Go play Deus Ex

Go play Deus Ex.

>nostalgiafag Sup Forums-core shit
no thanks. Played it twice, game play is shit, movement is awful, and the levels are babies first unrealed shit.

dude sex with dad ex


UnrealEd, the tool used to make the game

Not so fast, fucker.

well whats a patrician unrealed game then

nothing, no good game has used unreal engine 1. ut99 and ug fags kill yourselves. rune is also garbage.

I did, for 7 hours then I stopped, the character interactions themselves are pretty cool, but the gameplay itself is awful, it aged like milk.

I mean I can understand if someone stupid calls deus ex gameplay shit but what's to hate about Unreal Gold?


Lay off the soy, boy.

Give Me Deus Ex.

repetitive enemy encounters
>dude skaarj are so cool! they strafe like real players!
>ok so what else do we put in the game
>just some filler shit its all about the skaarj man!
movement is shit
>double tapping inputs on keys with a long travel time for a dodge
weapons are garbage
>every weapon has a secondary fire! and they all do almost no damage or feel absolutely pathetic to use, having no real meshing with the mechanics of combat!
levels are awful
>wow look at this long tower, its really barren inside because we forgot to have level design
>oh also we made some temples that are mostly hallways

how can a first person game even have shit movement? Which one has good movement?

I will after I finish SS2.
Is GMDX 9 any good?

But i'm not big into games

GMDX is pure mod kino, basically essential for Deus Ex at this point.

>how can a first person game even have shit movement
poor player collision meshes that result in getting stuck on small objects or give you a poor representation of how big you actually are so you often get stuck on corners. The dodging is just horribly implemented and runs totally counter to how PC games should be designed.
>Which one has good movement?
quake, thief, half-life, doom

should i use it for my first walkthrough or play it vanilla first

Better give me the GEP

>Enhanced Artistic Direction (and graphics)
>1: Faithfully enhanced level design and level detail;
>2: New high resolution textures;
>3: many new graphical effects and art asset replacements
can't wait to see how they """""""""'improve""""""""""" the original aesthetic. sounds like a shit mod.

can't remember getting stuck in DX also can't see the problem with the how big you are, the dodging is a bit unneccessary in Unreal but it's fun.

vanilla first, that other poster is a fag

I'd say starting with GMDX is perfectly fine unless you're autistically purist, GMDX enhances shit more than it changes and it's pretty customizable. GMDX adds mantling which wasn't in the original game and could be considered cheating so I'd probably turn that off.

never played it but if you don't use it make sure to get kenzies direct 3d 10 renderer and Deus Exe to run (better) on modern systems. System Shock 2's current release is really a blessing compared to it. Also be sure to check out SS1 Enhanced Edition someday. It's fantastic once you actually look up the controls

Not sure what you're going on about, GMDX is one of the better overhauls out there.

wow, they completely changed the look and feel the original game was going for. This is an improvement how? Because the textures are shinier? My man, end yourself.

>SS2 fan made models
Every fucking video on youtube uses those ugly fucking things.

>look and feel

And what look and feel is that? Bunch of flat buildings and repeating textures? You don't have to a contrarian and deny that Deus Ex is aged visually.

I Would if the unreal engine didn’t have strange fps problems on modern pcs.
>move diagonal
>game runs 1.5 times faster

What's your newest DX discovery?

My first play through, I didn't know the executive orders the UNATCO soldiers were talking about allowing for total federal takeover were real.


>Deus Ex is aged visually
naw, its pretty on point.

I replayed it on Realistic and discovered that I've been depriving myself for years.

If your decide to kill the NSF commander on liberty island, then kill the trooper who comes up to "arrest" him, then leave without killing the commander, Paul loses his shit and tells you off.

Made some terrible OC for this thread.


>tfw you start a trend

Bogey !

As good as the story may be, the gameplay's dogshit.


Suck my fucking dick, shithead. You retards complain about good gameplay being the most important aspect of a game and yet you defend deus ex's vomit inducing gameplay like it's your slutty dad.
It plays like shit and you fucking know this. Take the nostalgia goggles off or go fuck yourself and die.

>nostalgia goggles
But I played Human Revolution first and 1 is still fun as fuck.

>Sup Forums is one person

Just kill yourself you waste of space. Deus Ex gameplay aged just fine and better than many games from its era.

no, it actually looks exactly as it should. bumping up the graphics on level 3 isn't helping.

>Deus Ex gameplay aged just fine
If you like eating shit, maybe.
Jump off a fucking bridge and take your whole family with you, fuckhead.

Lmao, what terrible taste.

You seem mad lmao, Deus Ex too hard for your casual brainlet brain?

My taste is automatically better than yours for the sole fact that I am capable of criticizing any game regardless of its age or merit within Sup Forums.
Fuck right off, hivemind. Your favorite game plays like garbage and nothing will change this fact.

>has shit taste
>thinks Deus Ex gameplay is bad
Adds up


Oh, hi Mark!


Go back to pol


it's shit


Go in and go in and go in and go in and go in



I've never played a deus ex game, I'm guessing I should play the original? What are the sequals like? Are the modern ones worth playing after?

Deus Ex 1 and Human Revolution are great games and you should play them. Never played Mankind Divided so I can't comment.
Those are all three Deus Ex games.

what about invisible war?

IW is better than HR
HR is shit
don't listen to that goy

>IW is better than HR
I'm genuinely interested in why someone would think this.

It's lowkey kino.

Play more

Already finished it this year.
It was the third time.

GMDX makes changes to level design. It’s not the same game and certainly not a replacement for a vanilla playthrough

Replayed this week for my 7th playthrough. Not doing it for the story

No it doesn't.

3 playthroughs, haven't tried this yet. why should I play on realistic next time?

I'm just repeating memes. Try it yourself, you may enjoy it.
Each time I play that game I force myself to get a little further in. It has some interesting additions compared to DX1 but it loses too much to pull me in compared to the original and HR.

Yes it does

Play the game vanilla for once

I did and you're a lying faggot. It doesn't change the level design in a significant way.

If you're playing Deus Ex for the first time for the love of god do not use a visual overhaul mod. Vanilla still holds up wonderfully and the "improved visuals" aren't even that much better.

Aight fuck you Sup Forums I'm gonna actually try to do a second playthrough now. Should I just go vanilla? I installed GMDX but never played it.

Definitely use GMDX for a second playthrough.

>using firearms

Just let the limitations of your mind slip away.

I recommend GMDX and disabling mantling.

Why should I?

I'm not big into games.

Then get the fuck out

Maybe you should try getting a job

Okay, where?

I should but the outside is scary desu

Don't worry, we're cops

>Got Deus Ex 1 in 2011
>Still haven't gotten around to beating it, even though I liked it

what do you mean?

>tfw was doing a perfectly fine pacifist run until i accidentally beat one of these dunderheads too hard
>tfw said fuck it, and went on an ethnic cleansing campaign against the MJ12

OK, where?

Vanilla is still a masterpiece so I recommend going with that first. GMDX is great for replaying, since you can better appreciate its improvements and makes it very refreshing to play a second time.

First screenshot has a better cityscape and moon.
Second has better lighting, thats about it.

I've already beaten Deus Ex twice. It was great. Playing System Shock 1 now. 90s computer game music has such a cool aesthetic.

>Deus Ex and System Shock 1

The best 2 western games in history right there.

happens to me every single run. once I reach the MJ12 troops my empathy is no longer augmented.

This better not be a joke.

It's not i'm legitimately confused on the connection of police force to my previous statements.

You interrupted a string of messages referencing lines from the Deus ex malkavian mod.