Go play KOTOR 2

Go play KOTOR 2.

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>not using Invisible Headgear

i just did my yearly playthrough is there any good mods besides the restored content one that add more content?

soon. just got to finish another game first.

Fuck this guy. Gimme qt slave girl.

>playing through and just finishing telos.
>Using the steam version, assume the mods are autopatched in by subscribing to the restored content mod.
>talk to the handmaidens, using the wrong options.
>completely breaks my game, return to the ship to find my save corrupted to some other person's prebuild testing character and the ship doesn't transition scenes properly, completely wasting hours of work.
God fucking damn it.

Nah, I rather replay first one and jade empire

Going through it right now, Peragus is a drag and Telos doesn't seem all that exciting either.
Since it's my first playthrough I ain't gonna skip it, but man, I see why people do.

There's KOTOR3. Somebody post those images.



I've been thinking about it. I've never played it except at a friend's house when I was very young; I remember being annoyed that you started with a sword that wasn't actually a lightsabre at the start. I'm guessing you're got to "Earn It" instead of the game just letting you be a badass jedi?


How do I get it to work on windows 10, with an intel hd 620?

It keeps crashing on the tutorial, or on loading saves, before rendering any graphics

Have you tried using DDU?

I can understand why people would dislike replaying Peragus on their subsequent replays, but honestly, the first time I played through it, I had a blast. The atmosphere is super well-done, really spooky. Personally, I enjoy replaying it.

Telos is a drag no matter which replay, tho. I don't like that place at all. It's even designed in a boring fashion.

Level design is a problem throughout the entire game, actually. Apart from the jungles of Dxun, which were amazing, the game world is a pain to explore.

Good thing the writing is just good enough to be worth the trouble.

Jesus Exile is the best Exile.

Well yes, naturally.
After all, they are the most powerful weapons in the game. Once you get them, there is no reason to get back to using swords.

DDU being?

I haven't played KOTOR since they came out, but I'm afraid I'm not able to play too-old vidya comfortable anymore because of controls.

Is it a pain to play KOTOR or is there a possibility that I'd enjoy it?

More kreia memes pls

[Stare at the creature.]

Display Driver Uninstaller

It's the most efficient method of cleaning your GPU drivers.



Shut up,Tsig.

Doesn't support Intel from what I can tell.

qt exile is the best exile

I would, but it got deleted in childbirth... or something

It does

That's not even the qt exile.

G0-T0 was good character, He just shouldn't be companion

Only reason i played both of those games was because of HK47
In the second i dont want to play it without him taking over the factory and sticking it to the nigger ball droid
I was always a neutral in most part
As revan, killed everything on Korriban and destroyed the star forge, was rewarded by the republic with a fucked up evil face
In the second, i cant really remember, it was too complicated

What the fuck was her problem?


But I hate SW.

good, you will like it then

Can I directly jump in it and skip the first one?

yeah pretty much the intro gets u up to speed


TLJ was easily 7/10, with the potential for an 8.


Revan understood snacks

>1 and a half hour long disseration
Its a video game character not karl marx. Sum it up in 2 sentences or less.

KOTOR 2 doesn't have any Women of Colour though

No thanks, you can keep your problematic game for Drumpf pissbabies

Nice bait, but this isn’t the thread for it.

>Its a video game character not karl marx
You would be surprised.

best exile is canon meetra

u wot
You can play as one. Your move, nerd.

TL;DW - kreia wants people to understand and accept the consequences of their actions, and wants people to stand on their own two feet, so help should be in the form of aiding the person’s personal capabilities, not solving their problems for them.

Space jeez.

Don't do the jedi thing just because its what a jedi would do, and don't do the sith thing just because its what a sith would do? What was it she says again, "to believe in a ideal is to be willing to betray it" or something?

Play the first before you play the second.

Wanted to know the real shit, but everywhere she went, everyone was spooked by something.
The Jedi with transcendentalism that makes them become alienated from the reality they live in.
The Sith with lust for power that blinds them from their own objectives.
So the force takes everyone, and pushes them off track, through mysterious reasons.

She tried both ways, and stumbled like the rest, so by now she's like "been there, done that", to the force-user lifestyle. It turns out, both suck, and are completely self defeating if you want to live your life by your own will. She tries to tell this to whoever will listen, but everyone misses the point and fucks up like the rest.

One day, she hears of this friend of a pupil that managed to walk away from the force, it's constraints, and it's designs, cause they lead them to something so horrible, that they just couldn't feel anything anymore, and walked away from everything, into the space boonies.

"That's amazing", she thinks, "They're amazing". When her unwitting champion, decides to come back to the known world, The Force is conspiring to drag them into some New Dank Force Wielder Shit. So she sets off in an stolen star ship to keep them safe, and to try to help them become an example of the triumph of life over The Force, stop the bullshit that's been bouncing around ever since they left, and shove her findings in the face of those who doubted her.

And then get them to seal the deal and cause something so horrible that it'll make the whole galaxy deaf like them.

Watched that video 3 days ago. Made me install KOTOR 1/2 again.

I wonder if a mod could be prepared to remove G0-T0 from companions and make him give like, crime quests or something instead.

What's with the Kotor threads lately?
im not complaining, ive just been seeing like 3-5 a day, now. also user, im already playing it. just cleared the mandalorian cache of those pesky construction droids, and im off to the mandalorian camp.

>What's with the Kotor threads lately?
Try to guess.


im stupid :(

The TwoBestFriends started a playthrough of it 2 weeks ago. Also at this speed it's going to be 125 parts easily.

master speed
two lightsabers
master flurry

Telos, Peragus, Onderon, and Nar Shadaa are all boxy corridors. Dantoine and Korriban are from the previous game, and even then, they descend into boxy corridors at times. Dxun is literally the only good level. I wonder if that was a design descision or if they just ran out of time.

as much as people like to deny

its usually when someone does an LP of a game threads about that game pop up more on Sup Forums

Star wars franchise is mostly 50-60% off on steam in an attempt to promote the new movie.

So if you play the game without using force powers and only use vibroswords and blasters would she suck your duck

Nigger please.

Did they ever finish that restoration mod? Should I use it for my first playthrough? Should I play the first game before?

I have it but I haven't touched it.
Wanted to do another KOTOR 1 playthrough to refresh myself for it but I got to that fucking selkath planet and can't remember a quick route.

>The TwoBestFriends started a playthrough of it 2 weeks ago.
Are they worth watching? I'm not really into LPs.

knucka cheese

If you aren't into LPs you aren't gonna get any benefit from them. Give their sadness trilogy (david cage games) a watch though, it's their best stuff because they just shit all over those games.

Nah, it's just mouse clicking. It's aged relatively well.

Everytime Super Best Friends start a new game, threads about said game pop up like crazy. And then this board complains about ecelebs. it happened with L.A.Noire and plethora of other games

Yes, it's finished.

i liked the whole game in its entirety, fight me. well it's my favorite game ever after all, so

Not really, cause you'll need them anyway.

Use what you have to do what you will, is her whole point. The force, and it's acolytes, end up always loosing track of either "what you have" or "what you will".

Be smart, and remain in control, is all she wants to teach.

Thats ok, user. Youre allowed to enjoy things. As much as Sup Forums tries to tell you that you cant.

A couple of questions since I bought both forever ago and plan to play them very soon.
Can i be sith off the bat or is it like most games where evil is fun but locks you out of shit?
Is there a guide image i need to see or some link to getting started?

But I am. Right now even.

Force Choke.
I win.

>using the Chris Rock exile
mah nigga

If it's like the first game, you can be an evil cunt from the beginning, but in that game being on evil side means being an insufferable edgelord, not fun at all.

Yes, yes, yes.

Republic Embassy to get the quest to investigate the Sith, interrogate the prisoner and break the code, warp back to the Ebon Hawk, go to the bar in Ahto West to get 'Investigate the missing Selkath' and 'Find out why the Republic are hiring mercenaries', warp back to the Ebon Hawk, go to the Sith hangar and enter the base, clear it, exit, finish the first trial by telling them you were investigating the missing Selkath, go back to the Republic Base, take the sub to the Hrackert Rift, clear it, you've finished Manaan.

>Chris Rock
I was going for Lando-lite, but fuck that works too.

No, they've gotten a lot worse. I stopped watching them after a while, but apparently for the kotor lp the guy playing will ask the other who knows a good bit about the game for advice and then ignores it. Just do what Said and watch their lips of David Cage games and that's it.

So, what, he wants a galaxy of Jolee Bindos?

KOTOR 2 fucking sucks compared to the first game. Of the three party members I remember, ALL of them had their personality centered around "lol I don't have/display emotion because (reason)" and the planets were similarly lifeless boring husks compared to the vibrancy of the first game. This shit is only liked on here because of Obsidian drones and people who think Kreia is a compelling, well-written character and not just an indecisive nanny. Fuck this game and fuck you all

bitter liar with personal agenda is mistaken for chris avellone's mouthpiece

>"lol I don't have/display emotion because (reason)"
There isn't a single character that's emotionless.
Even the fucking robots have emotion m8. Try harder with that bait

I remember Kreia, the white haired bitch, and the dopey big dude. Kreia and the other bitch DELIBERATELY had muted emotion which is pointed out in the game itself, and the dopey big dude was just monotone and boring as fuck. Again, fuck this game, it left such a bad taste in my mouth on release you'd have to pay me to pick it back up


>the white haired bitch
Tsundere as they come. Get better taste.

Post the pasta next time, the dub kind of messes it up.


You can be evil right from the start, and it doesn't lock you out of anything. At one point in the game your alignment dictates which companion joins your party - Light-sided and Neutral characters get one companion, Dark-siders get another. It's nothing to worry about for a first-time player, but getting the Light-sided companion with a Dark-sided character is interesting for a second or third playthrough, just to see the contrast.

Get the Restored Content Mod but NOT the optional 'droid planet' addon (it's shit, and if you decide to try it you can on a later playthrough. That's why it's optional). You can get Invisible Headgear if that's your jam.
Unlike the first game, you want to get the most lore and options out of conversations, you'll want good mental stats - 13-14 in each should do it, with Wisdom the most important followed by Intelligence and Charisma (I can't remember if there are any direct Charisma checks in the game, but you don't want a malus because it affects your Persuade). You'll also want good Awareness, because it comes up in conversation every now and then as something like Sense Motive - a maximum of 15 or so (modified) is fine. Good luck, user! I hope you enjoy it.

The companion system sort of failed. Who'd use T3, Atton, Bao-Dur, Brianna, Mira, Mical, HK or G0-T0 when others are available? You'll miss out on plenty of extra dialogue based on who you're with when doing something simply because those cunts are not feasible partners.

I'm always choosing Kreia/Visas/Mandalore/Hanharr because they're by far the most useful in combat.

All droids in Kotor2 have the best lines.

>Pulling a Bindo
I still remember how I spit out my drink
helps my first playthrough was female so I never saw the line my first time around

thanks anons diving in

Even with a negative CHA mod you should be able to persuade everyone no problem since it's a skill you'll ALWAYS level up unless you're playing a some brute