How do I get into this franchise?
Where do I fucking start? With 1? Which version? Do I play them 1,2,3,4 etc.?
Why play this if I simply can play Final Fantasy?
How do I get into this franchise?
Where do I fucking start? With 1? Which version? Do I play them 1,2,3,4 etc.?
Why play this if I simply can play Final Fantasy?
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You don't have to play in release order. Only the first 3 games are super closely tied together, but that doesnt mean you have to play them in release order.
I would say start with 3, 4, or 8. 5 is a really good one, but that might spoil expectations for what a Dragon Quest game can do.
>How do I get into this franchise?
Do you like the quintessential form of the JRPG?
>Where do I fucking start? With 1? Which version? Do I play them 1,2,3,4 etc.?
I feel like you can skip 1 or leave it for later. Also not too much reason to play them in order. I think 3 and 4 are really solid while still being early games.
>Why play this if I simply can play Final Fantasy?
Very different tone. No reason not to check out at least one to see if you like it. I think the music is superior too but I'm not a big FF fan in the first place.
It doesn't really matter.
I'd say, start with the SNES version of I+II since they're short.
IV, V and VIII seem to be really popular entrypoints
>Only the first 3 games are super closely tied together
>I would say start with 3
Come on
Anyways, how was the DQ8 port for 3DS?
I started with DQ8 and then have since played them in the order of 1, 2,3, 5, and 7. I got stuck in 7 and haven't played it since then. Have been meaning to give it a try again.
Of the ones I played, DQ5 and 8 are the best ones.
1 is your JRPG mecca. If you like JRPGs you must make this journey at least once in your life
1 and 2 are going to feel pretty old. If you want to play either of them, I'd recommend the SNES / GBC ports of those games since they reduce a lot of the grind you'd experience from the first two games.
3 really captures the gameplay loop of the Dragon Quest series
>Talk to villagers about current events
>Discover a point of intrigue about a problem located in a dungeon nearby
>Clear out the threat of the dungeon
>Get another hook to lead to the next location
Plus in 3 you have complete control over your party composition aside from the hero your main character plays as.
If you want to play games from the first trilogy, you could play 1 then 3. 2 introduces the idea of parties in JRPGs, but the game opens up really quickly and becomes difficult to navigate without dying a bunch to enemies you are severely underlevelled against.
B-but I don't b-believe in Mecca.
Is it really expected of every real JRPG player as a rite of passage?
DQ 1&2 are very basic by todays standards. Hell, they were basic by the time FF1 came out. I have gone back and played DQ1 a few times; but a good portion of my enjoyment is nostalgia. The SNES re-releases, or even the android/iOS versions, are good way to "experience" DQ1&2 if you so feel like it. I wouldn't bother with them if you didn't play them originally.
As other have said DQ3&4 are worth playing. Easily some of the best RPG's on the NES. Yes, 1, 2, and 3 are related, but you have zero need to know anything from the previous games. There are some neat things to see if you go from 1 to 2, to 3 (the fact DQ1's map is a subsection of DQ2, etc), but I wouldn't say its at all necessary.
>this is what underage fags believe
The true mecca is Wizardry
DQ1 is the most boring game I've played, and I doubt I'd have finished it if it wasn't for the fact that I needed something to do during commute. The jrpg gameplay loop is here at its most basic expression, and lacks any kind of subtlety. Watching paint dry is probably not as dull.
Sorry what?
>Watching paint dry is probably not as dull.
It's actually kind of exciting. I did it all the time as a kid.
>mecca of the JRPG
>aka console style RPG
>not even initially released on console
might as well say it's Ultima or some shit
I started with 1. I recommend it if you can stomach that, I've developed a strong sense of nostalgia for the series even though I only started playing it last year.
DQ is only a thing because Horii fucking loves Wizardry.
And Ultima played a big role for DQ too, they didn't want to make a generic clone and decided to combine both series in order to eliminate their flaws or some shit like that.
who the tit is horii?
Some janitor at Square enix.
are you drunk? i never heard of that circle phoenix you are talking about. sounds like garbage anyway.
Really guys
Makes sense
Just play 6. The rest are literal shit.
>the retarded accents the localization gave 4
I still haven't gone back. Loved V though Rotten Apple is my nigga
I had to grind there for like an hour in the super famicom version. I do like how that shrine dude healed and saved your game for free all in one place, then I was so powerful that I went through the castle and beat it in no time.
I heard that in the NES version you have to grind there for HOURS
Play 3 then 5 then 8 then stop.
This looks comfy as fuck.
One factor where Dragon Quest is really superior to FF, is the world map artstyle. It is so much superior and comfy than FF1 realistic looking world map design.
Like Gundam.
The centre of the universe for Muslims.
Buy my game!
There is something incredibly relaxing about Dragon Quest I. Its a very simple game that only has a few dungeons, a few bosses, and it doesn't take too long to beat. But its got a great emphasis on exploration and encouraging you to be smart about how you travel and battle.
In terms of the best games I'd say III, V, and VIII are the peak games, but you're good to grab or start with essentially anything. Dragon Warrior Monsters I and II for GBC are also great.
I refused to grind, I just kept charging in until I finally lucked out beat the final boss.
Did they still have those golden monkeys that insta-kill your whole party in the SNES version?
DQB Switch announced for western release this morning. Nintendo announced it, not SE or an official DQ channel.
We're not getting DQXI news, are we?
If any DQ mobile games were released in English, would you play them?
I will sweetie once it's in english.
I will.
I need news, Veronica. The wait is killing me.
A little birdie told me around mid January
You gotta remember it's basically the first console JRPG. Give it some slack.
>>the retarded accents the localization gave 4
Fuck you
Wasn't that announced a long time ago?
>How do I get into this franchise?
Simply choose any of them. The gameplay is pretty much the same between all of them.
>Where do I fucking start? With 1? Which version? Do I play them 1,2,3,4 etc.?
I'd recommend starting either with III or V.
>Why play this if I simply can play Final Fantasy?
Final Fantasy is like the daily special. Every game is always something different. Dragon Quest is like that meal you get when you ask for the "usual".
No! Buy my game!
Shit like this is acceptable?
Nope. Square Enix was supposed to give information in the fall but that obviously ain't happening. We probably gotta wait for Nintendo to announce it in the next Direct.
I don't think the western release was confirmed until today, although the JP release was announced ages ago. I'm wondering if the new content, portability, and oppurtunity to support the series are worth double dipping.
I don't think there's anything really added to it. Just a few blocks for free mode.
It felt like each region was a different region, so yes.
What extra content?
But it's already on the Vita
DQ11 has so many good looking female characters.
But isn't the "usual" just mindless, boring grinding?
Yes. That's what DQ is. Some people like that. Just ask Japan and it's hordes when a new game comes out.
You don't really need to grind that much in the later games if you know the systems. But yes that's pretty much it. People like DQ because of it's traditional old systems.
IX was going to be an action rpg and the reaction was so bad they switched it back.
So what's up with Square Enix when it comes to Dragon Quest over here? It's always Nintendo having to say something. Square never ever does a lick of marketing, always go back on their promise like the mother fucking news we were promised this fall.
Dragon Quest VIII outsold Bravely Default and VII did a "satisfactory" amount. Speaking of VII they released it at an awful time too. It's like they're trying to sabotage it here or something.
B-but its just mindless, boring grinding
I've seen a variety of new blocks and the ability to ride a great sabrecub in free build mode which apparently unlocks special materials. Its not impossible that there are more new things, although it seems they would have been revealed by now.
It's so lovely. There's nothing quite like it.
It's total simplicity. An NES game with the graphics of a PS4 game.
Dragon Quest fans have the philosophy of don't fix what ain't broke. Everyone can pickup a Dragon Quest game and jump right into it. Casuals, normalfags, hardcore gamers, literally anyone with hands can play it.
>An NES game with the graphics of a PS4 game
I love it. I wish everyone could see the appeal, rather than insist upon the addition of voices and unnessary innovation to the gameplay.
I would like voices though for the international release. DQ8 was the same as DQ11 when it was in Japan so I'm expecting DQ11 to get voicework and a symphonic soundtrack when the time comes.
Also damn what a good looking cast.
It has simple combat. Otherwise every game builds on the last. I dunno why people tout this "it's just a boring grinder" crap. Rarely do I feel like I have to grind. You spend more time exploring and talking to people than fighting.
DQ8 is the best one imo.
DQ4~(nds) is where the series starts getting good.
It's just like FF in that any given title plays fine independently.
If you don't like retro style games, start with DQ8.
If you don't like slower turn-based jrpgs, don't play DQ at all.
Dubs have been so shit lately, I have absolutely no hope that an added voice track will add anything of value to the game. I'm perfectly pleased with DQ's text tone serving as the "voices".
I adored DQ8's voice work though. If it can be the same quality for DQ11 I'll be very happy.
9. It has the most linear story progression, and the character customisation is fun to get in to. Not as complicated as 6 or 7, and a lot more options than any others
DQ8 voice acting added a certain charm to it. I doubt the game would sell well in the west without voice acting.
DQ8 is the best to get into Dragon Quest. I suggest the ps2 version over 3ds. Preferably on pcsx2
I recommend you play 1 and 2 on the GBC, it's the same game but with an XP and Gold rate of x3. So you grind less, a lot less.
But when a game already had voice acting it feels like step back
It's unnecessary and likely to be poor quality. Localized games don't get the budget and effort needed for a good voice over. As much as I enjoy quality voice acting and appreciate being able to hear dialogue in my native tongue, a bad dub is absolutely detrimental to the quality of a game. See Xenoblade Chronicles 2 as an example. I would switch to the sub or turn the voices if there weren't so many damn lines with no text.
VIII is the only one that had it though user. That was an outlier that likely won't happen again.
OP here. Shit guys you convinced me.
I love history and it blows my mind that DQ1 was the first JRPG in existence. I will definitely check out the NES version first and if it gets too hard other versions.
have a (you) I feel sorry for you
Nevermind the revamped battle system and new mechanics.
First JRPG in existence on console. Falcom beat them to the punch for those kind of experiences on PC.
DQ beat Falcom when it came to not making awful games.
Why the PS2 version over the 3DS version? I was thinking of picking up the 3DS ports of 7/8.
I know, console, sure.
I'm jus too lazy to learn 100 commands and always type "pick up item", "talk to person" etc... like in old PC RPGs.
Why didn't Dragon Quest ever pick up in the West with the normies? The game is piss easy to pick up, not difficult, great artstyle. What do they want?
Just play the remake and 8 on 3ds.
Just play on an emulator and fast forward to grind, easy enough.
Probably the reason why it shot off so hard. It was a Falcom PC game experience but much simpler to pick up and play.
Dq1 is as old as time itself don't even bother with it just like said play the 3ds games if you have a 3ds if you don't i guess emulate the originals or something
Final Fantasy dug it's claws in the western world first. A lot of people's first DQ game was either on the NES when it was called Dragon Warrior when they got it from Blockbuster or DQ8 where they got it just because there was a Final Fantasy 10 demo on the CD.
SE marketed FF as THE JRPG to the west and neglected DQ. As a result, DQ didn't catch on early enough and now Western normies think old school turn-based combat is too slow/old.
The nerds had enough CRPGs, why should they like a distilled and more casual version of it?
And casuals were just not nerdy enough to like it when there was stuff like Super Mario Bros 1.
Not the same user but I think he's talking about the over world graphics being a little less pretty on 3ds, other than that the game is fine and even have new contents in 3ds ( new character for the party, monster roaming the map )
Sadly the game doesn't make use of the stereoscopic 3d. But at least it means your battery will last longer.
FF is really nothing that special in terms of JRPGs. Also, since people have been mentioning grinding in this thread, I'd say FF is quite a bit more grindy than DQ
The stereoscopic 3D is the worst part of the 3DS, and the lack of random encounters is amazing. It means you can grind metal slimes very efficiently to maintain your levels, and skip the fights everywhere else if you want.
"SE" didn't exist you goddamn underage faggot.
This guy is sort of right, except "CRPG" is not a general enough term.
The west invented this shit.
FF isn't special, but it's what comes to mind when most Western normies think of 'JRPG' thanks to the way SE marketed it.
Where did the grinding meme even come from? If you don't run from every single encounter you don't need to grind at all.
Nigger the 3d is fucking amazing on new 3ds XL, especially with open world where you have a lot of thing to see.
Weak eyelet need not apply.
Normies other turn based games up though.
Relax, bitch. I'm just lazy and it's easier to use "SE" when referring to the series' whole lifespan.
I got into this series first with DQM on game boy color. It's a pokemon clone with randomized level gimmick, and it's freaking great. Also the DQM Joker on DS games are good. You can play Final Fantasy if that's what you're into, but this game series is a lot less faggotry than FF.
>the stereoscopic 3D is the worst part of the 3DS
What? Did you make a mistake somewhere in this? Did you not play VII and see how amazing everything looked in 3D?
Also grinding metal slime on 3ds ruin the game challenge.
There's no worse feeling in the world than rushing a dungeons and beating everything in one hit because you're overpowered.
Op if you play the 3ds version, don't hunt metal slime cause they're easy as fuck to get in this version, making everything unbalanced.
I'm guessing like many from my age group, I started with VIII on the PS2, though now it's also on 3DS with some changes that make it more easier/convenient. From there played 9 on the DS, and then the 4-6 remakes on the DS.