>yfw Sup Forums actually thought they could kill EA a few weeks ago
Meanwhile in the real world
Nah, every EA game will be a success if normies and star wars are concerned.
They were already selling the game at $60 a pop. I don't really see how any of that extra stuff was necessary.
>second best selling game in November
>when no games were releasing
>massive success
Is that why you used a nonsensical metric "second best selling game of November" and not that it sold like 60% of what the first one did
yeah sure, its first week/month was pathetic and it somehow hasn't matched the lifetime sales of nier automata, a yoko taro game while abusing the star wars license when a star wars movie is coming out
utter fucking disaster it can't even use its own P2W mechanics anymore
We are just laughing at their retardation, they will never go away we might aswell enjoy what we can get.
They have to fuck up in impossible ways to dissapear. They never will, it's almost impossible at this point for AAA companies to die
>second biggest
what the fuck else released in november
Where do people even get game sales figures from? It seems like studios never release them unless they have a huge hit and want to gloat and even then they don't keep that updated unless it hits another huge milestone
Not only that they put even more micro transaction in their next game Called UFC3
What was the number 1 game in November?
Only normie, cucks and numales care about Star Wars, no wonder its a success.
>Sup Forums
it was reddit you retard. they're the ones sperging out over this shit. people here mostly pirate games anyway, so they couldn't give less of a fuck.
That doesnt make it a massive success. It's the same as saying that FFXV was a massive success just because it sold 5m+. Sure it sold a lot, but I doubt it was worth the budget.
In battlefront's case it is even worse considering that the first game sold much more than the second.
The guy who wrote that is so fucking deep in EA's pockets that it is actually sickening.
How can anyone with half a brain write something like that?
a)it wasn't a 'massive success' if you compare it to its predecessor, which is the measure you should use
b)it's not even a 'massive success' in his own metric, since it's only the SECOND BEST sold in November for a triple A game. (outsold by what? The least hyped CoD? Nioh for PC?).
c) How is there a severe disconnect between critics and fans when the user score of the game has literally reached rock bottom (literally any site), while the critic scores are generally mild?
This guy is literally braindead, holy fuck. How do their editors allow this kind of garbage through?
>Sup Forums thinks it's relavant
Sorry boys, it's 2017 reddit is what gets stuff done these days
Call of Duty WW2
This is what shilling looks like
> How do their editors allow this kind of garbage through?
It's only value is getting clickbait for ads then.
you will be damned surprised how many normies defended the fucking game!
>but you don't have to buy the extra stuff
>on it's own it is a great game
man, wish I could find the posts and screenshot them.
>This guy is literally braindead, holy fuck. How do their editors allow this kind of garbage through?
These articles are just glorified adverts that try to masquerade as a news piece behind a thin veil. Anyone with even two brain cells (minimum requirement for brain activity) can see that this guy is a shill getting paid some EA bucks.
average Sup Forumstard ramblings
As a girl, is it weird I don't like star wars games?
>as a girl
Shit's fucked. What else is new?
>Despite controversy, the game was the second-best selling game of November - the biggest month of game sales all year.
Yeah, narrow it all to a month.
>Strong sales of BF2 demonstrate the disconnect between critics and fans
You mean people that called out bullshit business practices and morons that will throw money at any garbage just because it's painted the way they like.
>Sup Forums actually thought
more like reddit's delusional tools
As a sci-fi fan, is it weird I don't like star wars in general?
>well argumented opinion
>Sup Forumstard ramblings
I don't think they are the same thing user
>biggest month of game sales
Nothing else released November except for call of duty though.
what arguments
As a nerd, is it weird that I've never seen Star Wars?
Star Wars is barely scifi.
Its science fantasy, like LotR in space settings.
>delusional stock market shill trying to discredit that the game is a massive flop that sold worse than it's flop predecessor
I thought they said it sold under 1m copies lmao
Nobody in their right mind thought this would kill EA but it DID get the point across and put them in a lot of hot water with Disney. It sent a message to them and other devs/publishers that enough people are tired of this shit and if they keep pushing it, it will bring them down eventually. From here on out, it's going to make anybody think twice about how they try to nickel and dime the consumers with lootbox bullshit.
You mean to tell me a star wars product sold well?
One of the most popular ip's in the world?
Something that literally every normie knows about and virtually worships?
Oh and it's owned by disney.
Of fucking course it sold well, there is no possible way for it to not sell.
In parallel universes it sells well.
It's also exactly because it's literally the most well known ip on the planet that the loot box shit going on in it is getting everyone's attention.
You say that as if all of Tomino's shows aren't also rife with mysticism.
>slash price by 40-50%
>release it in fucking November with most people buying this AND COD
>"I-i-it's a success you see? Y-you can safely buy more, goy."
We did it Sup Forums, we fucking did it.
Don't forget it released near the newest SW film, further boosting sales significantly just by association.
EA really wants to be aloof and indifferent to the failure of this game lol
How can anyone ever take their shit seriously EVER again, after we found out they outright told investors, "removing the entire paid DLC economy of our newest AAA game won't impact our bottom line at all"? You can't tell your investors something like that while pretending to your customers that you just HAD to make all that paid DLC to "fund development"
>According to The NPD Group, "Battlefront 2" topped sales of "Assassin's Creed Origins" and "Super Mario Odyssey" — two of the biggest launches of the year. It also topped so-called "evergreen" blockbusters like "FIFA 18" and "Madden 18." It's not clear how many copies of "Battlefront 2" were sold
>it sold above everything
>we don't know how much it sold
>second best selling
>a broad appeal Star Wars game
>with only two other big budget games coming out in the same month
Maybe if it was made by some indie developer or some shit. Not being #1 by a wide margin should be a massive failure for EA an co.
>normies are retarded
what else is new?
you can't stop this bullshit with impotent outrage, only with legislation.
NPD gives rankings, but no numbers, so judging based on NPD results like the mong in OP's picture is stupid
If it sold so well, show us the numbers.
sold 60% less than the first one, gg
Also a month before the release of a new Star Wars film.
How come the congress still hasn't passed the bill to jail anybody who makes a game that I don't like, anyway? Fucking useless country.
No it means you like sci-fi.
The first sold like 15 million haha retard
And that still makes this one a failure haha mongoloid
Nope, EA made millions, stock is going up, and Battlefront 3 is in development
stay mad champ
I'm sure EA is happy selling less products than the previous year, that's how companies like to operate. Always sell less than the last time. kek
>couldn't even break 10million
>for a star wars game
>one month before a new star wars movie
>some faggot thinks that's good
Are you this mentally challenged that you don't recognize arguments when they are written out?
>his comparison is shit, because it makes more sense to compare it to the predecessor
This is an argument
>it's doesn't agree with his own reasoning, because it's still not the best sold game of a single month, even though it had an enormous budget and lot of marketing
this is also an argument
I will let you figure out the third one all by yourself. See it as homework.
can we talk about the fact the first one was actually pretty f*n?
everyone look at me i am a small child posting on Sup Forums haha
This game will be a Christmas present for millions, see you in 2019 when Battlefront 3 comes out :)
>you have to be a child to enjoy a good straightforward no nonsense fps
Yeah, it might even reach 61% sales of the previous game. Good for EA, I'm sure Disney is very happy with their performance right now. have fun with those 2cents pahjeet.
>New star wars movie comes out
>People feel urge to buy a shitty game
Amerifats are a mistake.
I tried searching for a game today and I literally couldn't find anything
As a Twi'lek, is it weird that I never got into Star Wars?
you are fucking retarded it sold 11 mill over its life and it was 60% of its OPENING WEEK retard it sold less then 1 mill you are a failure shill
If anything the movie should've put people off the game.
people who hated lootboxes werent the ones buying them anyway. The vast majority of lootboxes are bought by a small fraction of whales
As in feminist?
what are the sales then? Usually they give out a real number and not just "it's selling well guys! suck it! XDD" unless they're bullshitting or intentionally telling false information to make themselves look better
back to pol
Literally fucking nothing has come out basically all year so this isn't saying much. SWBF2 still made EA lose what, 7 billion in stock value?
>business insider
>same site that said Switch won black friday
it was maybe the most repetitive shit ever. very few maps, all the guns are essentially a variation of the starting gun, shitty space battle mode. only decent thing about it was the hero and guards mode.
>2nd best selling game in November
Ok, so what came out in November except Battlefront 2?
Literaly nothing, no wonder it was 2nd best selling with rereleases of older games and just Call of Duty WW2 in the first place. What a great achievement in such month.
Calling a product a success is simply marketing 101 because sheep like to buy popular shit.
Don't believe their lies. Being the 2nd best selling game of a single month says nothing, especially when that month was devoid of any good game releases.
>Hooray, we are making less money than before!
Said no company ever.
I hope you're aware that games like this are bought by people who wouldn't still be aware of that shitstorm even if it was 10 times bigger
Moms buying this for their kids and kids themselves don't even know anything about the game besides it having Star Wars on the cover
Of course that's the last name of Activision's CEO, why the fuck am I not surprised?
The game sold 20% of what ww2 did and ea's financial forecasters have decreased the sales estimates for the game from 16 million to we million. Bare in mind this is lifetime sales, not to mention with microtransactions off for the time being ea is missing into the wind. Upkeep and patches for the game costs money and microtransactions aren't there right now to recoup the cost of the dlc plans.
here's a real article for ya
>EA couldn't get original voice actors
Lets be honest with the star wars movie and battlefront game failing Star Citizen will easily over throw Star Wars as the go to space opera franchise.
>very few maps
dumb meme
>all the guns are essentially a variation of the starting gun
but they aren't
who the fuck cares anyway? does having 50 million maps make it a better shooter? no, it doesn't.
The game is great. I don't get why people hate it that much. I love lootboxes, so do most people. Just the loudest are the ones who are complaining (and are poorfags who aren't important people anyway).
Star Wars is a fantasy story set in space. It's not Sci-Fi. Star Trek is the baseline for if you like Sci-Fi.
tits or gtfo
I didn't watch the OT until 2012. I'm convinced if it wasn't a visual spectacle when it was new and everyone else didn't watch it as kids, it wouldn't have its religious like love.
Disney, FOX, CNN, VIACOM, Activision, EA, and just about any media corporation has them, it's no coincidence or "bad decisions" that they made Luke Skywalker, the hero that got his arc in Star Wars, a pushover dumb nobody in the new movie in the brave new world we live in.
Being aware is the best weapon everyone can have.
HRT hasn't kicked in yet, give me a couple months.
That's why RIP Criterion and Dice.
Star Wars face value as a franchise finally plummeted because of pure greed, how pottery
>The Dark Side is seductive. It's faster and easier, he said
>whites yet again support a series full of niggers and feminism
We deserve to be exterminated as a race. I give up.
>obvious bait detected
Aha, cool story. Now go back to your sandbox Bobby, don't forget to finish your homework before watching bed-time cartoon.
keep repeating this garbage. it's not "fantasy". it's a well defined genre called space opera. and it has a good number of sci-fi elements. they are not as fleshed out as anything in star trek but they are there.