What went _right?

What went _right?

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didn't you already make this thread yesterday and the day before?

absolutely nothing

awakening babies played a game with solid gameplay design and good maps.

I only made one thread that had "what went right"

The gameplay being the best and Elise being the most attractive, dick-hardening girl of the game.

am I a bad fan for liking echoes the most out of the 3DS titles?
I played pretty much every game that released in the west and Awakening and Fates felt a little bit too much like my usual animus.

>battle animations
>QOL improvements
Everything but narrative.


i hate elise's hair

>"I'm gay"

I'm planning on doing a Lunatic run. How do these pairings look?

Ninja!Corrin x Felicia
Arthur x Effie
Silas x Camilla
Niles x Azura
Leo x Nyx
Keaton x Beruka
Xander x Mozu

Why is emulating it such a pain in the ass?

>Xander x Mozu
Do somebody else that gives a big spd boost like Charlotte or Selena.

I thought it was working well in the latest Citra:

Did this one have the rawr I'm a dragon (level of) localization?

Worse. You might as well play the fan translation, (lol and all, instead of suffering through the other shit.

They already fixed all the grammar and typo issues in the FT.

Map design, linear structure, limited funds, characters actually having a level cap, mostly fixed pair-up from Awakening, Lunatic until Ryoma, being able to switch difficulty down at any time but not up.
The only things I don't really like are the majority of the music, the lack of restore staves and the entirety of the plot, including how child characters were handled.

Censorship. I was literally trying to commit to become a Nintendo faggot and bought the fire emblem 3DS XL and Awakening.

Then I found out about the censorship. Immediately started pirating all my games. Haven't given another penny to Nintendo since.

I don't suppose this is possible without hacking my 3DS?

this titty monster

Why are you say gay, user? That third one on the bottom row does something to me though.

I know Mozu isn't really an ideal partner for Xander, but Sniper!Mozu gives +4 speed at S rank, which should be good enough.

For a little background, this would be my third run of Conquest on Lunatic (4th overall). I want to use all the units that I haven't used in Lunatic yet (other than children/Corrinsexuals, who I don't care about). The units I haven't used in Lunatic yet are Nyx, Mozu, Beruka, and Effie (who I've used in the early game, but always benched). On top of that, I'm obviously using Azura and Camilla, and I need a staffbot so I'm using Felicia too. I don't really have room for any more females on top of that.


I want to lick those abs

Why are you making this thread every day for the past 4 days now?

also this titty monster

If I didn't already have a campaign halfway through on the regular game I'd probably just play it raw.

Seriously doubt saves work across versions like that.

Why did Kaga leave IS and Fire Emblem?

I want to lick those cute pits!

these threads are the same fucking 5 wifu fags posting pictures and not even discussing the games. Please fuck off.

Best mother, wife and babymaker

Same, but only after a battle when they're really sweaty

sorry, but it just looks retarded to me. third one on the bottom row does something to me too, though.

Pretty much this.

>tfw love her appearance but dislike her personality
>tfw will probably end up having avatar marry her next playthrough anyway because dat str and dat spd

World of TITS

I only made this thread once.

He doesn't know how to design a game.

how do make swordmaster MU?