Is pic related a good game to get into? I've been a hardcore destiny player for a while...

Is pic related a good game to get into? I've been a hardcore destiny player for a while, but destiny 2 basically destroyed my desire to play them any further.

1.8 came out and I've been hearing that "if you don't like destiny anymore, play the division". Is that true?

Thoughts? Opinions? What should I do?

Stop shilling this piece of shit game, the thread yesterday was aids and this one will probably be too.

dead as fuck, boring, no variety. Just watch some vids on YT

I'm not shilling anything you nigger I'm asking if I should get this game

>0 threads about this dead game for months
>4 threads in 2 days
Yeah you're definitely not a shill, sorry about that buddy.

i am also wondering if this is worth a buy

It's only worth buying if you've got 3 friends buying it with you

>calls everyone a shill who brings up this game
>too stupid to realize a big update brought attention to the community
>that attention then leaks to other people and communities honestly inquiring about playing since so much shit is going around about it
>dumb nigger continues to call people shills ignoring recent events

>Shit game gets a shit update
>People think more people are gonna start playing
$0.03 has been deposited into your account.

Ah I see youre a Sup Forums shill.

It got better, I would get it on sale just in case, maybe two more patches and it will get redeem like Siege.

>I'm going to use the same argument you used against me, against you.
>That'll show you.
Try harder buddy-boo

I was definitely going to wait for a sale. They want too much for that shit in its current state.

You just made this thread faggot, enjoy the people that are playing it now because by next week they'll be gone.

It's on sale

Different guy. I saw the other thread but that op wasn't asking what I'm asking. He was asking about the update, I just want to know if it's worth playing.

On Xbox?

It was fun until you unlock the two skills that are required to have 100% of the time you solo.

turret + revive station.

>using turret
it's fucking useless
flame turret is slightly less useless

It's decent with friends but pretty meh solo. Don't expect a great story, haven't played the DLC.

Just use fire seeker mine and flame turret and they enemies never have time to shoot you because they're flailing around on fire.

>games get a huge update
>wonders why people talk about it

piss off

I've played the base game. Just wondering if I should jump back in for 1.8 or something. I heard they fixed the dark zone and that was always fun

Can i get 6 bonuses with only one Classified set piece?

>Don't expect a great story, haven't played the DLC.
>Main antagonist got away with everything.
What the fuck is this bullshit, Ubisoft?

the leveling is very fun, especially when making some trips to the DZ for those blue items.
once you're 30 its a soulless grind, the patches improved things a bit but at the highest tiers of gear its nothing but shit builds, boring combat where you'll need to use SMG + sniper if you want to be optimal.
That said it looks really good, and leveling with some randoms can be very fun if you dont party with retards.

unfortunately no, get back to grinding all the classified pieces

Nope, all six need to be classified to get the bonus.

>SMG + sniper if you want to be optimal
You know how I can tell you haven't played the game since last year?

I picked up the game again right after the patch a week ago, I admit I didnt play much, but honestly the most changes I have seen was when leveling where everything was fun and viable.
at world tier 5, which I didnt get, every top build doesnt seem to have changed one bit unless you use that solo set that supposedly makes you almost invincible or something.
yeah I didnt play at that level so I'm mostly talking out of my ass, but lets be real for a second, even with all the work they did they cant improve on a promising game that is flawed at its core just like diablo 3.

I would. It feels better overall personally. Haven't tried the new areas cause an accidental deletion, only thing I Don't like is the way they changed going rogue in the DZ

Is there any certifiable way to get a specific set item? Or is it really just grinding until you get the right drop?

imagine being this triggered by a successful game lmao

I think they were expecting to leave the story open-ended for future incursions/map additions, but after the massive player drop-off we got free QoL updates instead.

>anyone liking destiny
Anyway, before this update dropped, there was almost no reason to play if you didn't have the season pass. This update made it way more bearable to play if you don't. That being said, base game mission are boring as fuck. It plays fine though, and all their little systems work like they should. Once you finish the MS and get to lvl cap the game opens up more though. Incursions are kinda like mini dungeons and dlc content from season pass is decent, except for the big pvp one. The smaller pvp mode that dropped in the update is widely considered better. I would still tell people to grab it on sale with the season pass, but if you really wanna grind for loot, go for it. It beats playing Destiny any day of the week.

Short answer: No

Long answer: Noo

It's pretty fun desu.
10/10 setting and environment
Plot and premise is good. But the story telling is pretty thin.
Gun play is up there with any other third person shooter
I haven't really played the end game grind since like 1.3 so I have no idea what it's like now.

no its garbage, it was literally a beta test for Ghost recon wildlands.

While people go on about how many aspects of the game they improved, they never fixed the fundamental gameplay. I first played in the beta, and despite all the changes, while you're actually sitting in cover and shooting shit, it feels just the same as it did back then. Maybe you'll like it better having not played from the beginning, but I can't enjoy this shit.

Last time I played was the survival mode, and that shit was fun as hell

There isn't one that I know of. You can do things that guarantee a set piece drop in their list of rewards but I don't think you can go for specific pieces.

How much does it cost right now?

like 55 buck or something

Play Warframe, thank me later.

Yes is worth it, my friends and i played Destiny 2 and hated it and then went back into The Division because one of the group had it in his library.

I love it, specially the atmosphere, but overall is pretty fucking solid, we play a lot of PVP and also the expansions were on sale and they are like side content more than anything, but i fucking loved Survival mode, it was what i wanted out of TD.

>I think they were expecting to leave the story open-ended for future incursions/map additions, but after the massive player drop-off we got free QoL updates instead.
>what is the new DZ zone
>what is Side Piers
>what is the 2 free incursions that opened up the north side of the LZ
>what is update 1.9

nigga wat

>yeah I didnt play at that level so I'm mostly talking out of my ass, but lets be real for a second, even with all the work they did they cant improve on a promising game that is flawed at its core just like diablo 3.

WT5 is endgame to grind gearsets, as far as i know, you can tweak a lot of builds, i fuck around most of the times but in PVP i do use my loadouts to fuck people up or just be support, i havent heard of any solo gear that you said, but i did last patch.

>Warframe gets new update
>hey Sup Forumsros, is good?
>For Honor gets update plus dedicated servers
>hey senpai, game still shit?
>SFV gets Arcade Edition
>Hi fightan friends, is game saved?

Sup Forums is not for discussing games, only shitting on them.

>in these days and age you CANT a thread about about a game because people will call you a SHILL
This is the fucking lowest Sup Forums has been. You piece of shit of underaged and ironic memers should go back to twitter and fuck your damn selves.

>what is update 1.8
A content tweak update that uses mostly existing assets and doesn't add anything new to the story? I'm enjoying 1.8, but let's not kid ourselves here. Ditto with the rest. It's clear with Year 2 Ubisoft has restrained the game's budget.

For Honor just got dedicated servers, they have plans for Year 2 to get a return on investments. Siege is getting a content-packed Y3. Meanwhile Massive was moved to making a fucking Avatar game, they desperately assured it won't impact TD and yet more of 2017 was spent fixing the game and tweaking existing content than adding new stuff.

Is the DLC worth it? The gold edition is almost twice as expensive as the regular one.

I haven't played the game in a while. Played mainly solo. It isn't bad but its hard to be excited by it. For me the grind and low item drop rate put me off. The drop rate has improved but the solo grind hasn't really improved. There are times when you hit your grove and you can go from mission to mission with the right level gear and you see it has some very solid fundamentals.

But then you end up having to grind stupid tasks to get to the right level before the next story mission because you are really penalized for being under-leveled in this game.

Still... I keep telling myself I'll go back and finish it.

underground is ok
the other two aren't good

Started playing this game a week ago so I can't really say if it's any better... but I do dig the "Ghost Recon AWF meets Gears of War" mechanics and the tacticool vibe to the loot. Mix of solo and co-op with a buddy and I'm having a great time. Environments are a little same-ey and bosses just seem like bullet-sponge regular people, so I'm not sure what kinda legs this game has... Worth the $5 I paid for it used for sure.

Should I get this or Wildlands?

I would argue that the only one that's pretty bad is last stand. It just wasn't well executed. Underground and Survival at least bring something for most people to enjoy. One is mostly short and sweet, and the other one is a solid group mode.
I did the same thing way back when. I bought it back in February and quickly dropped it around lvl 12. Picked it back up in August and found myself having a better time. I just ended up roaming lvl'ed areas doing all the side missions before the story missions, unless they were locking an main hub upgrade behind it. The only areas that became a real slog were any area after Kips Bay. Military enemies weren't playing games over there.

In general once the game hits LMB territory, it becomes less about trying to piece a disaster-stricken city together and becomes a generic plot about a good-guy-gone-villain and a PMC seizing control of the city.

A game that nobody plays in the first place shouldnt suddenly get huge just because of an update.

Buy it on sale. Play it to max level and a few days later to decide if the grind is right for you. Its a good game until max level when everything turns into a hardcore grind and bullet sponge enemies.

It's fine if you like cover shooters or shooter rpg games.

you gotta remember that Tom had a major fucking boner for double agents in his books. I just see it as them staying true to one of his writing tropes that he loved using.
To be fair the game is by no means huge now because of an update. Sure it might have piqued peoples interest a bit, but it's still not topping any charts anywhere or head game on twitch or something. OP just made a thread to start a discussion about the game to see if he wanted to get it. I don't see where's the harm in that, and it sure as hell is better than most of the threads that get by on this board.

This has a lot more players than Wildlands, also free roaming is comfy as fuck while Wildlands is just tedious.

>nobody plays
>gets huge

How are a couple threads on a cambodian trading card forum signs that a dead game is huge all of the sudden?