
10/10, I would play again.


I got this cover. Do we €uro's have a different cover than Murica?

Now play an actually good Zelda game such as literally any other.

That time Mario Odyssey got 6 out of 5.

>back to camera in shadow with sword drawn
>probably angry furrowed brows
compared to
>bright optimistic cover full of wonder
Yep, that difference still happens.

Time to follow through on the suicide kiddo.

Jesus Christ you are right. This seems to be happening all the time.



Yes. I must say that I like both, so I'm happy that EU limited has american art on the big box, and EU art on the game cover.

Nope. I played EVERY Zelda, BotW is easily one of the best Zelda ever, along with OoT, Oracles and WW.

>The European version looks like a picture someone took of Link while he was on a nice walk through the highlands.

>The US image is about power: Link, sword drawn, is going to tame this landscape.


7/10. God-tier overworld traversal, piss-poor underworld/dungeons and progression. Still a good game overall though.

One of the few times I preferred the American cover. BotW is a melancholic game, not a colorful optimistic one.

I don't know man, I agree with your statement, but the european one captures the sense of wonder of the game. They are both great.

Euro looks like it was made for soyboys kek

>le top hatted fedora amerilard who need edgy covers

The ONLY thing that killed it for me is requiring 13 hearts to pull out the master sword. Otherwise, progression didn't keep me bored at all.

No the american cover fits the game. Euro needs a "cute" boy on the cover to pick it up. It was made for faggots lmao

7/10 at best.
I realized how little care was put into this game when i got into a sanctuary that required arrows to be finished and there were none inside.
Also, if you don't take a picture of the divine beast drones when they're deployed the first time you're locked out of completing the compendium on your own without buying pictures.
It's like they had 10% of the game done (the divine beasts, Hyrule Castle) and they decided to rush it out by having a team of retarded monkeys fill the empty void with stupid soulless sanctuaries.
Also, most of the quests given by characters are incredibly dull "bring me X items" instead of being organic stuff.

If it wasn't called Zelda it wouldn't come even close to the level of praise it got.

Faggots don't like cute feminine boys, faggots like big burly men.
It's perfectly normal for an healthy, adult, heterosexual male to fuck a crossdressing twink in the ass, Caesar, Nobunaga and Alexander the Great all agree, you are the soyboy compared to them.

>t. insecure Soyboy

>t. Asshurt soyboys that got called out for liking the gay cover

>Also, if you don't take a picture of the divine beast drones when they're deployed the first time you're locked out of completing the compendium on your own without buying pictures.
That's exactly why you can buy pictures, dude. To get what you're missing or an alternative to those who don't want to hunt every single thing.

I remember when I finished Metroid Prime 2 years ago I forgot to scan 1 exclusive enemy and had to live with the 99% completion. I wish we had something like that back then.

>t. soyboy being called out for being a soyboy

>If it wasn't called Zelda it wouldn't come even close to the level of praise it got.
This is true to be honest.

Said this in another thread, but the game only has content for 2hrs. Then those two hours repeat themselves ad nauseum until you fight Ganon.

>t. butthurt soyboy whining now that he was called out.
lol you real assblasted to keep responding huh.

>t. soyboy that keeps replying in order to rid himself of the social stigma of being a soyboy

I prefer the American one because it's artistically more aesthetic.
Dat lighting hnngghh

A link to the past was the best. I can't stand 3d zelda games.

t. low test beta cuck who loves soylent
lmao enjoy your soycuck cover LOL

>game is made for such a young audience the cartridges have to be coated in a sour substance so little autistic kids dont eat them
>these are somehow appropriate games to discuss on Sup Forums

BOTW is annoying to me because its just work.
Work for nothing.
You run for twenty minutes, and climb that mountain just to solve a 5min shrine?

ALTTP is a good example. Everything is around the corner, yet the world seems still big and fun to explore. BOTW is just annoying and gives nothing back

>t. soyboy that has no other arguments and can't enjoy both covers

America have ten times the aids and faggots than what europe does you purple pilled soyboy

>not being man enough to lick the catridge until it's clean
Son, I am disappoint.

Also, i hate being a trphy/achievement whore, but an open world game like Zelda could have definitely used them, it would've given a bit of meaning to the endless grind and roaming, a "feedback" of your gameplay, instead there's no reward at all for doing stuff like completing the compendium orgetting every weapon

I don't like open world games. They are always nothing but filler. Fetch this. Farm that. I probably won't get death stranding now. It's open world.

The biggest tell that the game is a disorganized mess is how many rupees you need to complete stuff and how little there are in the world. You could seel materials, but you need a shitton of those to complete quests and upgrade armors.
Every single player ended up exploiting a mindless bowling minigame to afford upgrades and armors because there is simply not enough rupees anywhere.
And not a single reviewer noticed this fucking glaring flaw. 10/10.

>I need a reward
Games were about the whole experience.
Kids these days can't live without being praised continuosly.
Fuck off.

I hate open world games too. But I love BotW. It has a different approach.

I liked BotW a lot but I wished they would have used armor parts and other special equipment as unique rewards for quests. Being able to simply buy most (all?) stuff was kind of disappointing.

When games were about the whole experience they reqarded you with shit, even small stuff like a special weapon. Mario Odyssey does this right with shit like the Royal Mantle and invisibility cloak, Zelda just shrugs at you.

>how many rupees you need to complete stuff and how little there are in the world.
>You could seel materials
Yeah exactly. You can sell shit. I have so many rupees I don't even know that to do with them.
Get good, get sapphires and such, get rich.
It's not that hard faggot.
Also, cook. Some recipes can be sold for 200 rupees and they require nothing.

>Nintenbabbies first Skyrim

You will get sick of open world shitfests pretty soon as well.

200 whole rupees?!
So i only need to farm 600 apples to give 10.000 rupees to the fucking fairy? Seems very smart, great design, very fun!

>muh hardcore nintendo games

>t. soycuck who thinks its okay to like faggot covers is an argument

Game has no explorable dungeons, it’s trash

Actually, I played Morrowind, Skyrim, RDR, GTA V, the Witcher and fuck they all bored me to death.
So, BotW is more like "nintenbabbies and Sup Forums's first non-boring open world".

>600 apples
No, the recipe requires two carrots and other shit that you can easily find.
I make 10k rupees every single day.
How poor are you?

>t. soyboy still sperging after being told how much of a soyboy "he", sorry, she is

>Actually, I played Morrowind, Skyrim, RDR, GTA V, the Witcher and fuck they all bored me to death.
>all shit
Play MM6, Divine Divinity, and Gothic 2, retard.

You spend days in game looking for carrots and other shit, then cooking it with the most fucking tedious animation in videogame history and then you go find a merchant and give him all the shit you cooked so you can afford something that is just part of the game's progression?
Why aren't you playing farming simulator and overcooked instead?

>implying I didn't play Gothic 2
You have a point there btw.

>Witcher 3, with its dynamic quests and complex secondary characters was shit, i'd rather farm carrots all day.

Nintenbabbies, everyone.

>implying I only do that
Come on now, I know you want to shitpost, but I already told you to sell rare gems and food, and still you are not ok with that.
What the fuck do you want, rupees raining in your asshole?

>dynamic quests
ahahahahah stay delusional, stay soyboy

Monsters dropping rupees and more money as a reward for quests/sanctuaries would've made much more sense, you could afford armor and fairy fountains naturally without having to become a farmer/merchant.

There are rupees under rocks and inside chests.
Did you even play the game?
>b-but I want easy money

>implying I didn't play Gothic 2
There are tons of way better open worlds than BotW out there. Krondor, Arcanum, STALKER, Warband, I mean fucking come on dude. How anyone can think BotW is anything other than yet another mediocre AAA game is beyond me.

>t. soycuck numale can't comprehend not one likes his faggot cover and keeps being butthurt about it

I don't know how you people played the game but I never once really ran out of rupees. I simply collected a few rare gems in the mountains every now and then or killed one of those stone monsters that drop like a few dozen gems, and sold them.

Most overrated game of the year.

Game of the Decade. 10/10 genre defining masterpiece.

Sup Forums will never get over it. That makes me very, very happy.

Just got this as a gift. Any thing I should be aware of before I get started?