What are some things that define you as a Gamer, Sup Forums? (certain games, consoles etc.)

What are some things that define you as a Gamer, Sup Forums? (certain games, consoles etc.)

Do you think of yourself as a gamer? Tell people about it?

I play videogames. Other than that, nothing. It's exactly like weed. Pot isn't bad, pot culture is.

>define you
>Do you think of yourself as a gamer

What kind of fuckin website do you think this is dude? Cant be doing that around here

>Pot isn't bad

I prefer "Video Game Player' but that's just me

It’s something I do, who I am is just a conglomeration of the various interests, skills, responsibilities and goals I have at a given time.
As I’m posting here, I’m currently an annoying faggot.

It hurts to be this new huh?

gamer is an outdated term because it's nothing special nowadays.
do you call yourself MOVIER because you like to watch movies? no? yeah me too

Sure, I'm a gamer. I'm also a walker, a talker, a worker and a wanker.
See how retarded you sound when you tell people you're a ....er?

What's the point of gamers?

To call yourself a gamer you need a fuckton of insecurity and the feeling of a desperate need to label yourself

great buns

yet most of Sup Forums defines themselves over a certain console and the games they play. Isn't this as silly, even if done kind of "ironically".

agreed 100%, it baffles my mind that some people need to justify their purchases so much that it becomes part of their identity and other console formats are 'the enemy'

>What do you do?
>I play Monopoly. All the time.

Same fucking thing. Playing video games os literally just a fucking game hobby. No different. It's to entertain.

People put such a huge importance on it today because normalfags got into it and are trying to make it seem important to justify it.


I play video games to distract myself from the fact that I'm going to die alone and lonely.


I prefer calling you "faggit".

People who define themselves by what they do are idiots in general. "Gamers" especially because it's out of nothing more than to have an identity at all. Look at people who live to work, the moment they retire they sit on a mountain of cash and feel dead and aimless because they don't know what to do now that they can no longer work.

Most people are idiots, Sup Forums is no exception.

We don't play video games here, you should leave.