price I might also pick up Blades of the Shogun and Battle Brothers or some more turn based tactics stuff like King's Bounty
Also been eying Eador Imperium and Age of Wonders 3, maybe the first Divinity OS if I feel like I can make the time for a long RPG
Lastly I'm also addicted to Diablos so I might very well get another Diablo to play
All in all this is more stuff than I thought, probably gonna end up buying like 3 games and actually play them
I think Impossible Creatures was like 2 shekels last time, I got real close to picking it up myself
Yeah, maybe in my dreams
Time is passing like a breath in the wind.
At least a third of that list has been on sale on gog.
remember when steam sales were good guys, i do ;_;
Ori is a good buy, especially on discount. Even if the platforming or combat isn't for you, the game looks gorgeous.
>put items on list
>huge sale happens
>check steamdb
>it's been on sale for cheaper
>no thanks
Definitely getting:
>New Vegas DLCs to finally start a heavily modded playthrough
>The other two STALKER games
>Hat in Time
>Steel Armor
>R6: Siege
>Fallout 4 despite it being such a disappointment just because the mods look fun
Probably not cause it's too expensive:
I'm only buying games for my friends and family to give to them on christmas
>csgo was $3.74 in 2013 because that's when I bought it
>every other vidya has to be released in 2012 or below to even be $5 only
>csgo doesn't even drop that low since 2014
ughh lmao
I wish for Cuphead to go on sale already.
>can't trade with russians for cheaper games
The transition can't be stopped user
Only thing I didn’t get during the autumn sale was dead cells. Unless a family member gets me some steam funbux, that’ll probably be it.
>newfags will never know this feel
>>cuphead still hasn't gone on sale once
cuphead is 16.99 right now on gog
I bought it on sale at release. Other marketplaces beyond the steam store, you know.
Who /warmuholu/ here?
How's the newer Arkham games? I've only played Asylum and City. Maybe I'll purchase the new ones if they're 75% off.
Also wonder if GTA V will be 75 % or is it too early yet.
I liked both origins and knight, tho most people will tell you otherwise here I reckon.
GTA V is good too, don't know how multiplayer is after so much time.
It was on sale during the VGAs
GTA V will never go below $29.99 until GTA VI releases
These Gabe pics are so cringe. The sales are now barely better than console sales lmao
Nothing because my backlog is already full enough and I'm stuck on Doom 2 in Doom 3: BFG because I HAD to play on Nightmare for my first playthrough and the arachnotrons are pissing me off.
Hob is bad, avoid it. Shallow combat and boring levels, very limited character customization
probably because japshit is pretty fucking good.
even weeb jabshit is pretty good as a guilty pleasure
My wish is to have Valve become a good company again.
>Constantly checking your phone while at work for deals
>Playing the mini game while collecting cheap games you'll never play
>Seeing that game you've wanted go on sale for 80% for an hour
>buying games for your friends
It's impressive how many good games you can collect just from free offers. Goes to show saturated this industry is, games are produced at a faster rate than they can be completed.
Granted you need some kind of income to buy them which means employment which means less free time.
And supposing you are a smart man and you avoided entering in a relationship or creating a family
I think Origins goes pretty damn cheap with the season pass. I'd recommend picking it up and the Cold, Cold Heart DLC if that's cheaper than game + season pass.
Knight just get the base game. The Batgirl DLC is pretty shit overall.The rest are skins and Batmobile track maps which get repetitive enough.
My wishlist
>Don Bradman Cricket 17
>My Summer Car
>Battlefront II (2005, classic)
>Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
>Ultimate General: Civil War
>F1 2017
Only really care about My Summer Car getting a good discount. The rest I'm waiting on patches or until I finish Steins:Gate anime or just until I have less in my back log.
Any free games?
Bunch of random shit.
I just use it to keep track of games that look interesting. Probably won't actually buy anything on it.
>supposing you are a smart man and you avoided entering in a relationship
Sour grapes
>buying games
i need to add funds to my steam wallet asap
I want DS1 to finally go on sale after a long break. Seriously, fuck you, BN, I'll wait as long as it takes, not paying full price for an oldass botched port.
waste of money
so why did they stop doing the flash and daily sales?
people died from dehydration, it's no joke
Have 1000 hours in it. Can confirm - also, I wish I never spent 1000 hours in that turd, but I desperately hoped they would fix it. Now, I know better.
what to keep/scrap?
Only thing I would buy is war of the chosen for xcom if it was heavily discounted. But it's not going to be and with the the lack amount of time to play vidya I'll just wait for next year.
Is it worth it?
I will probably get Cuphead, Nex Machina. Maybe Nier, D44M and Wolf New Order with Old Blood. And if discount is good enough DS3. For me wishlist was always more about making a note about lesser known games that I will get later\is in early access\not released yet
Fuck off, I am at work
Add Super Cloudbuilt to that list, you will love it
Keep Sexy and Hollow, probably Hat in Time
Especially Hollow is worth getting
Besides from Divinity Original Sin 2 (because I plan on getting that regardless) are there any other Divinity games worth getting?
kero blaster is no cave story, it's really simplistic, good, but approach with low expectations, controls feel like utter shit at first but get used to them as unbelievable as it sounds
slime-san is poor man's SMB, if you really enjoyed SMB and want an SMB clone badly, go for it
I already played it. It's pretty good but I hated how enemies were handled and the use of limited lives felt pointless.
can never get enough of [games I'll never play], amiriteguis
Been thinking about getting into fighting games for a longer while now, but afraid that i will get my ass kicked too hard and lose interest in it right away
mfw there has not been anything that i would want to buy in a fucking long time
welp, I have nothing to add then, you have great list of hidden gems from this year, I played most of them and all were great
>Been thinking about getting into fighting games for a longer while now, but afraid that i will get my ass kicked too hard and lose interest in it right away
Forgot the damn picture
anyone try this game yet?
Russians and Refunds.
People would buy them cheap and resell them, perpetuating a grey market.