What you playing 93' lads?
Pic unrelated.
What you playing 93' lads?
Pic unrelated.
Other urls found in this thread:
i want to bang metrosexual bayonetta!
Just finished with Nioh and thanks to your pic I’m gonna reinstall Bayonetta. When I get back from work, anyway
From that picture I would have thought you were 12. Why are these shitty threads allowed?
stop being a stick in the mud
lets talk about metrosexual bayonetta!
>he doesnt appreciate fotm memes
Your kind aren't welcome here
Been playing Goldeneye & Perfectdark with a mouse & keyboard mod
this is probably nostalgia speaking when I say this, but I think GE is way better than PD
92' pleb here.
Currently playing through TW3 (again). I want to find another game i can sink hundreds of hours into, but i can't find anything decent.
Maybe i'm looking in the wrong places
Now add KH2 Sora sucking in Bayonetta.
s-sauce goddamnit
It doesnt matter, rachel maddow doesnt like cock
finally someone who understands my feelings
thank frend
you deceived me!
Shadow Tower. Abyss right now, it's pretty good so far
Still working on finishing up Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Then gonna kill sigma in MMX.
Then I'll start my metroidvanias again.
The only games I've played for the past few months have been Warframe, STALKER: COP and 7 Days to Die.
How much of a pleb am I? I have very little free time and I spend the little I have with those games.
Six Siege
Trying to figure out what to do next for my shitty YouTube channel
check out this daria looking fuck
what is it cinco de mayo where you live? jesus get a room
Overwatch and private server vanilla WoW xD
88' here. I'm alternating between Inferno Climber and Yakuza Kiwami. I'm getting bored of IC though, I liked the challenge and the exploration initially but it's too repetitive and takes lots of backtracking and preparation to explore new places.
What's it like in Bayo's butt?
kicked up evil genius again after xcom 2 bugged out multiple times and caused me to lose the campaign
Nothing, I've been burnt out for like 6 months now. Wish I had money for VR but the Christmas game ridiculous.
My daycare had a Super Nintendo and i played ninja turtles, mario world and some other side scroller i can't remember. That's how i got into playing games
*in 93'
Gears 4 campaign was surprisingly decent. I heard people shitting on it quite heavily
me on the right
This is way more accurate than OP
Been trying to play through Horizon's story before I go on vacation so I can use it and TW3 as normie veil games that I'm not so invested in rather than looking like a faggot who plays nothing but weeaboo bait JRPGs.
Can't have my extended family see me grinding rare cores in XC2
I started playing Styx, it is alright so far but the jump is kinda floaty and enemy placement feels a tad weird.
I was trying to get good at Guilty Gear Rev2 but that's just impossible, so i quit and now i am waiting for a nee fighting game to play. I might go back to fightcade because this gen has been nothing but disappointment to me regarding fighting games.
go play monhun, steve
If you've never experienced the joy of pretending to be retarded I feel sorry for you.
Tried starting my second playthrough on Hard Saturday night and couldn't get passed the first fucking screen of the prologue.
Battlefield 1, Stainless Steel 6.4 and Terranigma
I want to see Bayonetta BROOOONNNNKKKKKKK
Just turned 26 on the 4th, currently playing some r6 siege.
I'm pretty shit at it though.
I own XCOM 2 but I'm not starting it until I beat the first one on fucking Impossible.
It was okay. Kait as a partner is the most useless character in any Gears game. She cannot do shit on her own, can't aim for shit, and is totally retarded. Pretty much what I'd imagine what it'd be like to fight with actual women in combat, so good on Coalition for keeping it realistic, I guess.
first or second game?
First game. Those twin tiger faggots with the claws kick my ass every time.
I'll allow this.
oh yeah that shit is hard
I had it on PS3, so the framerate drops reduced me to tears.
fair enough
xcom 2 is pretty good but its hit and miss with bugs, some guys play 100 plus hours with no problems then youve got me where bugs cause soldiers to die or lose missions/not get proper objectives and it ruins the game especially playing on ironman
Worst year