
>play on keyboard
>can execute df+*, bdf+*, dfd(f)+* with ease
>play on a controller
>its a tricky to do even dfd+* when facing right, but when facing left, its fucking impossible.

Other urls found in this thread:


the moar comblicated the moar ebic u casual nubs :D

The only barrier to most fighting games is taking the time to learn the basic mechanics and then remembering about a dozen common movement motions that almost all characters share. People would rather blame their frustrations of being unwilling to train at getting better at something, by stating that games should stop trying to be overly complicated when they actually aren't.

Have you actually watched the video?

ohno why did my fight gaem not sell?

If fighting games are so hard how come niggers like them?

>go to fighting game tournaments
>80% attendees are not white

Why is that?

Execution wise the only thing that is hard aren't the motions but the timing.

every race likes them. and niggers provide a fun atmosphere and are more than welcome

>that voice
sounds like the voice of a skinny basement dweller

>tfw better than the average scrub by miles
>tfw worse than the average competitive player by miles

nope. a skinny korean with a hot american gf

he's a skinny korean basement dweller living in korea

Making inputs easier solves nothing. Games have had easy input modes for years, since fucking Marvel vs Capcom 1, and it's done nothing to make people like them more. Stop posting this fucking garbage bait constantly.

He's just using the image as bait since it's guaranteed replies.

Mechanicly Executing the bassic moves is actually the easiest part of a fighting game. learning how to deal with frame traps is probably the most frustrating thing for a noob.

Pick something lower in the list. Try the very bottom.

Sup Forums:
>fuck casuals they are ruining the game industry, fuck games being dumbed down and casualized!

also Sup Forums:
>games that take actual skill are shit! make fighting games easier, they're too hard!


>120+ IQ

Yeah, korean backdash cancelling is the epitomy of high IQ.


obviously you can't understand rankings after IQ if you are low IQ yourself

>spends 4 minutes "coaching" new players to spam lariat at each other
Yeah, no wonder they're not having fun.

Fighting games have been introducing simplified controls for casuals for the last 6 years or so. Rolling motions are tricky to learn at first I understand, but if you can't do a sonic boom then consider killing yourself.

>tfw you ask nubi to make out w/ you and he says no
what a fukkin homo

KBD into WDWDWDWDWD into DPEWGF takes a higher IQ than binge watching a whole season of Rick and Morty.

It's almost as......as

AS............ a-as



/vee/ isn't.................o
o n e person.............woah.....................

>GG in 120+ IQ

t. underage 09er

Is that why? Because the author probably couldn't even win at divekick, rising thunder, fantasy strike, or (modern) smash.

There's a lot more that goes into being good at a FG than just special inputs and combo memorization.
Spacing, speed, and deep knowledge of game mechanics and both characters are essential.

I'm older and have been playing fighting games longer than you. Why? Because I don't use the term "09er" like a fucking faggot!

>why I'm fucking retarded

>memorizing the order in which to press buttons is hard

Try children of the atom, the very first mahvel game

it's bait. everyone on Sup Forums can do any of these commands even if they don't play fighting games

There's no fighting game harder than a RTS game like Starcraft for example.

>playing FEXL beta
>finally learn to pull off the z-motion consistently in training room (it's a case of moving the stick to the side then rocking it down then back up)
>have trouble pulling it off at all in actual matches (only comes out as a down to right motion or sometimes even up, so my character jumps)
>try pulling it off on d-pad but run into the same difficulty and also have trouble doing half circle motions consistently

I don't get why it's easier in training mode: the only thing I can think of is that I can't get the time to pull it off smoothly in actual matches because I'm constantly reacting to the other player. If they stood still like the training dummy or were a full screen away not chucking fireballs I could probably do it better.

>try blazblue with a ps4 controller
>quarter circle inputs are fucking impossible, i get hand cramps just from practicing combos
>try blazblue with a fightstick
>holy shit this is easy

surprisingly accurate

In training mode you're also starting from a neutral position instead of walking and blocking and all that

i play sfv and i dont think my iq is that high

This isn't even remotely why fighting games are hard. This is easy.

Fighting games are hard because the skill ceiling is so enormous due to giving good players the ability to react to / punish your moves within 2-4 frames of seeing them. It's only hard because of the competition. Anyone who has trouble executing moves in a fighting game is a fucking no skill lose.

Don't even play fighting games and I can tell most of you are trash.

It's telling that "fighting games are hard" threads only started popping up after SFV came out and sold like shit.
People really need to stop treating that series like it's the lifeblood of the fighting game genre.

Literally this.
t.fighting game player.

but it is.

That's also true. Sometimes I can do this in matches but the majority of the time I'm playing against someone who just blocks all my moves and pushes me into a corner and kicks me to death. What do you do in that situation?

This is a good point. Fighting games difficulty are only as difficult as your opponent. And it's a shame that most fighting game have poor matchmakings matching a lot of total scrubs with higher players.

its not hard, but just wastes time. too much shit to learn and anyone doesnt have so much time

it's a different situation which means you aren't totally prepared to do it in. just gotta keep at it.

>fighting community proceeds to kill VF because it's 2deep4them
muh tekken story

This is why video games becoming accessible was a bad thing. You get shitty people crying about having to learn a few inputs and matchups.

Sounds like the argument some people make when they say getting rich is hard. So they look to decrease the entry of barrier so they can climb easier themselves rather than thinking about the consequences.

it really is sad that vf never took off in the west. i guess it was just not meant to be.

Fighting games are hard existed since the entitled wii kids wanted eveyrthing to be smash brawl simple

I always knew that Sup Forums was full of casual shitters that can't stand a challenge.This confirms it.

Move Dead or Alive higher and Skullgirls lower

How has it taken you this long to realize this

Have you not seen literally every other fighting game thread on Sup Forums since the beginning of time

>+100 moves

What?I love guilty gear and I can play it just fine and im brain dead, not to mention that the plus+100 moves is a lie since characters got like 15

can you do a fireball motion?
tap forward then do a fireball, it's the same as a dp motion

>mfw big brotheru brought home VF4 for our playstation

Not comparable at all but ok shitter.

I see 2 versions of this regularly posted and no matter which one gets posted, people call it the bait version.

Thank you for your service

Thats not exactly true. Anyone can do thise commands with enough practice. What fucks nost people is matchup knowledge and decision making.

It is the reason i dropped Guilty Gear.

Here's the unedited none bait version

This Pic is so fucking outdated and untrue

Fireball, do you mean down to forward? Yeah, I can do that, I think it's just going from the forward motion to the fireball motion fucks up a lot. The character I'm using does the attack using the fireball motion a lot of the time instead of the one that needs the Z motion.

As I said, I've managed to get it fine in training it's just in actual fights I can barely get it out.

seems much more accurate

why didn't VF catch on with the more autistic part of the fighting community? Do people really care that much about having a 2/10 story instead of much better fighting mechanics?