Bayonetta 3 is a Switch exclusive

>Bayonetta 3 is a Switch exclusive
>right after discovering that Shin Megami Tensei V is a Switch exclusive
How does this make you feel?

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Feels alright, because DMC5 and Persona 5 will never be on the Switch and they're both much better games.

One of those games is completely imaginary user

I never understood why Bayo 1 was so lauded among character action games. Maybe they improved some things with 2? Either way I've skipped out on 2 and have a Wii U so I don't see myself rushing to get a Switch for Bayo 3.

Good because the series isn’t dead and I like it.

I feel nothing

It doesn't make me feel any kind of way at all, though I honestly can't understand how anyone could be excited about another Bayonetta. Same shit you've already done, yet again.

>fox and grapes

Alright, I’ll just buy them for my Switch instead of my PS4.

I would play Bayonetta 3, don't care about SMT. I'm cool as long as Bloodborne isn't ported anywhere

Why don't you want BB ported?

2 was fucking amazing user

1 and 2 are both modern classics. It's just the natural evolution and refinement of the genre.

PS4 would lose its meaning of existence

Fine, I was already planning to get a Switch, it was hilarious watching the fallout after the 3 announcement. Almost as good as watching the amount of fanny flustering that 2 caused.

It just baffles me that people can be mad that good video games exist. Stay fucking mad cancers


Pretty good, meaning that I'll buy switch for SMTV for sure, if it won't turn out shit like Apocalypse for example
Bayonetta is a shit series tho, platinumshit always have bad combat and only platinumshitters appreciate it

>Bayonetta games are modern classics

No, they simply just are not. A third one coming out which will have the lowest graphics of all 3 after ten years is kind of hilarious, too.

Makes me feel great.
I'll play these two alongside any PS4/non NS exclusive games once they come out. Why would I bother choosing between two of the best vidya outlets when I can have both?

Why have one child's toy in my house when I can have two

>graphics are the only sign of evolution of gaming
now watch this fag say >where did i ever say that even if he implied it

? It's Bayonetta all 3 of them will have the exact same single player only gameplay, what is evolving?

Not only that it's the same exact gameplay from devil may cry. Literally gameplay that has been static for about 15 years

I bet pubg is the devil to you, and you probably play micro transaction games like fire emblem

>not mother 3 localization announcement
zero fucks given

>franchises that have the majority of their games on Nintendo have games on Nintendo
wow really grinds your gears

Makes me feel like I'll probably buy a switch at some point because I'm not poor.


>How does this make you feel?
excited for the switch emulator

Good that i'm a PS4/Switch/360/PS2/PC idort. I have a Xbone but honestly shit is dead as fuck and Halo/Gears are about all it fucking has.

Yeah I've given up hope
>Persona 5
Persona 5 like other Personas is hardly a fucking game you VA cock licking faggot. Mainline will always be better because its treated as a game first and a meme friendship simulator second.

Is this guy retarded? I think he might be retarded.

>Nintendrumpfs are still SEETHING and trying to cope with the fact that MH World will NEVER EVER be on the Shitch
B-but it's a Nintendo franchise! IT'S NOT FAIR BROS!

>they were shit anyway

Both games are spectacle fighters, but Bayo is more of the spectacle and Dante is more of the fighter.
Dante is methodical which is why purists of the genre like it more. Bayo's moveset caters very much towards freeform.

I also don't know why these PCfags and Sonypricks assumed ahead of time that Bayo and SMT were going to be on their platforms. I think it's because of MHW.

This. Idort is love Idort is life. Better then being a PC only beggar. Fuck being a soyboy is the worst thing ever but god damn there are a lot of them. I just want to play good games. I got my Switch 2 days ago and BOTW is fun as fuck. Not perfect but if they keep popping out games as good as that it will be a great library and SMTV made me get it anyways.

>Eric on suicide watch having to bring up completely different games

Enjoy your MTX and DLC, Sonybro!

>Switch exclusive

I'm a poorfag, and even I can afford to buy a Switch.

NinTenDo consoles = Literal video game platforms

Sony and MS consoles = Disgusting cashcows

Besides some moves Bayonetta is nothing like DMC. You haven't played either or if you think this honestly. Bayo is so fast and loose and DMC is fastish but execution heavy and stiff without the execution. DMC is far more grounded Bayo has insane jump and fall times.

If you play something like DMC3SE/DMC4SE and think Bayo1/2 plays the same you're an idiot. You can play both similarly but you aren't delving past the basic combo options and hour one tech if you think so. Also Bayo bosses are heavily God of War esque for the most part where as DMC bosses are smaller in scale and more personal up close.

How doe it feel having to share it with PCbros while they run at 60 FPS and you get 20 FPS?

Console warriors live in delusional worlds. Last gen it was 360 this gen PS4 where the majority thinks that if they see a game reveal its automatically going to also before for them.

Probably a lot of underaged jobless retards who mom and dad won't buy both for so obviously go with the most popular one which PS4 id go with over Switch myself but then seethe when they see the Switch get shit that isn't Zelda.

Looks like it runs at 0 FPS on the Cucktch, maybe if your toy wasn't running last-gen hardware it could handle modern games. But hey, portability!


>the exact same single player only gameplay
What did he mean by this?

My negros.
>tfw NEET and STILL able to dig up enough cash to play whatever vidya I want

You literally have no excuse unless you’re a hobo-tier poorfag or underage.

Nothing because I'm not a god damn child who cries about console war bullshit. Idort master race.

>Have always had a mix of Nintendo/Sony in my house
>Got into PC gaming about five years ago
>All the fun of PS/Nintendo exclusives and anything worth playing multiplat is almost always on PC

>maybe if your toy wasn't running last-gen hardware it could handle modern games
Why are you talking about the PS4 Eric seeing as you get a smooth 20 FPS while you lose to PC again


>literal video game platforms
With zero third party support lol enjoy being a slave to Cartoontendo exclusives and missing out on literally everything

Imma play it on PS4 because of friends and shit. But fuck is the framerate such balls especially enemies flapping their wings in the distance its outright disgusting. Playable sure but ugly.

And yet I have a soyboy friend with far far more money that has a Switch could have a better PC then me but doesn't and constantly dick rides Sony. HE PRETENDS CONSOLES SOUL GAMES DON'T HAVE BAD FRAMERATE!!!

>his console literally can't even play the game at all
I'd rather have 20 FPS than 0. Do you know how that meme works?

Too be fair my wife bought it in the spur of the moment along with a new TV since this Christmas was plentiful for use money wise. But we had a savings for new video game shit anyways and I was gonna get a Switch next either way.

I have Sonybros retards need to go back into a hole with the quiet polite Xbots who know their place. Good games that is all that matters.

Yeah fuck off Nintenbro you're not fooling anyone, PS4 is all you need for great games

>purposefully choosing the inferior version

I'm FUCKING furious because Nintenkiddies will now act all superior n' shiet but we still have fucking Persona and Bloodborne get fucked we still win

>purposely choosing a console that doesn't even have the game

>I'd rather have 20 FPS than 0
You sure as hell weren't okay with 20 FPS with Switch games Eric

This, Fucking Ndrones will pay for their crimes

>Purposefully choosing a console
PC kicks your ass again Eric

DMCs are action games. Bayos are QTE games.

>Bayonetta is nothing like DMC

This is why this place is dead and has no value for discussion. The intellectual dishonesty...looking at things like this and lying in my face, lying to yourself too, in an attempt to make a point. Being right, having an argument more important than reality.

Bayonetta 3 will have the same exact gameplay from Bayonetta 1 while simultaneously probably having worse graphics than a ten year old game. Let it sink in.

Both are trash games. Persona and Bloodborne are true masterpieces, guess who wins


Goof cause il be able to emulate them.

Master race wins again.

>Not owning a PC

Oh shit sorry, you’re righ-
>no XC2
>no Octopath Traveller
>no SMT V
>no Bayo 3
>only Bloodborne for 3 (three) years

HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit my sides are in orbit. My PS4 was ready to get sold before Yakuza hit the west.


The only people who won here were PCbros Eric. Accept it

>Bayo has 3-4 QTEs in it and everything else is literally just press two buttons to see a finisher to seem alittle more badass then going straight to the cutscene.

You realize it doesn't matter after you grab them right? The mash x/y shit is just for more Sonic Coins they will still just die? There are 3 QTEs early on where you will die and that is gay but otherwise no.

Love this meme only the dumbest motherfuckers would believe this shit.

Still like i'm not gonna waste money on a switch
I'll wait till I can emulate it, no problem, they just won't get my money is all the way they want to do it

Bayonetta has been a favorite series on Sup Forums for years and now that Nintendo are the only people willing to fund it Sup Forums hates it. Sad.

What's wrong with SMT V being Nintendo exclusive and Persona 5 being Sony exclusive?

Not him but you've said nothing of value. Bet you've never played a single DMC and Bayo.

>weeb garbage
>weeb garbage
>QTE garbage

TRASH WEEB GAMES will not save your shitty toy
Ps4 has the best cinematic experiences and there's NOTHING you can do about it

See you in 5 years

reminder that fromsoft thinks nintendofans are too casuel for dark souls.

Octopath looks like shit you fucking Nintenbro, stop LARPing

>Nintendogaffer LARPing as a PCfat because his garbage console has no games
Maybe if you bought the correct platform you'd be able to play MHW I'm sorry for your buyers remorse

>Not weeb garbage
Oh i am laffin

Right, here I am lamenting the quality of discussion and I haven't even played the games being discussed. Youre absolutely right. Nobody is capable of better conversation and everyone exists down there in the little leper console war pit with you.

You're a fucking moron. My argument is how DMC and Bayo play nothing alike. I'm not arguing its evolution or jack fucking shit. Bayo isn't even my favorite action series I prefer DMC/Ninja Gaiden or atleast DMC3/4SE out of the DMC games.

Again if you haven't play Bayo if you think its anything like DMC the flow speed and execution is far different same with enemies/bosses. Bayo 2 was like Bayo 1 Bayo 3 probably will be too i'm not that evolution guy you dumb faggot. Bayo 3 will still be a good game if its anything like 1/2 even if it looks uglier id prefer it to be on PS4/PC its not going to be deal with it its Sony/Microsofts fault for not backing Platinum first.

So cute superiority complex when i'm not the person you thought you were arguing with.

>>only Bloodborne for 3 (three) years

What does this mean, is Bloodborne going multiplat? I keep thinking about getting a PS4 but I'm fine waiting another year.

I don't know, not very excited I guess. I'm not made for those action games like dmc or bayonetta. I usually just mash the same combo over and over for a few hours to beat the game once and move on. I like JRPGs but I never played a SMT game, I'll probably buy it but since I don't know what to expect I'm not very hyped.

You're the reason the industry is dying btw
Keep buying Blizzard games and pay for that Wow subscription american trash

>false-flagging this hard
Weeb games are objective garbage for obese neets who jerk off to cartoons. I'd rather play fucking Order 1886 any day over a fucking anime fanservice game.

What a sad superiority complex. I guess you gotta feign superiority when you have such a small intellect you think DMC/Bayo play alike. Go back to Fallout New Vegas or some meme as "choice" based game where you can use 101 mods that all fail to make the game play well.

>more platitudes
>can't vocalize how DMC and Bayo gameplay are different
Sucks to be a console warrior who doesn't own a console like you.

How the fuck can you like JRPGs and not have played a single SMT game. What the fuck is wrong with you.

But they do play alike. Factually.

Go ahead and post some autistic dmc combo video now while ignoring that it's a button masher to 90+% of owners

>it’s only weebshit when I say so!!
This is the level you’re willing to stoop to, hating japanese games that aren’t on your console. Pathetic.

One is non-existent, and the other can be emulated.

Please, refrain yourself from posting until someone do it. A bad first post wrecks the whole thread.

Nintendo is reddit sorry

Look man, my history with jrpgs is wierd. I had a PS1, N64, Gamecube, Xbox 360 and now a vita, ps4, switch and PC. It feels like I dodged almost all platforms where SMT was released on. If you count persona as SMT games then I played a few of those, but for mainline I never played any.

I wonder what Nintendo skins we'll get this time around.
We already got Peach, Daisy, Zelda, Fox and Samus.

A Palutena costume could be pretty nice considering the Smash stuff, but there's no KI games on the horizon.
Something Kirby related would be cute too.

Doubt we'd get a pokemon one ever though.

>Japanese game = weeb game
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you virgin anime games are objective dumpsterfire-tier

I completely agree my Fellow Sony friend, True cinematic experiences such as The Order 1886 are clearly the peak of the medium, we sure showed those Nintenbabbies who's the boss

Meh, i will just wait for Switch emulator.

>Thinking I care to "explain" or "argue" with you after making a factual statement

You can lie in your own face which is pathetic or you can acknowledge they're the same game. One or the other.

Poor retards and console purists who don't make shit for money and/or dick suck a company they think is better when companies don't care about you regardless of how the PR presents it.

Only gays likes anime games, are you a faggot user?

>I sure hate cinematic game they're such trash haha
>I will now go play Hyperdimension Neptunia and Doki Doki Literature Club, true games for real gamers
Average weebcuck logic

But i completely agree with you user what the hell, i'm not ironic at all