Play fighting games

Play fighting games.

I’m playing Persona 4 Arena. How do I get good at fighting games?

>Play finghting games NOT from capcom
There we go

What do I start with? The shitshow that is SFV utterly killed my drive to play them, or even watch them.

I am. I'm playing Tekken 7. I'm also in mourning after Team Ninja killed DoA live on stream. Please be respectful.

I play Blazblue and Under Night

I do, but just single player mode Arcade.

I'd rather play with her titties desu

i actually just got back into SFV
kicking some butt as Bison and Kolin.
i wanna pick up a waifu though, but they seem generally harder to play.

oh and every day i get this urge to buy a copy of Marvel Infinite.

i am also looking forward to the 30th collection thingie.


Why are all females in fighting games hyper sexualized? Always found it to be silly

GG looks really fun and I love the style but I hear it's really, really hard. I bought SFV now that it was on sale to get used to the genre, the most I've done is play against CPUs in emulators.

Is 21 a babymaker like 18?

why is paizuri so great

because fighting games live or die based on how cool/sexy their characters are

any pron with her?

Just play for 10 years on a 4+ hours daily basis

I'm burnt out from SFV and waiting for DBFZ which looks really cool

Imagine you're looking at a character elect screen. Who are you more likely to pick, fat hambeast or the cool, sexy girl? Goes back to the days when arcade games had to be attractive to get people to put quarters in them

I will once FighterZ comes out.

MVC and SF are great series though

I am

Because there's literally no other reason to play

> Team Ninja killed DoA live on stream.
Wait wat?

But i'm bad at playing fighting games.


It's a videogame, chill the fuck up.

Well video games target audience used to be males. At some point developers were tricked into thinking otherwise. Also most (good) fighting games are from Japan who just don't give a damn

Give me a mommy gf and I'll go downtown buy a stick/pad and a fighting game RIGHT NOW.

play UMK3 you fucking pussies.

I just found tekken 7 for $30 so I'm going to start playing it again on ps4. Didn't want to play on pc because it's been a while so I'd get thrashed. Maybe this time I'll play enough to figure out drags f3 cancell

Anyone else yellow ranking in tekken 7?

They killed DoA. I will never play fighting games again

Don't buy fighting games on PC anyway.

It still has a decent amount of players surprisingly. I'm just scared that the ones that are still around are hardcore as fuck which means I'll get curb stomped. So I'm going to shit on Christmas kids instead.

I do, sometimes.

literally playing them right now you stupid sexy enormously endowed whore
you're not the boss of me

Guilty Gear's not too tough. Xrd was one of my first attempts to really get into a fighting game, seeing as I had just played them here and there without investing myself in the past, and it's really not too hard to get into. There are some really difficult characters, but there are also plenty of characters that are easy to pick up and learn without much trouble, and though there are a good number of subsystems that can seem overwhelming, you don't need to worry too much about them unless you're at a high level of play.

But I am. Fighting EX Layer beta.

>3 wins 40 losses

When do things improve

It's an easy way to make them visually appealing, and having a good character design is especially important in a fighting game. The best fighting game girls are just cute or cool though.

ded game
it hurts

i myself am a former pro fighting game player


Character design is the most important thing in fighting games. They're played in arcades, so 95% of the people playing don't give a fuck about whatever the character's stories are or the lore of the game. They see the character select screen from an extremely shallow point of view, so the characters need to be visually interesting to inspire you enough to play it.

Given that the characters are fighting, they're most likely going to be extremely fit. Sex sells, so they're sexualized. You get the perfect combination which is why all of the girls are top tier.


>Bloody Roar

leave fgg

I mained Rufus in SF4

> mvc2 below mvc3
> guilty gear below most games
> tekken in bottom tier

my sides

I'd rather play with her titties, would she be cool with that?

Pretty accurate


Only if you agree to be her surrogate son

The best part about this pic is that whoever edited it didn't change the text on any of the tiers. No SF game has 100+ moves, but it's still there from the Tekken description. Pure bait kino.


That make no sense. Baiken would be a horrible mother and a child would just get in the way of her trying to get revenge.

Sounds about right to me, whats the problem?

There is no reason to have a female in a fighting game if they are not sexualized. This is objective fact.


because it's hot
i like looking at girls who are hot rather than girls who are not hot
are you fucking stupid?
of course you are

Which is why she would want a son already grown up who could take care of himself.
In reality you'd be more of a pet for her to cuddle with than a child for her to raise

Gen has 120+ moves
Meanwhile no on in tekken actually has 100+ unique moves

Fighting games.

She's extremely anti-social and even if she wanted an adult to cuddle then she would just go to Anji rather than adopting a stranger. And that's a big if.

>fighting games
>smash bros

How am I wrong? Whats the point of having non attractive females in a genre that is more oriented towards males than any other in a medium of entertainment made by men for men? Do you think skullgirls would exist if people wanted that boring shit?

They can be attractive without being sexualized. Not that I have a problem with them being sexualized, but it's not a prerequisite for a good character design. One of the more popular character designs form Skullgirls is Peacock who doesn't have a sexual design at all.

>Fighting game

I mean it's fun sure but it's just a party game. Also competitive is boring as fuck to watch.

>not sexual

I mean, it's the same exact thing with guy characters, most of them are studs and chads, fighting games do live and die by their characters after all. So most companies will go for sexy, handsome, beautiful characters that are generally appealing to most people, and then make the zany fringe characters after to be unique. Like having a kangaroo be a fighter

The meta itself it's pretty boring, but Melee at it's core is fun to watch, I think.

I find fighting game tournaments almost as boring to watch as csgo and moba shit.


based Nippon

fuck you, every time I see pics of her I want to search for some good R34
but it's all shit
it's so unpleasant

Play Under Night In-Birth Exe Late [st]

I'm already on it

i love you japan you are the savior of video games

>all characters are sexualized
>see only the girls

Well, it's obvious we know what kind of people you hang out with, user.

Sure, and I'm not saying there's a problem with that, but not every character has to be sexualized to be good and not every character is sexualized to be good. A girl could be cute or cool instead in some way without showing any skin, a man could do the same, and they could both do it without being the token weird character. Even characters taht are sexy can be good for more than jsut the fact that they're sexualized. There's plenty of people who just like Baiken because she has big tits, but I personally would like her even if she was completely covered up because she's cool and has a lot more going on than just being sexy. I'm not suggesting that sexualized charcaters are automatically poorly designed, but I don't think that a charcater need to be sexualized to be well designed either. Even beyond that, I think it would make the cast less appealing overall if they were all just sexualized instead of each of them being well designed in their own way, some being cool, some being cute, some being weird or whatever else. Also, I would say that a character can be beautiful or conventionally attractive without being sexualized.



See, it's interesting you bring up Baiken's being revealing, because that doesn't seem overtly sexy to me in her ingame look. It reminds me more of a banchou look, or just being moe rough and uncaring how her clothes fall. Like it's not really important

just stop talking

I don't know what you're implying but I don't like it.

I agree, but it's clear a lot of people just like her because she has big tits.


because fighting game players are usually higher test than average video game players, and they want to see titty monsters.

The girl you're posting, along with the pic you posted look retarded.

I'm kinda disappointed in myself for not being able to get gud at GG. I'm just really fucking bad and I've spent a little less than 3 years trying to improve but i really just suck ass and can't deal with pressure at all. I'm kind of a lost cause and that shit is hard to get over.

I was looking into other fighters but honestly none of them seems appealing to me.

She's not retarded.

I've played many fighters casually but Tekken 7 was the first one I invested more into and to me if anything it looks retarded how every male character is buff and then half of the cast is 0 muscle females who are just as strong.

>100+ moves
Pick one

Yes, and? Everyone as some stupid reason for picking a character. Maybe they wear their favorite color, or have 1 funny move.

This is the way I've always seen Baiken as well. Just a badass who doesn't give a fuck. It's also why she's my favorite Guilty Gear character. I've always liked that character type. Oppai is nice but in Baiken's case there is more to it than just being sexualized. At least that's what I think.

Then stop posting pictures of her where she looks retarded

TN announced they're done with DOA5, done with the tournament scene, and moving on to 'other things'. It was like a freakin' wake after they said it.

I like how you can't fathom the idea that people might like an attractive busty girl for being an attractive and busty
are you a gay dude or a girl?

She's cute, not retarded.

I'd like to, but:
A scene is literally nonexitant here, West Germany is pure FIFA/CoD dudebro land, there's just absolutely nobody who plays.
Also I'm not autistic enough to practice alone in training mode/vs ai for hours a day.
I love watching fighting games though, it's pretty cool stuff.