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Speedrunning is the most sad and autistic thing you can do in video games, even worse than esports.


the guy who makes these videos is severely depressed

Did he say so himself? He's putting a lot of energy into a hobby and sounds chipper in his videos. SEVERELY depressed people don't usually have the energy/will to do much of anything.

sounds like me.

I’d say smash is still more autistic than this

>pannnkoek will never make another commentated video after his previous one because of memes
You ruined this man.

I thought it was because his mother was giving him shit

Stay mad. Speedrunning arguably takes more skill than esports competitions, these guys are breaking world records. Meanwhile it takes you 2 hours and 3 lives just to get through the first world. Absolutely sad, pathetic m8

Well, all I'll say is the world isn't worth living in that way. It's already terrible, why make it more terrible by being depressed. The world is something you yourself have to make worth living in. And these days you need to put blinders on towards certain things to be able to do that.

t. depressed on/off for 12 years

Wow is this shit for real? He is still doing those stupid half-press videos?

Let it go already jesus christ this guy has no fucking life


I'd rather spend that time getting in shape, making money or fucking girls, fag :)
Get your priorities straight, everything else in this world is more important than video games.

Truly rage is the best fuel for success


>insert wojak here

So you say. Bet you wouldn't be willing to post a picture o your bod or bank account.




No, he's not. I was just talking to him about emulators and he's fine.

What a fucking virgin holy shit

Shut up you fucking lummox and stay away from your keyboward.

words of wisdom

t. Henry

who is the one in the right

>when he phases through a bat

There is nothing more pathetic than inventing limitations for speed runs and pretending you accomplished anything by doing these retarded limitations. Whats next, how many times you can beat a stage without moving the joystick in a downwards motion?

pure autism

Wow, that's like one of the most sad and pathetic things I've seen in quite some time.

that post was a lot more pathetic desu



the most important thing in the world is what your self considers to be important

The length of time somebody has been visiting this site has no bearing on the legitimacy of their posts.



So what, people who are about to kill themselves make the greatest stuff.

See the autor of Girls last tour, the show is a masterpiece all around but she is about to kill herself everyday.

This fucker spent 15 hours pushing against walls in Mario but I still haven't found the time to do 5 and 7 day survivor achievements in Dead Rising since it came out.

Not an argument.

>Let it go already jesus christ this guy has no fucking life
This is his hobby. It's what he does in his free time. He doesn't force his shit down your throat. OP does that.


Sure it's easier to break world records on something that people are barely playing seriously.

>nice cave music
>navigating via built up speed

The mark of enlightenment

>that fucking description
It reads like some kind of fucking string theory thesis from Yale

>While depressed, Panen spent time in the shower thinking of ways to make us laugh

>everything else in this world is more important than video games.
Get the fuck out of my board.

>poured his blood sweat and tears into that one video
>everyone just laughed at it

what a newfag

>On a videogames board
>To complain about videogames
Nobody asked or cares how many girls you fuck
If you aren't going to discuss videogames, fuck off

>everyone just laughed at it
Not really, it was impressive, if anything. Don't project your fears on other people, lad.

no people actually enjoyed it.

i found fascinating how deep you could go just to take a star in 0.5 presses

Daily reminder that Pannenkoek is a literal rocket scientist and this is what he does for fun. He's ascended beyond 4th dimensional chess as a mental challenge and now plays with parallel universes.

>in 0.5 presses

it was 1 press though, you can't press a button only half

no one gives a fuck you ancient grabbastic piece of eurojank

Literal Rocket Scientists are actually so based. Had one leading my guild in WoW for the longest time and I swear to god if me messaged me asking to hop onto the next xpac or whatever i'd be all over that. I don't even like WoW anymore i'd seriously just play to be in his guild.


quit being a retard, a .5 press is having the a button already held then releasing it. thus only half the button movement.

>t. henry

True success always comes from pain.

This isn't a speedrun.


Holy shit, you guys really are unforgivable assholes.

I dunno, for some reason I tend to think that you guys only use the asshole thing as an exterior. A face you put forward because its kind of the thing to do here, but you guys are actually just shitting on someone who hasn't really done anything besides do what they love related to video games. He hasn't gone all e-celeb, he hasn't taken any political stances, he just wants to share what he's passionate about, however strange it may be, with others and you just fucking relentlessly and without remorse shit all over him.

Yeah, I know, its my fault for thinking that there was something more than what I saw in the first place, but just because its my fault doesn't make it any less appalling.

Relax you little berk. There’s far more fans outweighing the detractors on Sup Forums. Lurk more.

>All these people crawling out of the woodwork to declare how BAD it is that this guy has a hobby and that makes him BAD not like ME who is GOOD

Is it any wonder?
>autist does something that makes him happy and requires tons of dedication
>average Sup Forumsermin with the brainpower of a goldfish that constantly needs the rush of getting (You)s from their shitposting and can't do anything of worth become bitter they couldn't be as productive with their crippling mental issues

If any of you fucks want more Mario autism I suggest checking HelixSnake and his attempts at getting through Oddissey without captures or getting coins.
It's less rocket science and more seeing him lose his sanity butting his head at walls, though.

>he didn't watch the video

Man, must be sad missing out on all the memes.

Fuck off HelixSnake

it's not even looks fun

>dude just stop being depressed
I would if i could, it's not a choice.

Shut the fuck up faggot. Some shitposting fuckboy doesn't represent the majority or all of Sup Forums's opinion.

I still fail to understand the point of this.


Fun is relative
I find amusing how he bruteforces the game to make it think that Mario is in another place while his model stays still, and the precision and calculus it needed to do

t. TJ Henry "Pancake's loose cocksock" Yoshi

Why are there so many chads in this thread

I bet you fags donate to streamers too

I can't tell if you're baiting or retarded, but just to get both the Henryfags and people like you to shut the fuck up:
"0.5 A presses" isn't literally him pressing half of an A button, it means that there's an action in the level that he can accomplish by holding down the A button, meaning he doesn't need to press it again.
However, if he were to take the level in isolation without the rest of the run and therefor without the previous A press to leach off of, it would still take an A press.
Since it counts as 1 A press in some circumstances but counts as 0 in others, he uses the notation "0.5 A presses".

>pancake's original video was 2 fucking years ago

What does this have to do with streamers?

Stop shilling your autistic videos here, Pannen

>I'd rather spend that time getting in shape, making money or fucking girls
Yet here you are shitposting on Sup Forums. Obviously something went wrong with your pathetic life.

man that's intense.

This was some great bait user.

This post really aligned my qpu's


good thing this isn't a speedrun then

Dumbass normie



Is there anything in this hobby worse than speedrunfags.

A guy who's lied about being the best at a boring Atari 2600 game for over 3 decades


na hes just autistic



T. J Henry Yoshi

There's speedrunners who make 100k a year. Not a bad gig desu if you can get to that level