This meme needs to die

This meme needs to die.

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>[Autistic screeching] in the distance

I play arm race all the time, I'd like this.

Protip: If it includes the word "might", "could have" , or "possibly" then the article is bullshit


where's gun game mode instead you sacks of fuck

best news all week

People have found console commands related to this, it's going to happen.

There is a shit ton of in game files already showing this.

Actually there are tons of files in csgo updates that points to this kind of mode


pretty sure that there are plenty of hl1 mods that do similar shit.

Valve ripping shit off, gee, what a shocker!!

Gun game is somehow like that.

Source can't handle maps that big.

can the source engine even handle more than 32 players on a server? lol

>battle royale on source engine

lmao it'll be the worst one out there
the source engine blows when you have more than 12 people on a server

It can

in the game since release? retardinho.

Yes. I think 128 player servers are the biggest that I've seen. no idea how well it works though.

Seriously. PUBG needs better protection laws.

Nah, fuck 'em. They just jacked the idea from ARMA servers running a Battle Royale custom gamemode.

Valve do tend to attach themselves to multiplayer trends and the whole battle royale thing must have blindsided them with how popular it became
Probably the reason they're making a card game now too

I'm really looking forward to 12 people battleroyal on tiny maps

actually looking forward to this since the aiming in CS is far better than in PUBG


the guy that made the mod in ARMA is behind PUBG too, fucktard.

LOL what, that's literally all they do.

>see a popular mod having success
>either buy out the dev team behind it or just straight up make a copy of it
>sell it with added cosmetics

they've been doing this since before 2000.

>the guy that made the mod in ARMA is behind PUBG too, fucktard.
Sounds like theft to me, kid.

So finally they will use a Big map?

but it's literally the same person that made a FREE mod in ARMA that took his idea and..oh wait, you're either retarded or just trolling, so theres no point.


>tfw only fps I play is cs since 1.5
>friends force me to buy pubg because it's "AMAZING"
>install it
>it's fucking garbage
>aim is shit, recoil is shit, weapons are shit, map is.. ok prolly needs some getting used to
>really feels like a bad kickstarter game in alpha state despite being out for 6 months

>battle royale finally coming to a game with proper mechanics

>the guy that made the mod in ARMA is behind PUBG too, fucktard.
He was also behind H1Z1 so Sony legally owns the genre because he worked for them on contract.

>proper mechanics

Can source2 even handle a large map, even a medium map

You know this could work. Remove the shitty looting and have it so you buy guns on the plane. Then you earn money from kills. You can buy new guns at any time but they are air dropped in adding an element of risk.

This set up absolutely punishes people who just hide because they wont have any good guns or armor and heavily encourages players to actually find each other if not to take their guns than just for the money.

The Source engine fucking sucks nowadays. This won't work out.

Valve is probably outsourcing it too.

>mfw I steal my own ideas

>proper mechanics

lmao look at this retarded valvefanboy

>battle royale on the fucking source engine
I wonder what wizardry they're going to pull off to make it work without feeling like complete ass

Valve being uncreative jobbers as per usual.

Would be pretty different with all hitscan though. Probably worse. H1Z1 and PUBG are both projectiles for all weapons. Fortnite was hitscan for everything except for sniper/RL so it's really easy to get shots off with the AR. I imagine that if they refuse to change numbers, which they probably won't because this is Valve, the AWP would be cancer if it's random spawns and non-limited.

CSGO is being ported to Source 2

It belonged to Bohemia Interactive the moment he published that mod. The EULA says as much.

you realize PUBG is a direct copy of H1Z1 king of the hill?


>aim is shit
You mean the bullets actually go where you point and not off to the top left for no reason?
>recoil is shit
You mean dynamic recoil instead of predictable line that can be easily abused?
>weapons are shit
Why? Because you can't have a le epic skin and C9 sticker xd


Captcha: JEWSON Corners

source 2 is still going to be garbage

>Get to third and fourth year of Uni
>All my classes are repeating themselves in content
>All the professors spend 30+ minutes on "self plagiarism."
>Give no reason not to do it besides "I said so"
>Give no good excuse why it is bad
>Never explain how it hurts us academically besides "it does"

Shit pissed me off so fucking much because my views on the shit haven't changed even worse was when history was involved. Its still just regurgitating facts you fucking whores. The dates this shit happened haven't changed. I can only say X happened in year Y so many different ways.

>Battle Royale on an okayish engine
Carefully optimistic

How many games run on Souce 2? Just DOTA 2? I wish there was a way to gauge how much better it is than the modern Source 1.

Just go to any Gmod server.

Can't wait for future articles like:
>Battelfield 5 will feature a PUBG-style battle royal mode
>the new COD will feature a PUBG-style battle royal mode
>Overwatch's latest patch will include a PUBG-style battle royal mode

H1 and PUB are very similar but Fortnite plays way differently

You base that statement off of what

>it could have been an Alien Swarm BR game
>with a huge planet surface and various bases scattered around
>and rapidly encroaching bugs and mutants as the danger zones
>players could hunt each other for supplies or try to bunker down and make a safe area
>all while battling against attrition
Instead you get another shitty CS title.

>He still thinks EULA's mean anything

>PUBG but your aim actually matters
Seems interesting, at least they'd give a shit enough to implement PROPER FUCKING NETCODE AND HIT DETECTION

their maps arent even large tho

Valve is already trying to enter the virtual card game market, I could see them going further down the rabbit hole for a few shekels more.

How about a new Tribes battle royale game

This is honestly a good thing. The PUBG people think they can charge $30 for their unoptimized shitpile, and then have the gall to assume ownership of the genre. The more people knocking off their game mode, the better.

You can't stream sci-fi dipshit, where's the money in that? You think people do this shit for their love for the game?

>Battle Royale is the new MOBA


>but your aim actually matters

the fact that source and source 2 are still just heavily modified goldsrc engines

source 2 is not going to be some magical fix-all engine
its gonna be trash compared to modern standards

This, it's only a matter of time before Valve hops on this retarded hype train.

I would play this.

Dota2 which is garbage and running on Source2 right now.

Could be worse.

How much is player unknown SEETHING right now?

>open world
>battle royal

I want off this ride

>it's going to happen
Remember all those HL3 folders and data files people found in the Source SDKs over the years? Totally happening.

If you heavily modify something then its a completely different thing you dolt

And again you know nithing about source 2 to say its trash compared to modern standards

it's how trends work user, you jump on the train if you want to make a quick buck

The asspain is immense, I assure you. Can't wait to see the player count drop while they desperately attempt to fix their game.

I'd like to see the Playerunknown faggot talk shit to Gaben like he did the Fortnite guys. He'd be roundhoused in the chest through a plate glass door faster than he can say "donut steel"

look at dota2
dota2 runs on source 2
its shit

That's like saying UE4 is trash because it traces back to UE back in 1995

UE4 is pretty bad
Name 2 good games that run on it

>your favourite franchises next game is now battle royal

>Not just playing on community servers anyways

Nope it runs fine

who fucking cares it plays worse

Kingdom Hearts III. Uuuuuhhhh Fortnite.

Valve is allowed to steal whatever they want, because their products have inspired all sorts of games. If Valve did not exist, half these indie fucks wouldn't have had a base to build from. They'd just be wallowing in their own feces.

Runs fine=/=good engine

you can't call a game good if its not even releaed you mongoloid

>pubg style
whats wrong with just 64 man deathmatch? why the autism of spending 20 minutes gathering stuff to get backstabbed?

The gameplay has nothing to do with the engine. Dota 2 sucks because it's a shit game.

>Quality of the game = Quality of the engine
At this point I'm not sure if you even know what an engine is

this meme is in the process of dying, and its obvious.

>implying KH3 won't be GOTY
UE4 is too new to cherry pick good games.

How the fuck would it even work? FFA with one life? They would need to design a map like 5 times the size of normal maps.
Again, there would need to be so many new systems like healing, or lootable armor/helmets, or ammo.

It seems pointless for Valve to do themselves, waste of resources. They could just make a BR as a new IP.

it's only going to get bigger

It needs a FFA mode

Deathmatch is stupid since scores are individual, there's no reason to be on a team.

>Metal Gear Survive one is trend behind
>next Metal Gear: Royalé

prediction: valve makes a half-assed BR mode and then never does anything with it because nobody wants to work on it, patches break it more and more.

Hahaha fuck you. You're probably right so fuck you

Not that bad honestly.

Dota2 was always garbage tbf

Why do you people have a problem with one game mode/genre leaking over to other game franchises? This exactly how trends work. Are you all crying when a lot of games have a CTF gamemode? Or a deathmatch gamemode? Why would you have a problem with a battle royale mode in CS:GO?

>implying the single part-time dev can even make a small bomb defuse map with 12 players on the server function correctly

nope, some functions like a UI not made in flash are being backported to it, thats it.