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I can understand normal gambling addiction since at least there's a chance of winning all them money back but this is fucking stupid and inexcusable. I hope he ends up killing himself.
literally sell your account and get some money back
MMOs suck
Friendly reminder that's the people browsing plebbit
Hahaha faggot
Wow, like, I played for a month and dropped it, how the fuck do you ruin your life so much playing a game, and this one specifically, did he really hate to grind that much?
How the fuck did he manage this
yeah, and the wife most likely (like 99% chance) fucked atleast a few guys behind his back, while one of his kids is very likely (50%?) not even his.
might aswell divorce the slut and keep playing.
So explain this to me, Ameritards:
The guy is 16k in debt because he spent 16k on this game?
Does that mean he has LITERALLY zero dollars in savings?
A guy with a wife and kids - and he doesn't have a single fucking dollar in savings?
How is this possible? Is this how Americans live?
Yes tbqh paycheque to paycheque isn't just a meme.
Americans don't live without savings, they live with a negative amount of money..
That's fucking terrifying, maybe you shouldn't have kids if you're that financially unstable?
Where the fuck does the money go
>Cloud so great he makes people bankrupt
So what you want me to feel bad abou this idiot ? hell no, but fuck the scamming gacha shit companies
I fucking hate this gacha system bullshit, if the fucking guy spent even $5 bucks he should get Cloud.
For fucks sake, just let us buy what we want, gacha is total bullshit, I will never play games like this that totally lock your favorite characters behind random chance.
Is this FFBE shit even good? I don't really use my phone for much other than browsing random shit and calls. I've tried a few phone games but they all felt fucking tedious as fuck.
>paycheque to paycheque isn't just a meme
Sure, I've lived paycheck to paycheck for the first two years when I started working.
Can't imagine doing it now.
Are you retarded? There's no chance of winning all the money back. This is literally just gambling.
You don't understand my dude everyone in the country is in debt. Unless you're part of the ultra rich or you actually have the incredible self control it takes to break through the brain washing and not buy things like phones, houses and TVs it will always be that way.
Prices of goods keep going up while wages and job opportunity keep going down. The system is designed very carefully to make us all slaves of debt.
Really? How many mortgage payments can you make if you lose your job tomorrow?
It goes to the Jews user. Or you could be like me and never have any credit or heavy expenses and live day to day like a nomad. 0 debt, 0 fucks given.
Don't play gacha games. You're the cancer killing gaming.
If losing money is fun for you, just actually go gamble at a casino. Bet as much as you can afford to lose, and you have a 45%+ chance to double your money; that's way more than the guaranteed 0% return in gaming.
Are you incapable of reading that guy's post? He says he understands gambling addiction because you CAN win it all back, but this isn't normal gambling because you can NEVER make a profit. You can't turn around and sell your winnings into cold hard cash at some lady behind a counter.
I don't have one? Renting a studio, why should I go so much in debt when I'm going to inherit the house my grandfather build and my parents currently live in?
As for rent - with unemployment benefits included I can live comfortably for about 10 months with no income.
Not American though.
Why is living in America any different than living in Europe in this regard?
I'm from Europe. I have some 60k euro in savings just from slaving away for a couple of years, as a bachelor.
Where does the money go lmao
No, it's retarded gachashit that fucktards like the guy in the OP fall for hook line and sinker. Just like Fire Emblem Heroes and other retarded mobile trash. It's all just about grinding for characters that have a .0001% chance to be obtained. Or you can pay your entire life savings for a 2% chance instead.
People are stupid and buy shit constantly. Literally nonstop.
Welcome to consumerism, the 21st century's cancer
>Not American though.
So you add nothing to this conversation my friend. It is so much worse here.
What a fucking loser.
This makes me view gacha shit in a somewhat positive light if it's gonna keep fucking over imbeciles like the one in the op.
15,800 dollars in debt over a fucking video game. What a goddamn failure.
You don't understand how things work in the US. You're conditioned from childhood to think that debt is normal, and you are actively encouraged to get into debt. Car at 16? Debt for most. Moving out at 18? Debt for almost everyone. Need a new phone? Take a loan. Need a new TV? Take a loan. After all, would you rather be in debt or not have the shiny new toy all your friends have? Being in debt is seen as natural, hell ever heard how they often say "get a job, a wife, and a mortgage"? Not being in debt will actually get you shunned by people around you.
Oh then there's credit score, which by the way DROPS if never incur debt. So you better get your children a credit card at a young age so they can start racking some up, wouldn't want them to have a bad credit score, right?
isn't cancer the 21st century's cancer
I'm an American and I have $80k in savings, and I just got out of college.
I made $10k on the stock market this year. A lot of poor fuckers refuse to get a job that pays well.
>tfw you spent $800 on gacha shit
At least it was over 4 years and I'm not in debt.
I gave up mobage cancer and have 10k saved. I consider it a success.
That's pretty nuts. Guess you don't become a superpower without enslaving your population, huh.
Not to mention the cost of education past high-school.
In most places in the US Minimum Wage is low and Rent is high enough that you're spending 2/3rds or more of it on Rent, and the rest goes to bills. If you're lucky you can eat on it too.
The economy burst a while ago, if you're not in debt from college loans then you're not qualified to flip burgers. This was even more true in 2008 and a few years to follow. The people who graduated highschool in '08 couldn't get work because they were competing with people with degrees for entry level shit jobs. Now those people had an unemployment gap of a few years due to those conditions and are unemployable as a result, unless they accrued 6 digits in debt going to college.
The rush and high from gambling is the same whether you're at a casino or playing a gacha game.
And they're both dangerous to vulnerable guys like OP's pic.
>Tfw you were born stupid and fell for the college meme
$40k debt and no job, thanks Obama.
It's a persons fault themselves. I've never needed credit for anything, is 27 and I've had no need for credit, you can even get school with financial aid that pays for like 80% of it and grants without credit. You just can't buy new cars and houses without it. Just don't be a retard, if you don't need it don't buy it.
College is for the rich and the stupid. Everyone else finds a way to make money first
>when I'm going to inherit the house my grandfather build and my parents currently live in?
Not many people have this option available to them.
>spending that much on an okayish unit
deserved it desu
You mean retards. This dude literally ignored his family and spent all of his money on a mobile game that isn't even fun to play.
Stop trying to defend him like he's some sort of hopeless addict hooked on heroin, he chose to buy this garbage knowing that drop rates in these games is ridiculously low.
This is why we need government regulation for gachas
>if you don't need it don't buy it.
And that's exatly what a lot of people can't seem to understand
I'm pretty sure that not having debt increases your credit score, unless that's a shitty american thing.
Nice roleplay. Still not enough for a house user. But you almost have your downpayment ready. That's when the real debt begins.
Not only the people is in debt.
What the fuck, lads. How do you live like this?
Having a credit card in general will increase your credit but to maximize credit gains you need a certain percentage of it being used. I got a credit card when I was 18 and only used it for bills and such and now I have a damn good credit score. The issue is when people spend more than they can pay back and they end up having to pay a shit load of interest on it.
If you're doing nothing with credit, your credit doesn't move. If you've never done anything with credit, then your score is too low for most places. The only way to build credit to get shit on loan and pay it on time, with interest of course.
>not enough for a house
What the house are you looking at? A good house is a quarter million. That's 1/3rd of the fucking price you neanderthal
>tfw spending $300 a month on vidya and never playing them
Not even gacha shit or mobile games. Just buying games on sale or games I'm afraid will go out of print
>being so fucking stupid you drop thousands of dollars on a video game
And healthcare which means a bad roll of the dice and you are completely fucked by debt forever.
>earned 700€ when started my first job
>still managed to save up at least 50-100€
>earn 2800€ now, save up at least 500 each month
I never took a loan. When I really was in need for money I loaned from very close friends or parents. But never from jews.
Also stop buying shit you don't need or can have for free. Is it American fucking thing to be new phone each year and waste hundreds each month on shitty HM clothes that fall apart after two months?
Not everyone does. It's people who have to have a new car, and a new house, and the newest phone every time they release it, the best package plans, the biggest tv, all electronics, and other bullshit.
There are some Americans who will judge you for driving around in a used junker or in a bicycle, we live in a country populated by mouthbreathers.
It's not even a video game, it's a glorified slot machine
who came up with such a plan?
>consider myself someone that lacks self control
>still haven't been tempted to blow hundreds of dollars on gacha even though I play FFBE and F/GO on my phone
I mean, you can probably tempt me spending $10 here and there, but that's nothing compared to whales.
I don't get how someone can do that. Do they just completely lack foresight?
This may come as a shock, but 1/3rd the price of something is not enough to buy that something.
Maybe if all of you faggots wouldn't buy the most recent memephone, graphics card and want to go on holiday 4 times a year you wouldn't be a million dollars in debt.
This is unironically my life. Luckily I'm finally making a decent living by becoming a construction worker instead of a programmer like I wasted money going to school for.
Still have 20 years on my mortgage though.
If you pay everything as soon as it hits your card you won't get interest. But I bet that doesn't raise your score as much.
What a fucking loser.
It's because it's a dopamine response.
Humans are conditioned to feel good when they do something well.
>I'm 14 or a manchild and have no idea how purchasing a house works
>minimum wage is low
>minimum wage
>is low
I'm sorry, but if you can work at McDonald's for $15/hr and that's enough money to pay rent and feed your family, then where is the incentive to be anything other than a burger flipper? Minimum wage is a thing because these jobs are ones that can be done by brainless high school kids looking for some extra cash to buy weed and video games.
I understand that our system isn't perfect, and that not all burger flippers are retards, but God damn. If all I have to do to live is flip burgers I'll quit the stressful job I have now and go do that shit instead.
Lazy whiney little fucks.
Set a budget for games and stick to it.
And that's why you play FFRK instead of FFBE, since it's by far the superior version
If you spend money on games to get fun, isnt that the same as spending money IRL to get fun?
16k is of course much, but if you spent that on cocaine, would that actually make a difference?
Yeah, people are retarded. I have like 50k in liquid savings and 30k invested after just two years after college. I had about 5k total all in my bank account back when I worked hourly jobs, but that was STILL more than most people I knew. For whatver reason, people just don't save money. They eat at restaurants every day, they buy new cars every few years, and they rent places that cost more than half their wages/salary. It's fucking retarded how high many people put their standards for comort and convenience when they don't have the income to back it up. The vast majority of plebs money problems by them just not buying shit they don't need.
>A good house is a quarter million
My fucking sides!
Where do you live? The middle of nowhere?
Average house where I am from is 1.2 million.
Invest some into crypto while you can.
No, you're still a retard but at least you'll die by snorting 16K of coke. This guy actually passed on his retard genes to his kids.
Not really, if you gamble you are forcing your system to make dopamine. Cocaine in the other hand is an external substance thats highly addictive. 2 different kinds of addictions.
>He thinks working part time at McDonalds is enough to pay rent AND feed a family
No one is saying minimum wage is enough to feed a family. It's supposed to be enough to pay rent on a one bedroom, pay bills, and feed you with a little left over for saving. It's also what you'll be making in most uneducated entry-level positions, and will be making for a few years before seeing any potential growth.
>a good house is a quarter million
That's a shack or "starter home".
You can a literal mansion for less than that in most American cities. But you're probably from an area like California and not being a good goyim servant is offensive to you.
Minimum wage used to be high enough that you could comfortably save money and put yourself through college, buy a car, etc. To do that nowadays you'd have to either live with your parents or be poor as fuck and hope you picked a good degree to get yourself a real job with. The problem is that somewhere along the way someone decided that minimum wage should just be "beer money" and not enough to actually pay for anything.
The assumption behind this logic is that you eventually move up from minimum wage work, but if you had any reading comprehension and understood the implications behind the post you're replying to, you would understand that moving up from minimum wage isn't something that everyone gets to do.
People who were unlucky enough to be graduating from high school in 2008 when the economy imploded and didn't go into retarded college debt are unemployable. They should feel lucky and grateful to even get minimum wage.
Is this a redditor? Link me the post so I can laugh at him lmao
I just played FF 15 instead and got jewed out of 60 bucks instead of 16k.
>they rent places that cost more than half their wages/salary
Seeing as the cheapest one bedrooms in most places fit that criteria, I'm going to assume you saved your money whilst living at home. Not everyone can bum off their parents for living expenses while they build up initial assets.
You gotta keep baby boomers and jews rich, somehow? They don't see you as human and see you only as a resource anyway. Don't rock the boat, get in line and do as you are told.
IIRC there was a research or something this or last year that said around 80% of americans live with less than 1k dollars in savings.
it's pretty insane,
I hate microtransactions as much as the next guy but please stop making up these fake stories
>Playing final fantasy
>Playing final fantasy on a phone
>Paying money to play final fantasy on a phone
>Paying money for random rolls in final fantasy on a phone
>Having a wife and kids
>Having a phone
>Posting on reddit
>Being addicted to gacha games
>Spent $16.000 on virtual pixels
>Not even waifus, a spiky haired soldier
>Announcing to the world that you spent $16.000 just for a chance to get Cloud
>Playing gacha games
>you will never be this cucked
knowing reddit cucks they probably shower him with upvotes, gold and probably someone already want to donate to him
>calling mobage a game
I was hoping he had lost his life to an MMO or something but no, he fucking lost his life to a FUCKING PHONE GAME
ITT: Calfornians and Washingtonians think everyone has overpriced houses
This concept of bumming off your parents outstands me. In every other country I believe your parents would be glad to help you get your feet together in college and after and to be there as a support web of sorts, but in the US they just kick you out and leave you to the wolves as soon as you turn 18. Why is US culture like this?
think of it as heroin addiction. some people's brains really get that addicted and always just needs that next hit. it's not about logic or rationality at that point.
much like drug abuse itself gambling addiction is most often about underlying mental/emotional problems that are alleviated by what they're addicted to. that's why normal people can't really "relate" to addicts.
>Whale account
>"I will not get to beat Marlboro"
I call bullshit, you can cheese it very easily with well-geared chainers