this is the future of RPGs now
how does it make you feel
this is the future of RPGs now
how does it make you feel
how the fuck could they fuck ME up they literally only had to add cute xenos and a good romance.
One was quickly forgotten in light of the witcher 3 and the other one was so bad they closed a studio and cancelled their story DLC
There's no future in those
>how does it make you feel
Fucking great, desu
Based Weekes is going to lead us and Dragon Age to the promised land. I don't give a shit about Mass Effect.
But it's not.
Andromeda sold so bad they had to fire the studio.
I think underneath the horrid technical performance and ugly characters(with stuff like every single asari in the game having the exact same face aside from Peebee, not to mention the infamous "my face is tired" line), the game is pretty solid. I only counted like three fetch quests overall after trying to do as much of the content as possible, and I like how the final mission has some variation depending on which factions you helped or didn't throughout the game. The side quest-lines are not bad either.
Basically came out to a less-good Mass Effect 1, but with even less polish than the original.
No, this is the future and it makes me happy.
The future of RPG's is back in Jap hands
And western crpg developers.
>3 fetch quests
Off the top of my head, every fucking sidequest was a boring chore
Reminder that D:OS 2 sold decently , and besides the stat bloat and okay story , the game itself is pretty good both single-player and co-op. Also the closest a game has gotten to a table-top roleplaying experience thanks to it's Game Master mode and ease of use in terms of building campaigns. The rest really depends on your friend circle and your own GMing skills.
Indie RPGs saved the genre in the last decade.
That's what happens when you found a studio based almost entirely on affirmative action hires.
This. MEA was a failed attempt at recreating and improving ME1 with modern technology, so it deserves credit at least for going in the right direction. I would go even further and say it's better than the massively overrated, hollywoodized Gears of War clones that are 2 and 3.
Both flopped and got negative feedback.
Indie-scene is where the future of the RPGs is. I can't remember that much of an upcoming AAA RPGs as much as I know about upcoming indie ones.
Nips hardly make any actual RPGs. Almost everything they produce turns out to be a flashy amusement park with grinding and cliched writing.
Most of the additional tasks (61 in total) are pure fetch quests and some of the Heleus assignments are no better.
Remember the Turian trader/deliverer on Aya, who wants you to buy stuff for him in the city and bring it back to him, since he has no permission to enter? There you have already four fetch quests.
>the game is pretty solid
What is *there* of the game is solid, maybe, but what is not there but would be needed makes it brittle as fuck. and a fuckton of the UI, if not all of it, and controls in general are lacking or awful.
These are the RPGs you grew up with and introduced you to the genre for the first time
how does it make you feel
Holy Jesus...
With the witcher 3 and divinity 2 i feel pretty well desu.
>meanwhile fuck the rest of this video game, I wanna date furries :3
mass effect fans truly are the fucking worst
a thousand times this. indie games have been fucking killing it lately and are way cheaper than this AAA buggy broken garbage filled to the brim with SJW shite
>both games commercial failures
>future of RPG:s
yeah no fuck off
Inquisition was pretty good doe. Fuck the Sup Forums memes
>both games commercial failures
EA hoped for sure that DA:I would sell more units and strengthen the brand but I highly doubt that it was a commercial failure
Inquisition had some of the worst and most meaningless padding I've ever seen.
It was a 30 hour game that was stretched to a 120 hour one.
>120 hour padded game
We playing the same game? Cause I did Thebes game in at around 40 hours on the hardest settings, dragons and all.
Did it have things that your better off ignoring like crafting and strategic combat placement things? Yes.
Did it make you do side quests in order to progress the main story? Yes but they were hardly The most time consuming things.
>i skipped most of the stuff and i finished it quicker
well no fucking duh
it was not
Funnily enough, I played through it twice.
First run took me 30h because I didnt see much reason for padding out the main story (but played it without Tresspasser back then)
Second took me 120h (But with Tresspasser) because I wanted to explore it properly this time.
I think it was a fine "exploration game". Kind of like Skyrim. I wish they were their own genre instead of part of the RPG genre.
What part of this did I mention skipping anything like side missions, talking to your companions, trials, colletsbles, etc? Unless you’re talking about me not buying or crafting every single item in the game., if you think that crafting shit justify you having to complaining about the game having to “pad out” then you’re just a total loon that doesn’t get what’s what.
The parts where you have to wait while your troops do missions you the map? That’s actual padding that really, isn’t the worse things (except for it being real time and some missions are literally hours long, yes that’s BS).
What you’re thinking of as padding is not what I call padding.