Why does Europe love censorship so much?

Why does Europe love censorship so much?


blame the germans

They censor violence and allow nudity while the US allows violence and censors nudity. Which is the more logical choice?

Not censoring at all?

This! They started early with River Raid (atari) and they can't stop cucking themselves just because they lost two world wars.

Defend this

Why are murricans afraid of nudity?

I agree, but of those two options, which is more logical? Which is truly more harmful to human beings?

Germany already lost defending that once

Because of their disgusting obese bodies.

It's only in Germany.

both are shit, censoring boobs creates mouth breathing beta idiots and censoring violence makes kids think violence isn't horrible tragedy when it happens

Ironically enough, the censored version portraits an icon still in use by the german Bundeswehr.

Im not American retard why are you euro niggers so obsessed with America?

the bleeding blonde man reminds them too much of syrian rape caravans


>we did a lot of shit on ww2 but now we don't want to remember it

Number 1 economy
Number 1 scientific discovery
Number 1 olympic gold medals
Number 1 military
Number 1 retardation
Number 1/2 obesity, depends on how fat mexico is feeling this month

How do they do it?

Because most of the real men over there died in WW1, and WW2 finished off the rest.


White Americans aren't actually stupid on the average, and the average American IQ is 98 even with America being only 56% white.

US versions of anime like DBZ are (were?) routinely scrubbed of blood. Because it's aired for little kids.

I guess in Japan DBZ is like sentai for "adults" but here it's just any other superhero cartoon. So it's not really about Europe. Besides, this is probably just because of Germany, and whether or not you agree with their policies you have to understand why they have them.

Violence is such a tragedy that's why we don't care if we get bombed every weekend. America got bombed once, you know what they did? They invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, what does Europe do?

For the last 5 years the only thing that got censored in germany was Swastika's but no violence got touched.
They did ban Valkyrie Drive tho.

literally muslims kek

I remember watching DBZ on Cartoon Network as a kid and seeing piccolo driving a huge hole in Goku and the rat fucker guy


I dunno I only watched the Canadian versions of the entire dragon ball series, I don't know what the American version was like.

>those are the faces of the best country on earth
really makes you think

>it's a burgers trying to shift the blame onto Europe episode
Nice try

Jews and Asian immigrants are the reason it's so high. Remove them, and the average American IQ falls under the 90s bar.

People don't seem to get that a lot of America's obesity is from fucking Mexicans and Latinos residing here.


I'm Canadian dumbo, you dumb euro homos need to stop being so obsessed with America,
Oh no we got criticized let's complain about America!

It's okay when nintendo does it.


>Europe = Germany
>Europe = UK
feel free to stop any time now


Because Germans don't like to show their kids too much violence. And since video games are toys, they tend to get censored, so children don't become mentally damaged.

The North American version still mentions her boobs and butts, the European version censored it and instead talks about her hair since euro homos aren't used to seeing a woman's hair KEK

dying light is still banned, but apart from that I don't remember any censored games in recent years

Europe doesnt love censorship.
Germany does.
Im Pole and I never played game that was overaly censored.
Stop falling for headlines of internet memes pls.

>They invaded Iraq and Afghanistan
That sure helped didn't it.

The EU is literally dragged down by Eastern European countries, you dummy.

Let them rot by themselves, and the HDI in the EU skyrockets.

At least we aren't Australians.

Yeah they see enough of it in real life LMAO Canada has never censored a game
If you don't support the war on terror then you're a terrorist

Its because they caused two world wars and feel really bad about it.

And the EU will lose the world's fifth/sixth-largest economy (Britain) in a few years too.

But don't worry, they'll make up for it by adding economic powerhouses like Serbia.

Says the ameritard who literally cucked himself out of the internet lmao.

>And the EU will lose the world's fifth/sixth-largest economy (Britain) in a few years too.

>he doesn't know

>Caused by germans

If you remove the Eastern European countries your total GDP will still be lower than Americas, don't they teach math there?
Don't forget turkey Constantinople will be European again :)

Big country, big disparities. The whole point of America is that excellence has to be achieved at the expense of others, so there's always a lot of people who are left behind -- and in the American mindset, such people are necessary, and they deserve it.

This was still an improvement over Europe's old class systems, and it's only been a generation or so since the rest of the first-world took a different attitude to social stewardship than we tend to. I think it's because Europe and Europeans actually suffered in the war and for a long time afterward, while it was actually a huge boon the Americans.

Never stated that you guilt ridden European.

Europe censors violence but not tits, we censor tits but not violence.

IM CANADIAN! Why are you euro homos so obsessed with America? Seriously stop bringing them up all the time
Who cares who started It, it was won by Canada

>user's pic related is an example of US censorship

>Americans get the internet taken away before their guns
Fucking Burgers.

Asians > whites > blacks > Latinos, at least in California.

Too bad for California that the worst (Latinos) make up the plurality of their current public school enrollment.

What game would this be? Euros are usually really cool with nudity.


Good goy, keep fighting the war for Israel and support Trump

>hispanic below blacks
the literal state of spics

I hate you euro homos who come to Canada and complain about all the guns we have, if you don't like it go to Mexico where guns are illegal
Dead Rising

But there is ass in EU version.

>not caused by German backing of Austrian autism
Please tell me again how WW2 is the only conflict in which Germany acted like a belligerent retard and ruined Europe.

IM CANADIAN FUCK OFF I don't support trump he's a left wing liberal nut job
Yeah That's for Ahmed's enjoyment Canadians don't need to see virtual butt because we have enough women here for us


Is this Monster Hunter World

Hate to break it to you senpai but our PM is disappointing literally everyone no matter what side of the aisle you're on.

fuck off leaf

Fuck off Canada. We can be friends once you guys aren't ruled by a peace loving hippie.

left is japan and EU uncensored nun

right is censoredUSA

Show your true face already, aussie

>Backing Austria is the one cause for the war
>Not assassinating austrian royalty
>Not russia being the first to mobilize their armies

Oy vey schlomo, you sure showed me.


Leaves eternally btfo by those quads.


topkek saved

>Change a swastika to an iron cross
>Same color scheme
>Both used by germany
Why though

>This is white in America

day of the rake when?

Can you guys stop thinking about America for one second? I'm not an American fuck off! Are you guys gay for them? You can't stop bringing them up all the time.
Oh yeah we're so cucked we let in 25,000 refugees in 2 years wow and Germany let in 3,000,000 oh my god we are so cucked
Don't ever call me an ausgaylian again

So they can shit on nationalists too.

what´s wrong with Toblerone?


The assassination of Ferdinand was an excuse for war. Germany had been looking for war and building their Army up for a while.

Only in Germany.
The USA has way more censorship than any other country. Even nudity is taboo in your country. Why do you think they're trying to revoke net neutrality faggot?

>what's wrong with toblerone?

>faces of America

c*cknadians btfo'd by quads

Well that's not transparent at all.

She's british, though

Some strange part in germany's constitution that outlaws any use of subversive or racist symbols.
Except for in movies and books because that's art.

>Not assassinating austrian royalty

Literally the actions of a bunch of NEETs, had nothing to do with the actual Serbian state.

>Not russia being the first to mobilize their armies

Served as a deterrent to Austria starting shit. Germans and Austrians thought they could take them on easily and ignored that warning though.

How does it feel like to get all of your history knowledge from Sup Forums infographs, faggot?


Maybe this is better.

> defending copyright and trademark infringement of the Red Cross symbol
I don't think I can, user.

I don't care about America I'm not American seriously, look at all the mad euro homos in this thread that can't stop bringing America up KEK why are you guys so obsessed

Is there even a difference? Both countries are funny talking guntopias.